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Ammonite Audio
01-05-2010, 06:28
I've recently developed an irrational urge to revisit my teenage years and buy some Wharfedale Denton speakers, which appear often on eBay. I have neither the room nor second system to make use of such things, so this is madness, albeit harmless madness.

Is it just me?

01-05-2010, 06:35
what that quote by Oscar Wilde I can resit everything except temptation
Resit Resit Resit

01-05-2010, 13:38
The first proper "HiFi" stereo system I ever heard (in 1969) was a school-mate's Dad's Garrard SP25III (one of the very first) with AT66 cartridge, into Metrosound ST20 amp (they're all knackered now but were very good then) and Dentons.

I loved this little system and I heard my first Prog LP's through this - Led Zep I and II, PF's Meddle, Groundhogs, Curved Air, Jethro Tull, VDG Generator's "Pawn Hearts," and James Taylor/Carole King amongst others..... These discs formed a significant part of my music "training" for later life interests and I'm forever grateful to the lad who let me visit to listen to such LP's...

01-05-2010, 21:48
I've recently developed an irrational urge to revisit my teenage years and buy some Wharfedale Denton speakers, which appear often on eBay. I have neither the room nor second system to make use of such things, so this is madness, albeit harmless madness.

Is it just me?

I too had a similar urge to wind the clock back (to January 1980 in my case when I was sweet sixteen) and once again experience the wonderful warm tonality and excellent dynamics of my first hi-fi amp - a Sansui AU-217 MK2. So I bought one via eBay and it sounded just like I remembered but when I compared it with my current amplification (Linto/8000Q/Modified 405-2) it made me realise just how much my system has progressed since then! :) The AU-217 MK2 was a great amp though but now I need to find a pair of AR25s to go with it!!

03-05-2010, 00:36
I too had a similar urge to wind the clock back (to January 1980 in my case when I was sweet sixteen) and once again experience the wonderful warm tonality and excellent dynamics of my first hi-fi amp - a Sansui AU-217 MK2. So I bought one via eBay and it sounded just like I remembered but when I compared it with my current amplification (Linto/8000Q/Modified 405-2) it made me realise just how much my system has progressed since then! :) The AU-217 MK2 was a great amp though but now I need to find a pair of AR25s to go with it!!

I too have just done this, but in a small way. The first cartridge I really wanted was a B&O SP6. This was way back in 1969. At the time I could not get hold of one, so went down the Shure path.

Last week I bought an SP6 in very good condition on eBay for £1. I'm looking forward to trying it out soon, though expect to be slightly dissapointed in comparison to the cartidges that I now use. Still, I might be surprised.

The Sansui 217 was a good amp in its day. A popular combination then was with the Mordant Short 'Pageant II' speakers.


03-05-2010, 08:23
It just sounds like the next stage of a mid life crisis to me! The last stage being when you turn into the badly dressed pot bellied dad dancing badly at family disco's. I have video evidence of my father in law doing it, its that what keeps me sane!

04-05-2010, 07:50
My very first speakers were even further down the pecking order: Wharfedale Chevins. They did good service until I serviced my Linsley-Hood amp one day, forgot to reattached the earth tag and melted the speaker's voice coils. Thus started the upgrade path...

However, I don't hold any great desire to hear the Chevins again :)

No Regrets
04-05-2010, 10:20
I say go for it! You can pick those up relatively on the cheap. What a great way to revisit the past.

Although I've never heard the Dentons, I own a pair of Wharfedale W25's. They are bookshelf speakers....a sealed two way with an 8" woofer. Very musical with small tubed power like EL84's. Great for jazz, vocals, classical. These speakers make you forget all about the electronics and let you sit back and enjoy the music, the composition, etc. I use these in my bedroom system. I also have what you would call "high end" speakers in my main listening room, and vintage Tannoy Monitor Golds in my den. I enjoy all of my systems equally, but each for different reasons.

So, go ahead and pick up a nice pair. It won't be long and you will assemble another system and be enjoying music again, albeit maybe from a little different perspective. It's great fun, none the less. And remember.....you only go around once....so live life with No Regrets.

04-05-2010, 16:31
I have a need to try some Tannoy Cheviots or Devons here.... The Spendors are very smooth and fairly open, but there's something going on in the upper midrange - phasing or a response dip (probably both). I've inverted the phase of the bass drivers and it's tons worse, so not wiring integrity.

04-05-2010, 17:43
You don't need to go to eBay for them. As far as I can ascertain, it is now EU law that every dump in the UK has to have at least one pair of Lintons or Dentons on their unwanted loudspeaker pile.

My local place had 4 pairs there recently.......

04-05-2010, 17:57
Unfortunately you can't take anything away from a council dump. Unless slipping them a tenner does the trick...