View Full Version : !.!.! How very DARE they !.!.!

Audio Al
14-01-2019, 16:23
A classic track ruined :doh::eek:

As a TFF fan boy , How could they do this :(

Rule the World



14-01-2019, 16:34
Man that's bad.

Audio Al
14-01-2019, 17:01
I just notice the comments on the Youtube page , CLASSIC :lol:

14-01-2019, 17:50
I heard it on the radio this morning and thought that it sounded awful and its even worse a second time, no doubt it will be played relentlessly on the airwaves.:doh:

Pigmy Pony
14-01-2019, 18:53
It's being played to death on Radio 2, and when I hear it I actually feel ANGRY that this has been allowed to happen. So much so that I have to turn it off. Might be an age thing as I've heard of old folks shouting at the telly, but when I first heard this I shouted at the radio "Make it stop!"

This talentless bum obviously has some clever marketing behind him, though I don't personally know anyone who has ever bought any of his "music".

At car boot sales the two things you can count on finding are Lionel Ritchie's "Can't Slow Down" on vinyl, and every CD that Blobby Robbie ever made.

15-01-2019, 11:20
At least it's only one track ruined (although I'm only going on the comments here, I haven't heard it, my computer at work has had the sound turned off by the IT police).
Has anybody listened to this: https://www.discogs.com/Can-Sacrilege/release/20200 ?

A whole, superb, body of work totally ruined. It's aptly titled.

16-01-2019, 19:41
Listening to this is the musical equivalent of stepping in dogshit, with bare feet and an open sore.

There is no justice in a world where he will get even richer for chucking this rubbish out into the airwaves.

Audio Al
16-01-2019, 19:50
At least it's only one track ruined (although I'm only going on the comments here, I haven't heard it, my computer at work has had the sound turned off by the IT police).
Has anybody listened to this: https://www.discogs.com/Can-Sacrilege/release/20200 ?

A whole, superb, body of work totally ruined. It's aptly titled.

:eek: Bejesus make it stop :eek:

Pigmy Pony
21-01-2019, 18:47
This morning Radio 2 allowed us to witness the murder of New Order's "Blue Monday" at the hands of The Buggles head. I don't believe anything could be done to this song to improve it, so why bother? Because either he has a monster ego, or is just deluded. Someone should have told him to get a grip before it's too late.

Horn's 69 now, and really should have taken early retirement.

21-01-2019, 19:12
God that’s bad,my favourite “bad cover version “ is http://youtu.be/5Fmf3D9oNn4

21-01-2019, 21:23
God that’s bad,my favourite “bad cover version “ is http://youtu.be/5Fmf3D9oNn4

Shit film as well so it all comes together.