View Full Version : I've been away!

01-05-2010, 12:40
Hiya! my name is David I was contributing to this group in 2008, i couldn't remember my username or pwd so i decided to start again! not long after i joined my wife suddenly died & I went into hibernation for 12mths, hi-fi & computers went phhhhhtttt!but its about time now that i crawled out again (nuff of the morbidity!):mental: i'm pulling out the Fatman & my TDL.s & my TC-7520 Dac still wondering re my front end (watch this space?)

01-05-2010, 13:14
Many many welcomes to you. I'm suffering from chronic anxiety as my partner is constantly under watch for cancer at the moment and has already gone through the chemo and radio treatments. I don't know what's left.
Let's try and remain happy and just attempt to chill out.

Ali Tait
01-05-2010, 13:29
I can empathise.My partner has been through treatment three times and has now been told the cancer has metastasized and nothing more can be done.They are only small cysts at the moment,so she may have years yet,but we don't know how long she has.We're just taking one day at a time.Where there's life there's hope I guess.

01-05-2010, 13:30
Went thru Chemo/Radio/amputations for Cancer (had 2mnths to live) but that was 32years ago so there's always hope, best of luck to u both! had heart failure pneumonia in 2008...... I'm still here still boring people re HiFi!!

Ali Tait
01-05-2010, 13:38
Bloody hell,you have been through the wringer! Welcome to the madhouse.

Spectral Morn
01-05-2010, 17:23
Welcome to Art of Sound.

Have fun and enjoy yourself and I hope that we can all help in your healing process, so if you need anything just ask.

What's your first name we like to use them here as it leads to a more friendly atmosphere.

What kind of music do you like?

Regards D S D L

01-05-2010, 18:31
Welcome back
Sharing and listening to music can be a life affirming experience

The Vinyl Adventure
01-05-2010, 18:40
Welcome to Art of Sound.

Have fun and enjoy yourself and I hope that we can all help in your healing process, so if you need anything just ask.

What's your first name we like to use them here as it leads to a more friendly atmosphere.

What kind of music do you like?

Regards D S D L

It's David you wolly, he said that in the first line of his post!


Welcome back David, I abuse this place for a bit of escapism... Makes me feel better about the world... At least when everyone is getting on ok ... Which they do more than most hifi fora

01-05-2010, 18:41
Hi David, and welcome back!

Were you by any chance Phatman http://theartofsound.net/forum/member.php?u=865 - you both come from Cornwall, both like Fatman valve systems and both of you have the same date of birth ;)

I can merge your new user with your old one, or vice versa - which name would you like to keep?

Or I can leave things as is, with this a new beginning!

All the best,


Spectral Morn
01-05-2010, 18:46
It's David you wolly, he said that in the first line of his post!


Welcome back David, I abuse this place for a bit of escapism... Makes me feel better about the world... At least when everyone is getting on ok ... Which they do more than most hifi fora

Ummmmmmmmmmmm :doh::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Regards D S D L

The Vinyl Adventure
01-05-2010, 20:04
Ha... You oldy's don't do nothing for the reputation I like to taint you with ;)

01-05-2010, 21:16
Sorry to hear about your loss, I can only hope that the chaps on here can cheer you up even if only a little!


01-05-2010, 21:33
Hi David, and welcome back!

Were you by any chance Phatman http://theartofsound.net/forum/member.php?u=865 - you both come from Cornwall, both like Fatman valve systems and both of you have the same date of birth ;)

I can merge your new user with your old one, or vice versa - which name would you like to keep?

Or I can leave things as is, with this a new beginning!

All the best,

yup one & the same even the quote "it's David you wolly........" happened in my phatman persona, merging them would be good but under the name kreacherx as @kreacherx is also my twitter name as at my age the memory is dodgy!:lolsign:

01-05-2010, 22:23
Hi kreacherx - welcome back, and enjoy AoS (again) - if you like looking at pictures of people's floors and sofas you have come to the right place (sorry that is aimed at Hamish - my missus happened to look at my laptop at 2 different times, both when your "interesting" pictures were on screen! :lol:)

01-05-2010, 22:49
merging them would be good but under the name kreacherx as @kreacherx is also my twitter name as at my age the memory is dodgy!:lolsign:

Sorted! Hope you enjoy it round here again David.

12-04-2012, 19:29
i think i fooled myself in 2010, i went back into decline & the house fell silent for another year or more...:zzz:
about 6mths ago I in a buying spree bought a B&W Zeppelin& used it every now & again apple airPlay -- it sounded ok, but lately I was bored & started d/l high bit-rate tracks & needed a piece of software to play them, started with cog (i detest iTunes) but when bit-rate got high cog started crashing!!
i found Audirvana WoW a revelation the little zeppelin woke up & so did I been music ever since....
Now I'm looking for an adult hifi amp using digital as source, i went to my one& only hifi shop in Cornwall they recommended Primare
now this is where you lot come in -------- HELP!
Please loads of advice?:please:

Reid Malenfant
12-04-2012, 19:33
Welcome back David, for the second time by the looks of it :rfl:

Nothing like doing it in style :D

He comes, he goes, he comes back again & he's off.... :lol:

12-04-2012, 19:53
When you're my age you tend to come & go & forget where you've been, but i've always liked this forum is is def active & good to be amongst "like minded people..."" whoops what does that mean??

I have bits lying around but not connected, a revolver turntable,a Linn basik turntable, a cheap CD player, a couple of mini systems, a Fatman amp, a Beresford TC 7520 DAC,apar of old TDL speakers apair of Cheap Tandy speakers, 2xlengths of audioquest Blue spk cable, & a KSA100 power amp
should I flod dump the lot & buy new or ????:cool:

Reid Malenfant
12-04-2012, 19:58
You have the makings of a nice system there I reckon :eyebrows:

Keep the Krell, the TDLs (depends on the model) & the Beresford DAC & the speaker cable. Tha Fatman is quite good & could be used as a Pre-amp rather than just a headphone amp.

From what I can see you just need a reasonable turntable & some form of phono amp & a reasonable CD player & you are on the way imo :D

12-04-2012, 20:16
The TDL's i think have had it! the foam inside has rotted & they are not man enough for the Krell...... & the only trouble with the Krell is it's so bl...dy heavy ,
I am now decrepit with 1 arm & can't lift it? do you think the DAC (scuse me Stan) is man enough to be a controller DAC source? int the Krell, what do you think the interconnect from my Mac should be optical or USB?

the Krell was beautiful when I last heard it (10yrs) but the 30 min warm up time can be a PIA
is there any other amps you recommend?:mental:

Reid Malenfant
12-04-2012, 20:24
Yeah I forgot that the StanDACs have volume controls & variable output :doh: I'm sure it'd drive the Krell.

It looks like you need to be getting a reasonable working condition set of speakers before you do anything else in all honesty.

I wouldn't know what to recommend amp wise until you have a set of speakers, as some are more open to just about anything, where as other speakers are more problematic to drive.

12-04-2012, 20:51
the speakers i used to have i bought in Australia "Linier Design" floor standing all paper coned 10" bass 4" mid * 2x 2" tweeter "all made by Rola - an aus company, the xover had a potentiometer on it - only 2 posts -- single wired.
they sounded good but my cats behind was at level with the bass speaker & voila wet paper cones & eventually xover burnt out.
would it be worth getting speakers built to old format or buying off the shelf style..
I know i am asking loads a questions but any hi fi now wants to Sell,Sell,Sell without listening
over to you:gig:

Reid Malenfant
12-04-2012, 20:56
I'd suggest you see if you can get hold of some reasonable sized Celestions like the Ditton 33 or 44 :)

I somehow don't think you'd be parting with them going by your old speakers as they are similar but more refined by the sound of it.

12-04-2012, 21:31
They look ok built in the right era! have a max of 80w, that Krell is mean with speakers it once turned a cheap paair of tdl's inside out!!! there is a pair on e-bay collection only worse luck!
is the upgraded StanDAC any better?
I've been blasting Ozzy all evening, the first time for many moons-even the cat's moved out but i must admit high res digi is improving, even thru that little Zeppelin.
on a totally different note the hifi shop recommended the Primare with a built in DAC- what u think?

The Grand Wazoo
12-04-2012, 22:44
The speakers you refer to as 'cheap Tandy speakers' - they aren't Genexxa Pro LX5's by any chance are they? If so, then as long as you can live without deep bass, they are excellent and they will respond to your Krell in a way that will shock and amaze you. They do like it up 'em Captain Mainwaring!
