View Full Version : Same old boring

Rare Bird
25-04-2010, 14:25
Don't you get pissed off with the same old every day routine, work home, cooking bed, giving everything away to pay bills (Bills that are there even though you don't use some of the resources)..We have been put on this earth cos simply daddy can't keep his cock in his pants, very few kids are planned me thinks..So what do we do to get through the life we have been sadly granted? Waiting for the end of my days can't come soon enough!

25-04-2010, 14:30
Very nice post Andre. I fully understand where you are coming from and fully empathise with your viewpoint.
I had no say in being born. I had to be born because my parents were selfish enough to want kids without giving it any bloody thought. Now I'm stuck here and I have to make the most of life and all of its neuroses whether I want to or not and whether I am capable of handling it or not.
Thanks a sodding bunch.

25-04-2010, 14:32
Of course, there is always Hi-Fi and music to take away some of the pain. I also have my photography and I have done rather well with the initiative I was given.

Ali Tait
25-04-2010, 14:40
Are you bi-polar by any chance Andre?

25-04-2010, 14:48
Are you bi-polar by any chance Andre?

One of lifes gifts...???

Rare Bird
25-04-2010, 15:32
Are you bi-polar by any chance Andre?

Good guess

25-04-2010, 15:44
Remember Pandora's jar. ;)

Chorus : "Why were you punished ?"
Prometheus : "I tried to make people believing their death was not fate"
Chorus : "And ? Did you find a solution ?"
Prometheus : "I gave them blind Hopes"
Chorus: "A great solution indeed"
Prometheus: "I gave them the Fire, as well"

from Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus (around 450 BC)

25-04-2010, 15:49

The Vinyl Adventure
25-04-2010, 16:00
my hannah is bi-polar... or she has a boarder line personality disorder... they havent decided yet... she takes venlaflaxine for it, to be fair, it works wonders ... shes still nuts, but at least now she can work

Ali Tait
25-04-2010, 16:50
My best mate is bipolar.I've watched him struggle with it for most of his life.Worst thing is I can't do anything to help him.

Rare Bird
25-04-2010, 16:56
my hannah is bi-polar... or she has a boarder line personality disorder... they havent decided yet... she takes venlaflaxine for it, to be fair, it works wonders ... shes still nuts, but at least now she can work

What dosages does she take Hamish

25-04-2010, 17:48
"Same Shit Different Day".

Some years ago I used to see a bloke wearing that on a T-Shirt. He obviously worked for a machine shop. I used to see him at lunchtimes and he was always coverrd in black graphite sort of grime, pissed off face on and I thought "yea, I know what you mean, mate"

I suffer from depression and take each day as it comes. I have tried several "happy" pills, but they don't really work, they just numb the daily shit that is 7.00 - 6.00pm. I take Sertraline 100mg a day. I cycle a lot which I find a real tonic, as well as soldering bits of wire to other bits of wire and things with legs on, that might sometimes work, sometimes not. I like it when things don't work as I can spend hours trying to work out why they don't work and feel a sort of achievement when I finally get them working. Short lived though.

I often think that I am not depressed, just bored fucking shitless. After 300 years at work I want to do what I want to do each day, not do what someone else says I should do, and insteadplay all day, last of the summer wine stylee. Do we ever stop thinking we are teenagers in our heads? "cor that's a nice looking girl" (yea, she's about 20 you cock! - get a grip)

Ah well, death will be a blessed release. Happy Days!

The Vinyl Adventure
25-04-2010, 17:58
What dosages does she take Hamish

75mg in the morning and 150mg at night she also has quitiepine for when shes really nuts and cant sleep, but she doesnt like taking it much coz it turns her into a zombie for the day

25-04-2010, 18:02
Don't you get pissed off with the same old every day routine, work home, cooking bed, giving everything away to pay bills (Bills that are there even though you don't use some of the resources)..We have been put on this earth cos simply daddy can't keep his cock in his pants, very few kids are planned me thinks..So what do we do to get through the life we have been sadly granted? Waiting for the end of my days can't come soon enough!

I do know where you are coming from Andr'e, i was the only planned one out of four kids and the youngest with 8 years diffence between me and the next, and only one of my four kids was planned (don't use cheap condoms from pub toilets), but they are all equally loved the same, what thats got to do with anything i don't know perhaps being the youngest means your parents had more time for you and changes your outlook in life, does that mean that being the oldest makes for a different perspective and outlook, there is a only child syndone as well as oldest, youngest and middle, whats that all about? perhaps a session a couch with a shrink is called for :mental:
I have days like you when my glass is always half empty and i just want to run away from life where nothing interests me, but tommorow is a new day and things can get better to the point when your glass is half full again

Paying bills is the cause of much of my anguish when i havn't been payed myself such is life with your own business

Lifes a shit then you die
Life is what you make of it

I think i starting to ramble on and talk bollocks a bit like you Hamish and i sober :eek: :lol:

The Vinyl Adventure
25-04-2010, 18:10
i used to suffer with depression - adolescent depression fueled by a fuck awful home life... i got out of it in the end in my early 20's ... meditation, fiction novels and an awfully large amount of narcotics, then eventually setting my self a deadline to sort my self out was my cure... i woke up new years morning 2006 looked out my flat window felt strangly stable, did the washing up, had a cup of tee and that was that, depresion over...
i still have bad days, some really aweful dont want to open the curtains the fuckers are all looking at me days... but for the most part im better

the new "groove" avatar is actually in homage to those bad days, its groove out of the hoobs... the hoobs being the tv program that was on about 6 oclock in the morning that used to put a smile on my face after being awake not able to sleep all night every night for months on end

The Vinyl Adventure
25-04-2010, 18:11
:lol: @ jon

25-04-2010, 18:12
"Same Shit Different Day".

I often think that I am not depressed, just bored fucking shitless. After 300 years at work I want to do what I want to do each day, not do what someone else says I should do, and insteadplay all day, last of the summer wine stylee. Do we ever stop thinking we are teenagers in our heads? "cor that's a nice looking girl" (yea, she's about 20 you cock! - get a grip)

Ah well, death will be a blessed release. Happy Days!

Thats all sounds about right to me, bored fucking shitless with the day job wishing i could still pull the birds, not that i don't love my wife to bits and would never stray, its nice to know you still can, i think that is just a male thing makes your ego better or something

25-04-2010, 18:14
Think I'll go 'n buy me a "menoPorsche"! :eyebrows:

25-04-2010, 20:42
Puffin, it seems to me that you dont like routine, can you not change that? I know its a big step but could you not give up your job and start your own business? I got made redundant and now get by with an unpredictable income but its been enjoyable making contacts and developing the business.
When I got the chop at 55 I thought, this is it but its amazing how many contacts you have in your daily life who can help you on way or another.
I was forced into it but maybe you could just do it......

The Vinyl Adventure
25-04-2010, 21:15
I'd say the same for Andre ... Change of lifestyle can work wonders, it was mine and hannah's house move that sorted her out over the pills... Your move to Germany sound like a good plan, I'd stop fucking about and do it if life is getting you this much down

25-04-2010, 22:28
We have been put on this earth cos simply daddy can't keep his cock in his pants, very few kids are planned me thinks..So what do we do to get through the life we have been sadly granted? Waiting for the end of my days can't come soon enough!

I had no say in being born. I had to be born because my parents were selfish enough to want kids without giving it any bloody thought. Now I'm stuck here and I have to make the most of life and all of its neuroses whether I want to or not and whether I am capable of handling it or not.
Thanks a sodding bunch.

Goodness - what's the matter with you all? You sound like bleating American teenagers who can't have their way: "it's not fair, I didn't ask to be born!" No one asks to be born, we just are and have to get on with it. Life isn't fair; all one can hope for is to be born into a society where there is a level playing field that provides equal opportunity for one's passage through life. No one owes you a living.

Count your blessings: you have partners who can help you, share the burden and offer comfort; and we still live in a world full of beauty and natural wonders. Go for a good walk and appreciate the trees, flowers and the clouds in the sky. Then come home and play your favourite music - there, life's not so bad after all!

25-04-2010, 23:39
Goodness - what's the matter with you all? You sound like bleating American teenagers who can't have their way: "it's not fair, I didn't ask to be born!" No one asks to be born, we just are and have to get on with it. Life isn't fair; all one can hope for is to be born into a society where there is a level playing field that provides equal opportunity for one's passage through life. No one owes you a living.

Count your blessings: you have partners who can help you, share the burden and offer comfort; and we still live in a world full of beauty and natural wonders. Go for a good walk and appreciate the trees, flowers and the clouds in the sky. Then come home and play your favourite music - there, life's not so bad after all!

I agree in principle with everything you say, except the playing field is not that level for people with mental health issues! There is still a big stigma attached to mental health & the opportunities aren't always equal.

I lived with a bipolar diagnosed girlfriend for many years, & loved her dearly & am only too familiar with mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and antipsychotics. Lithium, Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine, Venlafaxine, Olanzapine to name a few I can remember. The poor girl rattled.

During those years I had & saw some of the best times & some of the worst times! It's not just a matter of a good walk and appreciate the trees, flowers and the clouds in the sky. They can't just 'pull thereselves together' I wish it was so simple.

A severe low can leave them to depressed to get out of bed or even wash, Dark dark thoughts that can lead to suicide. The highs can be just as crazy the other way, no sleep for days, racing thoughts that make no sense, uncontrolled spending to name a few things!

On the bright side bipolar sufferers can & do live perfectly normal lives once their illness is controlled by medication. But there lies the next problem as soon as they feel well & stable they often feel they have no need for the medication anymore & stop taking it only for the cycle to start again.

Anyway, I really feel for anyone living with Bipolar or anyone living with & loving someone with this illness! Like you say life isn't fair!!!!

Rare Bird
26-04-2010, 05:12
Count your blessings: you have partners who can help you, share the burden and offer comfort

Yeh who ii can't stand the sight of... i wouldnt ask them for anything if they were the last people on earth :steam:

Go for a good walk and appreciate the trees, flowers and the clouds in the sky.

Great idea if i ever get time off work :lolsign:

The Vinyl Adventure
26-04-2010, 08:40
I agree in principle with everything you say, except the playing field is not that level for people with mental health issues! There is still a big stigma attached to mental health & the opportunities aren't always equal.

I lived with a bipolar diagnosed girlfriend for many years, & loved her dearly & am only too familiar with mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and antipsychotics. Lithium, Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine, Venlafaxine, Olanzapine to name a few I can remember. The poor girl rattled.

During those years I had & saw some of the best times & some of the worst times! It's not just a matter of a good walk and appreciate the trees, flowers and the clouds in the sky. They can't just 'pull thereselves together' I wish it was so simple.

A severe low can leave them to depressed to get out of bed or even wash, Dark dark thoughts that can lead to suicide. The highs can be just as crazy the other way, no sleep for days, racing thoughts that make no sense, uncontrolled spending to name a few things!

On the bright side bipolar sufferers can & do live perfectly normal lives once their illness is controlled by medication. But there lies the next problem as soon as they feel well & stable they often feel they have no need for the medication anymore & stop taking it only for the cycle to start again.

Anyway, I really feel for anyone living with Bipolar or anyone living with & loving someone with this illness! Like you say life isn't fair!!!!

A remarkably familiar explanation!
Especially the bit about stopping taking the pills ... Fortunately hannah doesn't have quite the extremes of mood, hence the possible diagnosis of boardline personality disorder ...

It's funny that people who live with people who have these sort of issues always seem to have mutural understandings with each other, we are sorta within an inner circle of understanding, people who have not experienced living with someone with mental issues often can't see why we might stick with someone when they drive us mad... But when you say when you were that person you had some of the best and some of the worst times... Well that's what it's all about for me! Ride out the shit for the good stuff on the other side ... Life almost becomes the ilness for both people... But what would life be without it's ups and downs ... Boring! The way I try and look at it is, without feeling crap you can't know how to feel great... Hannah just serves to remind me of that in her own "special" way :)

26-04-2010, 08:58
Ride out the shit for the good stuff on the other side ...

I try, believe me I do try;)

26-04-2010, 17:23
Goodness - what's the matter with you all? You sound like bleating American teenagers who can't have their way: "it's not fair, I didn't ask to be born!" No one asks to be born, we just are and have to get on with it. Life isn't fair; all one can hope for is to be born into a society where there is a level playing field that provides equal opportunity for one's passage through life. No one owes you a living.

I feel that my comments to the first two posts of this thread might have come across as blunt and unfeeling - I had no idea that the OP was made by someone suffering from bi-polar disorder.

I should add that I am no stranger to bouts of depression, mood swings and the occasional, but rare, panic attack. None of these are serious and I require no medication; I am able to sort myself out. Hence my following comments about appreciating what you do have. This is what I do when I'm feeling down - but then maybe I'm lucky that I can do this.


26-04-2010, 17:53
Aww what the hell, I've posted this before, so why not? ;)

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

27-04-2010, 06:28
Aww what the hell, I've posted this before, so why not? ;)

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

.....and don't forget the sunscreen......:)

27-04-2010, 08:45
For my sins I get to take 8mg of Stelazine everyday. It helps a little but the shit still happens everyday.

The Vinyl Adventure
27-04-2010, 09:20
.....and don't forget the sunscreen......:)

thats exactly what i was going to say
i bloody love that track... i was actually high school class of 99 :lol::lol:

every single person i know takes the piss out of me for liking it, it just makes me smile


27-04-2010, 10:14
hi all,
i dont think we fully realise how many people we come into contact with each day who have problems, most of us are very good at hiding our feelings and we are so wrapped up in our little lives that we dont see the big picture, however, we are to a point in control of our destiny and more often than not are able to change our circumstances if we put our mind to it, sometimes its all down to how much effort your willing to put in to change things in life, on the other hand if you suffer from a genuine illness that clouds your judgement on a daily basis its hard to even think about change, so you go round and round in a viscious circle.

27-04-2010, 13:45
hi all,
i dont think we fully realise how many people we come into contact with each day who have problems, most of us are very good at hiding our feelings and we are so wrapped up in our little lives that we dont see the big picture, however, we are to a point in control of our destiny and more often than not are able to change our circumstances if we put our mind to it, sometimes its all down to how much effort your willing to put in to change things in life, on the other hand if you suffer from a genuine illness that clouds your judgement on a daily basis its hard to even think about change, so you go round and round in a viscious circle.

That was a very sensitive statement :clap:

27-04-2010, 22:02
Hamish - linky no worky - maybe this one will: (I like it too, by the way! ;))


The Vinyl Adventure
27-04-2010, 22:53
Good man!!

28-04-2010, 10:54

Try this one instead... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNHri2-W7iY#

28-04-2010, 11:03

Ladies and gentlemen with no class
get sunburned
if I could offer you one tip for the future
it would be get sunburnt
the long term effects have been proven by scientists
to cause premature aging swollen feet and melanoma
but what the hell
you gotta die of something
you'll have a healthy glow and you will look good for at least one summer anyways
the rest of this is philosophical nonsense that I will attempt to regurgitate at this time
enjoy the power and beauty of your babysitter
oh, nevermind
you will not understand the power and beauty of your babysitter
until you are too old to enjoy them, legally take nude photos of yourself
trust me, in 30 years that's the only way you will still be able to see your feet
you are every bit as fat as you imagine
worry about your future especially if it doesn't look like you're going to have one
it won't change the outcome
but it will create deep cavernous wrinkles along the forehead area
the real things that will ruin your life are the ones that would never cross your mind
but do cross 4 lanes of traffic and blindside your antique 79 green gremlin on monday morning rush hour
do something everyday that scares the living hell out of you - look in the mirror
don't be reckless with other people hearts
who knows, you may need theirs for a transplant some day
belch, just belch
don't waste your time on jeapordy
jerry springer is much more educational
remember the race is long and in the end your kness are shot,
you're dehydrated and all you have to show for it is a paper number
remember compliments, there won't be many
don't forget insults, you may reuse them
keep your old love letters, especailly the dirty ones
who knows when you might need one for a good cheap thrill on a lonely saturday evening
feel guilty if you dont know what to do with your life
good golly miss molly you are almost forty, get it together!
most of the people I know were in jail at the age of 22
heck some were in jail by the age of 13 - they knew what they wanted to do
maybe you will marry
hopefully you won't
but if you do, one thing is for sure
you will be divorced and broken and homeless etcetera. etcetera
maybe you will collapse in the rec room at the brittle hills old folks home
while attempting the funky chicken in your depends
abuse your body
pierce and tattoo every imagineable orifice you can
it's the greatest instrument you will ever own
play the hell out of it
dance - preferably in a strip bar
you will make a heck of a living
don't read the directions
the guy who wrote them is probably illiterate and doesn't know as much as you do
read nudey magazines
don't look at the pictures, they may make you feel inadequate.
friends come and go
but some will stick around to bum off of you for the rest of your miserable minimum wage life
work hard to buy bread for the gaps in your teeth
cuz the older you get the more rotten they become
live in los vegas, wayne newton does
live in san fransisco but leave before it makes you hard
maybe you will have a trust fund
if you do, trust me you'll have fun
maybe youll have a wealthy spouse
beleive me they will make you sign a prenup
don't mess too much with your privates
you won't go blind but by the time you are 40 they'll look 85
some people say money can't buy happiness
obviously they're not shopping in the right places
like a downtown corner at 2 AM in the morning
and remember what you hid from your parents as kids
you will hide from your kids as parents
hey - but trust me about that sunburn