View Full Version : Forum community

Rare Bird
02-05-2010, 19:22
Forums are suppose to be a friendly community but are they? can you really trust others enough to actually be friends!! Every place is full of two faced back stabbers without a doubt.. First rule in my life is trust absolutly no one not even your family.

02-05-2010, 19:36
i trust a few people but i trust my wife 100%
its good to be cautious though especially on forums

02-05-2010, 19:48
Yes it is possible to make proper friends on a forum.
I'm looking forward to seeing a number of them on the 15th of this month at Owston.

Rare Bird
02-05-2010, 19:51
Yes it is possible to make proper friends on a forum.

:D Nay laddie

02-05-2010, 19:56
Please yourself.

02-05-2010, 19:59
I hope noone feels that I'm a two-faced back-stabber..... :(

I learned very early in life that I can't lie for anything and so tend to wear my heart too much on my sleeve and have got into trouble for not being devious enough in my earlier life. These days I'm more beligerant but still try to call a spade a spade (Aspergic tendancies tend to support this mode of behaviour..).

I've made a few good contacts online although I haven't yet met them face to face (not for want of them asking). We sort-of keep in touch via Facebook and the odd distributed "funny" sent by email. One day I'll make it to a Tangerine Dream concert and meet most of 'em, and also a HiFi gig to meet some of you..

02-05-2010, 20:01
:D Nay laddie

Hey Andre, what's happened to you to make you so cynical? I know I'm too pessimistic, but you seem worse today?????

Try to take it easy man, life's too darned short :peace:

The Vinyl Adventure
02-05-2010, 20:07
Andre, everyone talks about everyone behind thier backs forum mates and non forum mates alike, this forum comunity is like any type of comunity in that respect. There's people I like more than others and but I have said things about the people I like the most behind thier backs, I say stuff about the guy who's gonna be the best man at my wedding behind his back and I know some of the things he has said about me. I never say anything with any level of malice though... The people I actually don't like I just don't speak to or about. I'd guess most people are like this, and those who arnt probably arnt worth worrying your self about anyway!
As for trust, well I give most people the benefit of the doubt, that's just who I am, I understand people who are less trusting of others but I personally prefer to live in a nieve world of trust than a more bitter world of miss trust... It's better for the soul!

02-05-2010, 20:22
The people I can't understand well are those with an agenda all their own. Having been a victim of this, I eventually get to know but it takes me many times longer than others this has been attempted on...

02-05-2010, 20:23
Hammish, you are wise beond your years.
I try not to talk smack on the sly,Not because I'm self ritches but because I was cursed with the bad habit of being up front and unapolagetic to those I dislike.

I sometimes think people don't know when I'm jokeing and hope they get me.
a good example,I have teased poor Hammish about his cats sevral times.
All though I am just ribbing him due to my own prefrance for dogs,I have wondered if he knows I'm kidding.

How much 2 face can there really be?
We all have our qwurks,Ever meet a Audionut that wasen't a little excentrick?

Mabey you should try switching from Prog to Proglight for a while and if that dosen't help,talk to your doctor.

02-05-2010, 20:36
A forum is just a method of communication - "friends" will be friends whether you talk to them face to face, by phone, email text or whatever - it has nothing to do with the medium as to how people behave, if you are a liar, you will lie - if you are a back stabber you will - you get the idea...

Rare Bird
02-05-2010, 21:03
Hey Andre, what's happened to you to make you so cynical? I know I'm too pessimistic, but you seem worse today?????

Try to take it easy man, life's too darned short :peace:

I've been hurt & double crossed all my life.i trust no one. I changed from a placid easy going bloke to a right grumpy basterd with many chips on his shoulders

It's as easy as this to spot. I have harsh words with member A, then later member B, to then see both member A&B Pm'ing each other around the same time frame it doesnt take a Brain Surgeon now does it.. I see it all the time & make a note of the offenders..It's quite easy after a time

Ali Tait
02-05-2010, 21:09
Yes it is possible to make proper friends on a forum.
I'm looking forward to seeing a number of them on the 15th of this month at Owston.

Andre,it's a little different from the norm in this case.Those of us who are Owston regulars have been attending for years,so we have all known each other personally for many years.In fact,I held one of the very first get-togethers we had at my place in Leeds,about 15 folks whom I'd never met before came over with their kit,and a great time was had by all.I'm still friends with them all these years later.All genuine people.

So I have to agree with Chris,and I'm looking forward to Owston too!

The Vinyl Adventure
02-05-2010, 21:27
I've been hurt & double crossed all my life.i trust no one. I changed from a placid easy going bloke to a right grumpy basterd with many chips on his shoulders

It's as easy as this to spot. I have harsh words with member A, then later member B, to then see both member A&B Pm'ing each other around the same time frame it doesnt take a Brain Surgeon now does it.. I see it all the time & make a note of the offenders..It's quite easy after a time

How do you know when people are pming each other.. If they mention the fact on the forum chances are they arnt slagging you off..

Rare Bird
02-05-2010, 21:30
Well i can see people PMing

The Vinyl Adventure
02-05-2010, 21:34

Spectral Morn
02-05-2010, 21:36
The rule I try hard to keep is never say something in private that you are not able to say in person.

Typing at times is a very hit or miss thing, we have all got it wrong or allowed other circumstances to act as a lens to view things through when quite often we/you are wrong about what you read or read something into something which is not there. We all get it wrong from time to time and that includes me.

However I can say that I have made some good friends here on AOS and I have not met all of them but hope to someday. I can also say that I hope to make new friends and make better friends of those I only barely know.

Regards D S D L

Spectral Morn
02-05-2010, 21:37

By viewing who is on line....simples.

Regards D S D L

02-05-2010, 21:42
Andre I am sorry that you the worst in humanity It is easy to see the worse in things

Rare Bird
02-05-2010, 21:43
If i have something to say or something on my mind i will openly post it, it gets me into trouble a lot & has lead to bannings on more occasions than i've had hot dinners.I've never been one for agreeing with people to be buddies or go along with something i don't believe in being all pally with Admins to be on the right side, i'm my own man always have been.. If someone has a problem with me or has something to say i'd rather have someone tell me not belly ache others cos i generally find out in the end.

02-05-2010, 21:43
By viewing who is on line....simples.

Regards D S D L

Hmmmm... how do you do that? I never knew you could!? I'm too boring, no one would ever be PM'ing about me anyway! :lol:

The Vinyl Adventure
02-05-2010, 21:43
... And that shows who's pming who... I have not seen this feature... Where is it?

Spectral Morn
02-05-2010, 21:46
... And that shows who's pming who... I have not seen this feature... Where is it?

Just above the list of people who are on line on the forum on the front page. Its says Currently Active Users click on that and it shows you who is on line and what they are doing, viewing etc. This is a feature on most V bulletin forums though not all forums have it active. I should also add that one can see what is going on but not the content of what they are doing or PMing.

What's Going On?
Currently Active Users: 53 (18 members and 35 guests)

Most users ever online was 149, 12-10-2009 at 09:36 PM.
Dalek Supreme D L, Alex_UK, Ali Tait, Andre+, Barry+, Dave Cawley, Dave Hewitt, flatpopely, Hamish+, jandl100, John+, Marco, natas, RoboCopper, SteveW, trailer, User Name, YNWaN

Regards D S D L

Rare Bird
02-05-2010, 21:46

02-05-2010, 21:53
Ah, I see - you have to click the username - then you will see who is doing what - if you use the list of who is online, and eventually find 2 people "private messaging" then chances are they are PM'ing each other? Paranoia or what, do you really care that much? :scratch:

Rare Bird
02-05-2010, 21:55
Ah, I see - you have to click the username - then you will see who is doing what - if you use the list of who is online, and eventually find 2 people "private messaging" then chances are they are PM'ing each other? Paranoia or what, do you really care that much? :scratch:

click where it says this: Currently Active Users

Currently Active Users: 52 (19 members and 33 guests)

It will say if a member is PM, modifying his post, what he's looking at,whats he's replying to, if hes creating a topic, if admin are using control pannel etc etc..

02-05-2010, 21:58
OK, yep, I got it thanks - just have to get people talking about me now. :rofl:

Ali Tait
02-05-2010, 22:00
Yeh,but that just shows who is using the forum,not what they are doing?

Spectral Morn
02-05-2010, 22:01
If we all watch Who's On Line and no one posts, it will be a bit of a crap forum:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Regards D S D L

The Grand Wazoo
02-05-2010, 22:02
Ah, I see - you have to click the username - then you will see who is doing what - if you use the list of who is online, and eventually find 2 people "private messaging" then chances are they are PM'ing each other?

On the other hand it could be 2 people PM'ing 2 other people - in fact, it probably is!

Spectral Morn
02-05-2010, 22:02
Yeh,but that just shows who is using the forum,not what they are doing?


Regards D S D L

02-05-2010, 22:06
I'm just going to leave a window open composing a blank PM so you all think I'm talking about you from now on! :lol:

The Vinyl Adventure
02-05-2010, 22:08
... I still don't think 2 people pming each other means anything Andre ...
Me and neil have had pm convos about religion, jeff just pm'ed me about cat ladys, I've been talking to Ali about owston, yesterday steve about his speakers ... In fact I can only think of a few ocations where other people have been discused via pm and that's only when I have been involved in people's issues and even then I haven't said anything I wouldn't say to them.

Rare Bird
02-05-2010, 22:14
A fine ending to yet another excersize :lolsign:

Ali Tait
02-05-2010, 22:29
You shit stirrer you! :lol:

03-05-2010, 03:47
Andre, The truth is we are all PMing ,and emailing about you.The whole forum is involved.
Even inactive members have given there private email,there is even a secret news letter about you.
If all this where true,why the hell would you even care?
Go long my freind!
Stop concentraiting on the short game...

Rare Bird
03-05-2010, 09:09
A fine ending to yet another excersize :lolsign:


The Vinyl Adventure
03-05-2010, 09:57
What does that even mean Andre?

03-05-2010, 10:09
Try substituting the "I" for an "A" and all should be clear ;)


The Vinyl Adventure
03-05-2010, 10:18
I got that bit, but what was the fine ending, my comment was the last one, how was my comment a fine ending?

03-05-2010, 11:44
How can I put this as nicely as possible? Why do you post so many threads?
Forgive my curiosity.

Rare Bird
03-05-2010, 11:54
A quick answer if i didnt this place would be dead.

03-05-2010, 12:03
A quick answer if i didnt this place would be dead.


03-05-2010, 12:08
A quick answer if i didnt this place would be dead.

Not dead but quieter perhaps. I usually read you threads but seldom feel I have much to add.
AoS seems quite lively compared to some forums.

Rare Bird
03-05-2010, 12:12
I bet you were really beating those keyz in a frenzied fit typing that when you could have easily done this :lol: I dunno wasted resorces or what!

03-05-2010, 12:15
I bet you were really beating those keyz in a frenzied fit typing that when you could have easily done this :lol: I dunno wasted resorces or what!

Incorrect assumption matey - copy & paste is a useful tool, and also has keyboard shortcuts.

What's eating your ego today ?

Rare Bird
03-05-2010, 12:22
meatballs in tomato sause

The Vinyl Adventure
03-05-2010, 13:01
meatballs in tomato sause

is that to go with your liberty caps?


Rare Bird
03-05-2010, 13:04
is that to go with your liberty caps?

Anything usually Sardines in Tomato sauce. Where did you take that pic?

The Vinyl Adventure
03-05-2010, 13:21
i didn't, i got it off google... they don't stay attached to the ground long enough for me to take a photo...
im a mushroom cuppa soup man my self.... or at least i was until they were criminalised... dont touch them these days ... ... ... ...

04-05-2010, 21:12
Forum people are normal people.

"Can you trust forum members" is equivalent to "can you trust others" ?
Everybody has its own answer, and I have mine: of course, just choose the right limits. ;)