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View Full Version : Sticking to your own quarters

Rare Bird
03-05-2010, 18:09
I think the best thing is people who love & use vintage keep to the vintage area & people who think vintage gear is so crap, stick to the modern area, best alround eh?

03-05-2010, 18:57
Please "name & shame" those who have stated they "think vintage gear is so crap" - I don't recall seeing anyone make such a statement - I have however seen you making the statement (words to the effect) that modern equipment (and music) is crap, so look forward to not seeing you participating in any of those discussions in the future. ;)

Rare Bird
03-05-2010, 19:18
This place is a total waste of time to be honest. no ones has the same views as me anyway so why bother...fu*k it as they say.

03-05-2010, 19:31
To be honest Andre, a lot of people have cut you a lot of slack on this forum, were disappointed to see you disappear when you did and glad to see you come back for your unique perspective on things. I'm not sure what "your problem" has been the last few days, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that you're pushing things for some reason known only to you - and IMO it's not particularly healthy for the forum. Can I ask what the problem is? Can anyone help?

If I've misread the situation, and no one else can see my point I'll get my coat! (And I'm genuinely not trying to "have a go" just trying to get to the bottom of things.)

The Vinyl Adventure
03-05-2010, 19:34
Andre, it's the veriety of life, we can't all have the same views can we! Stop concentrating on this negative stuff buddy ... You like hifi, this is a hifi forum, and it's a fuck lot better than most of them.

03-05-2010, 19:41
This place is a total waste of time to be honest. no ones has the same views as me anyway so why bother...fu*k it as they say.

So why do you bother then ?

03-05-2010, 19:51
To be honest Andre, a lot of people have cut you a lot of slack on this forum, were disappointed to see you disappear when you did and glad to see you come back for your unique perspective on things. I'm not sure what "your problem" has been the last few days, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that you're pushing things for some reason known only to you - and IMO it's not particularly healthy for the forum. Can I ask what the problem is? Can anyone help?

If I've misread the situation, and no one else can see my point I'll get my coat! (And I'm genuinely not trying to "have a go" just trying to get to the bottom of things.)

Good post Alex, I agree with you, you're not alone.

Andre, are you having a bad day? This latest post of yours is not at all constructive. If you would like to 'thrash things out', please feel free to PM me or anyone else whom you may think can help. Myself, I love and continue to use vintage gear.

Come on mate, things can't be that bad.


Spectral Morn
03-05-2010, 19:55
If you want to chat Andre ring me I will Pm you my number if you want.

Regards D S D L

Ali Tait
03-05-2010, 20:15
Andre is bi-polar,or at least he said he was,so perhaps we should cut him some slack gents.I've watched my best friend,whom I've known since primary school, struggle with this all his life.

The Vinyl Adventure
03-05-2010, 20:19
Yeah alex's words "pushing things" ring true with me ... I'd imagine as a comunity we have the colective strength to put up with you moaning Andre if it makes you feel better!
I get similar off hannah - ideas that people don't like her and talk about her behind her back - often followed by a "sod em all they are tossers anyway!" Your not alone Andre I can't imagine you would want to talk to me for one minute buddy but I live with someone with similar issues with life and imnsure many others here have the emotional intelegence to understand! Let it out man! Like I say I'm sure people won't mind! :)

03-05-2010, 20:24
Ali (and everyone else, especially Andre) I hope my post didn't come across as provocative - it certainly wasn't meant to be.

03-05-2010, 20:37
Hi Andre,

Please don't ever feel you don't fit in here. You fit far better than I, with my objective leanings and liking for little active speakers with DAC's inside......

If you feel bad, just back off for a few days and come back when you want to. I know depression and sometimes, even meds don't do enough, so I know a tiny bit how you may feel sometimes...

P.S. I like Big Moog's old saying - "EFF 'EM!!!!!"

03-05-2010, 21:48
Alex, your post was fine, mate (it was frank but showed genuine concern), so don't worry about it....

Andre should know by now that he's amongst friends here (I genuinely respect him, as I know others here do). I mean that in the best possible sense, therefore he'll be cut all the slack he needs.


03-05-2010, 22:03
I think Andre is great, I respect the fact he likes what he likes and isn't afraid to say it. I think that variety is the spice of life and I for one hope Andre stays.