View Full Version : WANTED: Fostex FE Tweeters and JBL Drivers.

04-03-2019, 21:41
Wanted Fostex Tweeters / JBL Drivers.

I’m interested in having a play with some open baffles, and Fostex Tweeters with JBL Drivers seem a good and hopefully low cost place to start (from what I have read).

If you have any of the following available for purchase, please can you let me know by PM.

Tweeters (all Fostex):
FE 83 / 85 / 88 or 103 (incl standard, eN, and especially SOL variants).

Drivers (both JBL).
123a or

Preferable WHITE, in good condition and having been reconed at somestage, but anything considered.

Many thanks.

11-03-2019, 10:11
Looks like i'm going to be sorted on the driver front now thanks :-)

Bump for any Fostex FE 83 / 85 / 88 / 103's out there ... ESPECIALLY A SOL VERSION.
(Help a Yorkshire guy out as we don't like paying for new stuff)!

17-03-2019, 20:17
Now sorted thanks everyone.