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View Full Version : Scopitone - No, it's not a kind of pasta.

The Grand Wazoo
03-05-2010, 18:22
Does anyone here know anything about Scopitone?
I know there were some here, but that it was more popular on the Continent & ~500 machines got to the US but is anyone aware of the whereabouts of any original Scopitone machines in the UK?

If you don't know what Scopitone was, it was a type of jukebox that played short clips of 16mm film. It was first seen in France in the late 50's but reached a peak at around '64 / '65.



Here's a Scopi-clip of Danny & The Memories - the band that later became Crazy Horse.


The Grand Wazoo
07-06-2010, 21:15
TGW - 3rd of May 2010: Does anyone here know anything about Scopitone?

TGW - 7th June 2010: I guess that'd be a 'No' then!

Rare Bird
07-06-2010, 21:35
no from me :)

07-06-2010, 21:37
TGW - 7th June 2010: I guess that'd be a 'No' then!

Yes - looks like it's a No! :scratch:


The Grand Wazoo
17-11-2010, 23:41
I thought there might be someone here who'd know a little about this stuff.
I forgot all about this thread until this week.
We had a few days in Morocco - I had to go all the way to Marrakech to not find something else out about Scopitone!

I was in a shop when I noticed a poster advertising an evening of Scopitone.

Date: November 12, 2010 | Location: IFM
Animée par Naïma Yahi, cette soirée dévoile un patrimoine musical peu connu, celui des scopitones maghrébins.

Ce sont les ancêtres des vidéos clips, que les artistes kabyles ont adoptés aussi entre 1960 et 1980 comme Kamal Hamadi, Noura, Idir,... etc.


..............but I'd already missed it - Bugger!

18-11-2010, 17:10
Well at least you weren't imagining it Chris!

You stated that the Scopitone machines first appeared in France. I would imagine that Morocco being a francophone country, they would have arrived there as well, and were probably slower to disappear in Morocco than in the rest of Europe.

Looks like the "Scopitone soireé" was courtesy of a collector. I'm off to Tunisia soon; also part of the Mahgreb and francophone. I'll keep my eye out for them - some of the cafes may still host them.
