View Full Version : Anyone got a use for a pallet?

20-01-2019, 10:42
Posties been...


20-01-2019, 10:45
New cartridge? :)

20-01-2019, 10:49
New cartridge? :)


20-01-2019, 10:50
Surely you mean rustic turntable platform! :rolleyes:

20-01-2019, 10:55
Continuing on from my thread HERE: (unfortunately most of the pictures have went the way of Photobucket and are gone)

Upgraded mine.
Big mutha!
(Shoe for scale)

Massive toroid transformers, and theres two of em.

One cool thing is that it has 3 "taps" for different input voltages?
The mains AC voltage at my place isn't great and varies over time of day, so the plan is to keep an eye on it this coming week and take an average. Depending on the value I'll use whichever tap is the closest value to deliver as near to 230V as possible.
May go down the regenerator route in addition to the balanced mains at a later date, but aint gonna be cheap, so may not.
Its the hardwired model like my previous one, using better mains cable to plumb it in with, took weeks to come from Japan but hey ho, it's here now.

Installing it next weekend...noise-floor begone!

Oh, my old 2KVA model will be up for sale, post separately about that.

20-01-2019, 11:18
Are crimped connectors the best type of connection then?

20-01-2019, 11:37
Opinions vary I guess, I believe so Kevin yeah.
Will be fitting the same crimp connectors to the mains cable I use to hook it all up with.
Proper screw down terminals fitted, be a shame not to make the most of them.

20-01-2019, 12:17
You could use Hard As Nails to glue a pair of skis to it (the pallet), and sledge it into work :)

20-01-2019, 12:22
You could use Hard As Nails to glue a pair of skis to it (the pallet), and sledge it into work :)

Gonna be snow up here soon it says, could be handy!

20-01-2019, 12:54
I’m not quite sure what this is for - the transformer thingy that is. Do you have 110v kit perhaps? Is the intention to run most of your house off this, or just the hi-fi zones? Is it really that important to have 230v? Most of the times I’ve measured our mains voltage it comes out at 240v - almost exactly.

Also- you’re obviously already committed to this, but how would mains from a PV array via an inverter, possibly also with a battery (Tesla? :)) compare for mains stability and low noise? I believe that modern inverters are very good.

20-01-2019, 13:55
And here I thought from the first pic, that it was just a box of shoes.....:)

20-01-2019, 14:11
Quick info here Dave:


Cleans up the mains, dramatically lowers the noise floor and the impedance of the AC supplying your kit.
The higher the rated transformer the lower the impedance on the output, which was why I got the 10 KVA over my current 2KVA rated model.
It'll just be powering the hifi.

Cant fit a dedicated line at my property, so balanced mains is the way to go.
Great improvement with my current BMU, expect a good improvement again with the "big mutha".
Just wanting to maximise the potential of the kit I have.

I know some people use battery supplies, I heard a couple of setups and imo they aren't the best for amps, especially for those big current swings.
Good for sources though.

Will see how I get on with it, its a lot bigger than my current one (which is neatly hidden away under an Ikea Lack table), so will have to rearange things a bit to accommodate this one.
Its in the next room anyway and out of sight.

I’m not quite sure what this is for - the transformer thingy that is. Do you have 110v kit perhaps? Is the intention to run most of your house off this, or just the hi-fi zones? Is it really that important to have 230v? Most of the times I’ve measured our mains voltage it comes out at 240v - almost exactly.

Also- you’re obviously already committed to this, but how would mains from a PV array via an inverter, possibly also with a battery (Tesla? :)) compare for mains stability and low noise? I believe that modern inverters are very good.

20-01-2019, 14:11
And here I thought from the first pic, that it was just a box of shoes.....:)

Big feet!

20-01-2019, 20:44
Hi Gaz

Have you tried it yet? Does it buzz?

Cheers. Bill

20-01-2019, 21:19
Hi Gaz

Have you tried it yet? Does it buzz?

Cheers. Bill

It won't buzz, but it might hum a bit, just like this .....


Wakefield Turntables
20-01-2019, 21:29
Thinking on supplying the national grid with that thing?

21-01-2019, 19:18
Thinking on supplying the national grid with that thing?

just the wireless.

26-01-2019, 12:25
Plumbed it all in last night...

Oh yes... :eek:

Simplified install compared to the last time I set one up, and maybe better for it.
No "hydra" breakout box this time, just simple and neat.

All wired up with Oyaide Black mamba 2 cable (favoured in Japanese Studio's apparently), hardwired from the wall, with two balanced outputs from the BPS.
One output to a double socket, the other to a Maplins Linear supply set to 12V powering my router.

Plugged into the double socket is my Sony OLED tv and a Wireworld Matrix 2 6-way mains block.
All star earthed, high purity copper and such, the Naim guys recommend them as an upgrade.

From there all my kit (SET power amp, PS Audio Preamp, Dac, Phono stage as well as the Oppo Bluray, and Michell T/T PSU is hooked up with Wireworld Silver Electra 7mains cables, as is the block itself to the double socket.
Big fan of Wireworld cables , use their new Gold Eclipse 8 interconnects throughout my system now best I've heard.
Happy with my Morrow speaker cable though and no wish to change that.

Reckon mains improvements is done?
A big step up from the smaller Balanced mains unit I had, the 10KVA "big Mutha" has far lower impedance as well as just being better all round.
Big thanks to Grant for the loan of his Power Inspired regenerator. :thumbsup:
This let me see my incoming voltage was sitting at a near constant 247-251V, so I could set the input voltage tap at 250V which gives almost exactly 230V.
And having tracked it over a few days I knew it didn't fluctuate much at all, which was cool to know.

Sound wise, I noticed the improvement immediately.
Its big and I'd describe it as instruments, voices and even individual notes being given room and time to come across in a realistic way.
Hifi boxes are ticked of course, but secondary to the Performance which is...nice.

Big spend, and a big install but getting the return in spades.
Will take time for it all to bed in (there's also the new valve pre, the mains cables and even new 300B valves) so just sitting back knowing I've put in place what will be the system that will let me step off the equipment merry go round and just enjoy what I have.
Will sound better as it all beds in, plan is to get the troops over again once it has.

I've enjoyed the journey, but reckon I've reached the destination now.
Set up a 2nd system in the office which is a lot of fun.

Good hobby this innit? :)

26-01-2019, 14:22
It is when you get the results Gaz. I'm made up with the improvements I have done in the last 12 months.

Not to say more isn't to come ;)

26-01-2019, 15:27
Nice one mate . Sounds like all your investment and hard work is paying dividends . Hopefully be over soon :)

26-01-2019, 17:09
Posties been...


Was postie's shoes super glued to the pallet an did he hoppit back?

26-01-2019, 17:21
Was postie's shoes super glued to the pallet an did he hoppit back?


Shoe was for scale, wanted to use my usual banana but had ran out.

26-01-2019, 17:23
good to hear its up, running and transforming your sound :doh: i'll get me coat

26-01-2019, 18:36
Could always use the wood off the pallet to make a grounding box!

26-01-2019, 21:29
Could always use the wood off the pallet to make a grounding box!

That'll work!
(Just add Kitty Litter...)

30-01-2019, 22:48
Most interesting, Gaz... Glad it's worked out well. In my experience, there are always significant gains to be had by optimising how your system receives power from the mains!:cool:

So what's this valve preamp of yours I'm hearing about?:)
