View Full Version : Phono stage for Sugden A21

Clint H
24-03-2019, 13:52
HI All.

I have a Sugden A21 with a built in phono stage & it's very good. However, like a lot of folks on here I imagine, i'm looking to improve the sound from my vinyl & am looking for a decent separate MM phono stage. I have had a demo of the Rothwell Rialto & Sonneteer Sedley which were both very good & the Rothwell suited my ears better, sounded really good on the home demo. Just wondering if there are any fellow A21 users on here who have found a phono stage that "works" well with the A21. My deck is a Rega RP6 with a Nagaoka MP200 & I prefer a musical sound to an analytical one. Cheers people. Oh yes, budget up to £1000 & wont be going the MC route just yet, love the MP200 toooooooo much.

24-03-2019, 17:21
Rega Fono MM or Fono MC if you fancy going down the MC route.

An Audio Technica AT-F2 + Fono MC is a great combination for less than many MMs.

Clint H
25-03-2019, 11:22
HI David

Thanks for that suggestion. I've heard the Rega Aria phono a couple of times & thought it was very good. I have found a couple of second hand Aria's so may give one a go. The Rothwell Rialto for £378 was quite superb, amazing SPPV in my opinion. Thanks again.