View Full Version : New to this - but started as a teenager..

09-02-2019, 17:50
Was going to add something about my 'DM7' experiences (found here by Googling) but see I've got to do this bit.
Bought HiFi originally in summer '71 - Audio T (off Oxford St)..Cambridge Audio P50 - KEF Cadenza's - Thorens TD150/II (the Ariston being delayed) SME 3009/HE -ADC10/II + a snazzy plinth made by Phil Swift.
For a decade past have been uploading Classical LP rips to my blogs (don't ask why I bother...).
Thanks to eBay have hoovered-up quite a bit of junk (sorry, 'HiFi') the past 15 years - some of which is featured in these parts.

09-02-2019, 18:58
Howdy! Welcome to AOS.

Have fun.


10-02-2019, 09:37
Hello Frank. Welcome to AOS.

Your 1971 system was a good selection. Many of the items are still favoured today. Not many folk using ADC 10E Mk.II cartridges though, but I have one.

If you have any interesting plans for your Hi-Fi, we'd like to hear about them.

Enjoy the forum,

10-02-2019, 11:15
Hi Geoff.
Quite an outlay though. 3x £30 for the record deck (plinth/cover £15). ADC recommended instead of V15/II. Would've bought Decca SC4E if I'd known.
Did economise - hence no Spendor BC1 - about £50 more (+Purchase Tax - but not the KEF - with the 'B139' ABR).
My plans re: HiFi are not to buy any more (dozen of this/dozen of that is enough - only a few are post 2000.).
Bought before prices went OTT on eBay - now 5-10 times pre-2008 - and have enough cartridges/stylii to last 'a thousand years'...

10-02-2019, 15:33
Hi Fella

Welcome to Art of Sound

11-02-2019, 22:40
Summer of 71 , thats a great vintage, i came into this world. Welcome to the forum.

12-02-2019, 08:30
Hi Frank, welcome to the forum.

12-02-2019, 09:22
Must slap my wrists as just bought a 2nd Shure M97 'Era IV'. Plausible excuse: had quite a few NOS stylii for that (probably pretty good for Quad/Leak valve units as a V15/III has insufficient 'poke').
Buying 'good' HiFi then didn't seem to attract manufacturers who 'price-gouged' for well-heeled clientele - though Audio T did have the Amcron IC/DC 150 on dem - pretty expensive - maybe 3/4x a Cambridge P50.
Amazing this oldie-gear mostly (but not my 'NOS' P50/P60) still works!

28-03-2019, 16:32
Welcome to AoS Frank,

Thanks for the memories: TD150; SME3009HE; ADC 10E (I still have a couple of Mk.IVs) and the Cambridge P50 (I still have mine).

Enjoy the Forum