View Full Version : G'day all...

05-05-2010, 19:26
Been hanging out here for a while and decided it was about time to register.

As it seems customary to introduce oneself and one's equipment, interests etc...

I originally decided to do Electrical Engineering at Uni (over 10 years ago now) based on the idea that I'd be able to design 'n build my own equipment and I've always had more than a passing interest in speaker design.

However, back then - I had all the enthusiasm and time in the world, access to good literature and good equipment - but no money... Now - I have the money but neither the time, equipment or the space required for this particular pursuit. Maybe, things will change in the future? Who knows?

Equipment wise - not much. I've been on the move now for over six years so have never invested in anything significant (yet). Current situation is ACER Revo's as music/video streamers (and general PCs) each interfaced with a Beresford Caiman. One in the lounge - the other in the bedroom. The Caiman's drive various headphones - Sennheiser HD650, AKG K701 White & Beyerdynamic DT880 PRO.

Home is where-ever my bags currently reside - which at the moment is Hampshire, UK.

Musical interests are wide and varied - as long as its produced by real musicians. Being a brass player myself - I gravitate towards anything with real instruments. However, everything has its place and time. Recently, my home Internet connection has improved just enough to allow me to listen to a couple of Internet radio stations: typically instrumental soundtracks, blues, jazz and classical.

I believe that its also customary to mention names and user names. My user name is my nickname and is a bastardized variant of my surname and is what I've responded to - since time immemorial. I think only my parents use my given name.

As an aside - for those that are interested; a couple of paragraphs at the bottom of this link kinda explains how typical Aussie nicknames are derived: http://www.anu.edu.au/ANDC/pubs/ozwords/November_97/2._ozzyisms.htm

07-05-2010, 22:09
Well the rest of the miserable gits haven't bothered (;)) so let me be the first to welcome you to AoS. I think your introductory post ticks all the boxes, so the First Post Police will be chuffed, you will be allowed to pass go, and collect two-hundred (virtual) pounds (we'd love to pay you, but there's an economic crisis and a hung parliament out there you know!)

Enjoy the forum!

07-05-2010, 22:18
G'day Mate.
Howzit goin' ?

Welcome to the forum.
Dig in - enjoy !

08-05-2010, 06:25
Welcome great intro Enjoy

08-05-2010, 09:25
Hello and welcome from a misersable git

Spectral Morn
08-05-2010, 13:47
Hi Heady Welcome to AOS :)

Sorry I missed your welcome post, it happens once in awhile :(

Regards D S D L

08-05-2010, 19:09
... so let me be the first to welcome you to AoS.


Enjoy the forum!
Thanks for the warm welcome Alex_UK and everyone else who responded.

08-05-2010, 19:43
Welcome Heady. :)

08-05-2010, 21:29
'Ello and welcome to the madhouse..... ;)

I envy those that travel light. I'm an inveterate invertebrate hoarder.....