View Full Version : Garrard 401 mains connection

09-12-2018, 20:57

I'm about to take delivery of a Russ Collinson plinth with built in IEC mains socket but I'm not sure whether it makes sonic sense in this case to use it with the Garrard or keep the simple power chord already fitted directly to the turntable. What would you recommend?

Wakefield Turntables
09-12-2018, 21:13
Depends on your thoughts with respect to minimising components and how you see power delivery to the 401 motor. Personally I would wire up some 2mm pure silver with teflon tubing straight into the 401's motor and then use a decent plug https://www.hificollective.co.uk/power_connectors/hd_power_ms328s.html making sure you earth the turntable and power supply. Making sure that that cabling doesn't place excessive drag on the motor unit. My 301 uses a similar scheme and is then fed into a PS Audio P10 unit ensuring 0.1% THD of the power supply alongside carefully controlled voltage into the motor to minimise motor vibration.

09-12-2018, 21:15
I’ve got a RC plinth and 401, I couldn’t hear any difference from the stock lead that is hard wired to the motor over the ultra posh lead into the IEC socket. Others may have different experiences. But for me as long as the lead is a nice modern earthed one then it’s fine. Any how if you stick a posh lead into a 60p IEC socket I guess they’d be a bottleneck!

09-12-2018, 21:16
I’ve got a RC plinth and 401, I couldn’t hear any difference from the stock lead that is hard wired to the motor over the ultra posh lead into the IEC socket. Others may have different experiences. But for me as long as the lead is a nice modern earthed one then it’s fine. Any how if you stick a posh lead into a 60p IEC socket I guess they’d be a bottleneck!

Thanks, that was my way of thinking. Generally hardwired is the way to go...

Wakefield Turntables
09-12-2018, 21:22
I have never understood why you would need to introduce another IEC and cabling into the motor. I wonder if cutting out an IEC socket in a plinth has an overall impact on the plinth integrety?

09-12-2018, 21:24
I have never understood why you would need to introduce another IEC and cabling into the motor. I wonder if cutting out an IEC socket in a plinth has an overall impact on the plinth integrety?

No more so than drilling holes for the mains lead and pickup leads.

10-12-2018, 00:26
IMO rather than spending money on mains cables, it would be much better spent on a mains regenerator such as a power inspired or a.dedicated psu from.loricraft or martin bastin.
It will completely solve speed drift due to the constant voltage swings on the mains. Wire it up using the IEC socket using standard IEC cables and your Garrard will go to a whole new level.
It certainly transformed my 401.

Ali Tait
10-12-2018, 05:04
Agreed, there is a dedicated regen for the 401 designed by Nick Gorham. Makes a big improvement, at a cost.

10-12-2018, 23:40
Yes I should have mentioned LDA. I have heard Nick' s regenerator and agree it is excellent.

Wakefield Turntables
11-12-2018, 08:22
You could look for a ps audio p5 and then have regenerated power for ALL your components, your limited to 4 plugs however with the p5

15-12-2018, 20:24
Depends on your thoughts with respect to minimising components and how you see power delivery to the 401 motor. Personally I would wire up some 2mm pure silver with teflon tubing straight into the 401's motor and then use a decent plug https://www.hificollective.co.uk/power_connectors/hd_power_ms328s.html making sure you earth the turntable and power supply. Making sure that that cabling doesn't place excessive drag on the motor unit. My 301 uses a similar scheme and is then fed into a PS Audio P10 unit ensuring 0.1% THD of the power supply alongside carefully controlled voltage into the motor to minimise motor vibration.

Hi Andrew do you have a source for these? Thanks

Wakefield Turntables
15-12-2018, 21:13
The PS Audio P10 can be found on the PS Audio website, do a google search.

Ebay can be used to buy Pure 2mm silver & 3mm teflon tubing. Alternatively you can always look for jewellers supplies websites.

Otherwise, which other bits do you links for?

15-12-2018, 21:20
Thanks...Was just looking for the wire, will check out ebay... the PS Audio 10 is unfortunately WAY beyond my means!

Wakefield Turntables
15-12-2018, 21:28
PS Audio 10 is unfortunately WAY beyond my means!

Alternatives exist.