View Full Version : Hi Fi Fo Fum

19-04-2019, 06:46
Audiophilia 1959 style


28-04-2019, 09:24
Enjoyed that, thanks for posting.

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01-05-2019, 19:31
Excellent! Typically gentle British teasing of the audio fanatic; the scene of the enthusiasts constantly moving their chairs to get the best sense of stereo were a good natured send up.

It reminded me of the old Flanders and Swan 'A Song of Reproduction': https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiLtqDnhfvhAhV0oXEKHYF-CekQyCkwAHoECAwQBQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D7f JmmDkvQyc&usg=AOvVaw33Xxo2tcxXYMH0rnsy02wt

I had a little gramaphone
I wind it round and round
And with a sharpish needle
It made a cheerful sound

And then they amplified it
It was much louder then
And to sharpened fibre needles
to make it soft again

Today for reproduction
I'm as eager as can be
Count me among the faithful fans
of high-fi-de-li-ty
High fidelity
Hi-fi's the thing for me

with an LP disc and an FM set
and a corner reflex cabinet
High frequency range
Complete with autochange
All the highest notes
Like a sharp norflat
The ear can't hear as high as that
Still I ought to please any passing bat
With my high fidelity

"Who made this circuit up for you anyway?
You bought it in a shop?!
Ooh what a horrible shoddy job they fobbed you off with
Surprised they let you have it in this room anyway
the acoustics are all wrong
If you raise the ceiling four feet
Put the fireplace from that wall to that wall
You'll still only get the sterophonic effect if you sit at the bottom of that cupboard
I see you've got your negative feedback coupled in with you push-pull input/output
Take that across through ya red-in pick-up to ya tweeter
If you're modding more than 8
You're gonna get 'wow' on ya top
Try to bring that down through your preamp rumble filter through ya woofer
What'll ya get?
Flatter on ya bottom"

High fidelity
FFRR for me
I've an opera here that you shan't escape
on miles and miles of recording tape
High decibel gain
Is easy to obtain
With the tone control at a single touch
'Bel Canto' sounds like 'Double Dutch'
Then I never did care for music much
It's the High Fidelity


Nice to see all those old Garrard and Collaro TTs, as well as the Quad amps and Tannoy Canterbury speakers. :)

To be honest, the mid '60s was when I became interested in hi-fi and stereo. The father of a school chum of mine had all that sort of gear (actually it was Leak valve amplification and Wharfedale SFB speakers), but to my 12 year old ears it sounded fantastic, and much better than my parent's Philips radiogram.