View Full Version : Phonomac SP10 and PMAT-1010 + Rebuilt Kontrapunkt b in use at Kegworth.

18-03-2019, 14:02
I've been on the road again, and crossing another HiFi orientated social event off the 2019 Calendar.
2019 is the year for me of no purchases, enjoying what I have and investigating interfaces throughout the system, using the beg, borrow, steal philosophy.
I've settled up on the latest Turntable/Tonearm/Cartridge aquisition, all a overspill from 2018,
Ahh, you thought I had tripped up so soon, and was off on a spend up again :scratch:
On Saturday morning my usual military attitude to logistics was scuppered, I had a van on hire, which had been picked up for me on Friday.
Friday night was not spent pondering, looking into the cargo space in the van, with thumb and index finger stroking the chin, creating a valuable plan to keep ones equipment secure for the journey to Kegworth.
Friday night was spent running round, blaming my beautiful spouse for loosing half my HiFi Kit :lol:
I honestly had not used the HiFi system since October/November last year, I had started dismantling the set up, under the dillusion, I was going to have my wall shelves installed for the December Holidays.
I could not recall where much of the cables and small supporting ancillaries were.
I was standing in the room, staring aimlessly, just trying to work out where I could have buried it.
On to Saturday, 5.30am, Cockadoodle Doo, and I'm packing the van and will be on the road at 7.30am, I've got a prior arranged appointment to attend 80 miles away at 9.30am.
I go out to the van and open the doors, and then it hits home like a hammer, I have a WTF, WTF, WTF moment.
How do I get my kit in here and securely lash it down for transit, I'll throw one more WTF in, I know it was there:doh:
Luckily I had bought a set of ratchet straps on my way home from work Friday night anticipating the need to tie things down.
The tie down points in the van did not suit any of the devices to be loaded, and everything that was not in the passenger foot well and on passenger seats was at high risk.
I rummaged through the sheds, and being a hoarder of construction waste items, I found enough foam boards to make a raised floor, these raised platforms were positioned in such a way, that the devices on top could recive a secure tie down.
As a result of a little bit of luck combined with a little ramming and cramming, plus the theft of wifeys favorite scatter cushions and a set of her expensive bedroom curtains, :lol:, I got on the road for 9.30, just after informing others of my lateness.
At 13.00 pm, the Phonomac SP10 and PMAT-1010 + Kb, had been fully assembled by Angus, was boxed securely, on board next to me, and we were off to Kegworth. Hoo Bloody Rah.
Cut a tremendously long story short, I wont bore you with the next seven hours of torture, but if I sweated any more, I would have become a puddle on the floor.
I called Stoyan at 19.30, exclaiming we have CD music on two channels, Bloody Marvallous.
At 19.45, I'm on the Phone again, I've done a proper newbie gaff, I have not got a DIN Phono Cable for the Tonearm, bring your one along, the reply is, I don't have one.
It is all a bit hazy around this point, I have been offered a support from a attendee, who was loaning a Phonostage from me, and I was also contacting Angus, to see if one was available for pick up on Sunday morning.
Alls well that ends well, two were at the show for Sunday, one via Angus and one from Keith, so the the pair of you, I send a Big Thank You.
Sunday the TT set up was put into use, it shared the front end stage with a Sony Modified CD, and another cheapo CD connected to the imported DAC.
I am in awe of this TT Front End, I don't have to convince those from the very lucky group, who have travelled this less travelled road, how good it is.
All I will say is that when it was on, the room was holding people, and the capacity was full.
The smile of satisfaction was seen on many faces, and one of the oldest purchased albums I own, in its never cleaned state, was said by one, to be the best they have heard the track.
We even had air guitars and one female in the room was happily bobbing her head along to the music,
this TT configuration, gets to the nucleus of the cell, with the DNA that controls the, I love music biology in the body.
When one attendee, said to me "Hey Fat Boy, get out da way of the speakers, your blocking my sounds",
I know where he was coming from, there was no rudeness intended.
From my end to that man " Your appreciation said it all, it was a pleasure to share in it with you.

18-03-2019, 14:20
Ah, the SP10 and PMAT1010 combination is an absolute joy. Not to mention being as good as vinyl gets, before people start spending tens of thousands of £'s, probably more IMO.

I'll be getting a little upgrade/modification to mine shortly, but More on that at a later date in a suitable thread.

Congratulations on your 2018 purchase, they are worth the wait.