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View Full Version : QUAD II 40's - Anyone rate them?

The Black Adder
24-04-2010, 13:46

has anyone had any experience with these amps? I'm looking for a new system and thinking of going in to valves.

Any help would be apprieciated. :)


24-04-2010, 17:09
Get either one of the better WD amps (ready made) or a Croft hybrid!!!!!

These Quads are very "nice," but I wouldn't say they're good value for money. They sell mainly to wealthy overseas clients who want a bit of nostalgic vintage brought up to date, rather than the dirty and possibly tired originals from 1960..

I don't know how much Anthony TD sells his products for, but I reckon the prices are comparable and I trust Marco when he says they're tons better than a squidgey old valve design.

Hell, I'd rather buy an old Radford for £1500, use a decent modern valve preamp and spend the difference on a re-build and some LP's/CD's..............

Perhaps I'm being unfair. It would be interesting to hear other peeps' opinions...

Ali Tait
24-04-2010, 17:26
I've no heard them,but I'd say you could possibly do better for the money.Were you going to buy a new pair?

24-04-2010, 17:57
hi all,
i service and repair these amps, IMHO you can do better!!! thats all i can and am willing to say profesionaly on the matter.:)

The Vinyl Adventure
24-04-2010, 18:01
From my limited experience Anthony's advice is worth it's weight and his amps are worth more ...

The Black Adder
24-04-2010, 18:31
righto... sounds like a thumbs down. I heard them and although they sounded nice, I could not stop wondering why there is an awful lot for sale... for sometihng like this, I would have thought they would be top flight. Why are these amps not up to scratch I wonder?

Anyways, I'm thinking of going valve. I'm after an amp, pre amp and speakers... TD can you point me in a decent direction (and not Quad) :) - Do you sell your stuff and have a website?

Ali Tait
24-04-2010, 19:37
How much are you looking at spending?

The Black Adder
24-04-2010, 19:43
I'm looking in the region of 3.5k for the pre, amps and speakers

Ali Tait
24-04-2010, 19:57
Plenty scope there then! I think the first thing you need to decide is which you prefer-single-ended or push pull.This will dictate the speakers that would best match the amp.As for a pre,I'd go for the world-designs pre 3.This is a kit,but you can buy it built.It's superb,and the fact that it uses output transformers makes it immune to impedance mismatch,meaning it will work well with just about anything.

The Black Adder
24-04-2010, 20:49
Hello Ali.

I was thinking of Audio Note as an option. I've been looking at New World stuff... I've not actually heard one of these amps before. Whats the verdict in general on this, are they good quality and re-sellable. I have to make sure I cover all bases you see.

There is some Audio note monoblocks on ebay at the moment, but they are about 3.5k - I think this is a little expensive but I might be wrong.

What I'm after is something that will give me a loud volume without distortion, plenty of bass, liquid mids and not too bright highs... maybe I should ask for ask the Queen to make me a cuppa along with this... Am I getting a little beyond myself at this budget with valve?

24-04-2010, 21:09
I'm worried that Audio Note rip their clients off with their ludicrous and totally unrealistic prices - talk about "slurp..."

Me? not knowing Anthony's designs, I'd buy a Croft "R" set and smile happily through every music session........... :)

Ali Tait
24-04-2010, 21:45
No,I think you can do very well at a lot less than you're willing to spend if you go for the WD stuff.Try the pre3 and the WD88 amp.WD stuff is very resellable,and you will get most of your money back.As for AN stuff,I like what I've heard,but it is pricey! Another good choice for amps would be the Glasshouse 300b from Hi-Fi Collective.This is designed by Andy Grove,who designs most of AN's stuff (or at least he used to,not sure if he still does)

As I said,you need to listen to both PP and SE to see which you prefer.The WD amp is PP,the Glasshouse is SE.

Ali Tait
24-04-2010, 21:49
Or,I could put you in touch with someone who could build you a world-class valve amp if you don't mind diy.

24-04-2010, 22:02
hi joe,
there are plenty of good amps out there, performance wise a lot will depend on synergy between amp and speaker combination.
picking a speaker with an even impedance [ as posible] over the entire audio frequency is a must with any valve amp.
hope this helps.

The Black Adder
25-04-2010, 06:33
Many thanks for the advice. I was looking for something in a monoblock configuration but the AN on ebay is far too expensive. Ok, I'll take my time, I may go to Classique sounds, see what he has to offer, I've spoken to him before and he sounds like a nice chap.

DSJR, I've always been awair of Croft, so that should be on my list also.


25-04-2010, 07:52
Here I go swimming against the tide again. I have a pair of 40s and love them. Have to say that I didnt pay retail for them though, got mine at about 1/2 that....they were less than a year old. Maybe there is better out there but I was after solidity and simplicity and wasnt prepared to compromise with a solid state rectifier. No intentions of selling them anytime soon...they're keepers.

Ali Tait
25-04-2010, 10:02
I wouldn't say SS rectification is a compromise,depends on the amp.People always seem to see it as better though.

25-04-2010, 10:35
I never said that the 2-40's are bad amps, far from it, but they do seem to be priced retail at the maximum they feel they can get away with - made in China too I believe, so they'll be very cheap to import I suspect.........

25-04-2010, 12:45
but they do seem to be priced retail at the maximum they feel they can get away with
I would be interested to hear of any manufacturer that didn't.

made in China too I believe
Lets face it....if we discounted far eastern manufacturing we wouldnt be able to buy anything. Theres nothing wrong with it as long as QA standards are met.

Ali Tait
25-04-2010, 12:50
Many thanks for the advice. I was looking for something in a monoblock configuration but the AN on ebay is far too expensive. Ok, I'll take my time, I may go to Classique sounds, see what he has to offer, I've spoken to him before and he sounds like a nice chap.

DSJR, I've always been awair of Croft, so that should be on my list also.


Monoblocks would be no problem if you had them made.

Ali Tait
25-04-2010, 12:57
Thought I'd give you an idea of a DIY amp-


The Black Adder
27-04-2010, 23:32
Hi, is that link not working? - I can't seem to get in to the gallery.

Anyhoo... I think I'll knock the Quads on the head, I'm hearing too much about the build quality, albeit the lack of... I'm sure they are fine but I'm after something a bit special...

I'm still in limbo with valve or solid... can you tell me if valve amps (in general) are meant to be left on like SS?

The Grand Wazoo
27-04-2010, 23:39
No, I wouldn't be leaving a valve power amp on for long periods unattended.
It'll cost you in electricity, valves and........just possibly, your house.

It sounds to me like you've got to get out there and listen to a load of different stuff & see what takes your fancy from your experience.
Just a thought

28-04-2010, 07:14
Listening to "loads" in a short time will cause mega confusion I found.

My honest advice is to start low but good, as in a basic WD amp for a few hundred quid which will be easy to move on if the presentation doesn't suit. if kit or ready-built kit isn't to taste, then look at a Puresound, which is sorted for the UK and will be reliable (Guy posts here too). use speakers with an easy impedance curve and you'll be fine.

The mega valve amps can come later once the "apprenticeship" has been served I think.

The Grand Wazoo
28-04-2010, 08:22
Dave, I said listen to 'loads' but I didn't intend for it to be carried out in a short time. I completely agree that would confuse things. But Joe is considering spending up to a tidy sum & I'd want to be sure I'd listened to a good representation of what's available if it were me.

The Black Adder
28-04-2010, 08:32
Cheers Dave, Chris. Yeah, I've listened to the Quads and also some Quad II's, also a Lumey Reference but not the new world stuff yet.

To be honest, It's hard for me to get about at the moment, and I don't want to make a mistake. But I do still like SS, so that is deffo still on the cards.

Another make is Audion - Someone on PFM is selling a Stirling and amp - Has anyone got an opinion on these?

I'm after something that won't burn my house down too... I know this is a bold statement but I've had a fire recently and I must admit valve amps do have a reputation in this area.

The Black Adder
28-04-2010, 08:32
Cheers Dave, Chris. Yeah, I've listened to the Quads and also some Quad II's, also a Lumey Reference but not the new world stuff yet.

To be honest, It's hard for me to get about at the moment, and I don't want to make a mistake. But I do still like SS, so that is deffo still on the cards.

Another make is Audion - Someone on PFM is selling a Stirling and amp - Has anyone got an opinion on these?

I'm after something that won't burn my house down too... I know this is a bold statement but I've had a fire recently and I must admit valve amps do have a reputation in this area.

Ali Tait
28-04-2010, 08:37
Hi, is that link not working? - I can't seem to get in to the gallery.

Anyhoo... I think I'll knock the Quads on the head, I'm hearing too much about the build quality, albeit the lack of... I'm sure they are fine but I'm after something a bit special...

I'm still in limbo with valve or solid... can you tell me if valve amps (in general) are meant to be left on like SS?

Hi,link works fine for me.I agree with what all are saying,you need to decide first exactly what it is you want.If it is a valve amp,then WD or similar would be a good place to start.If you want the best amp for the money spent,then having an amp made for you will give you the best SPPV,given the amount you have to spend.The friend I mentioned has built some of the best amps I've ever heard,and that includes silly priced Audio Note stuff and similar.

28-04-2010, 08:52
Hi Ali

I've justed logged out on the WD site and tried the link - you get a page that comes up with something about logging in to access the images.

The link works fine when I'm logged in.

28-04-2010, 08:55
Dave, I said listen to 'loads' but I didn't intend for it to be carried out in a short time. I completely agree that would confuse things. But Joe is considering spending up to a tidy sum & I'd want to be sure I'd listened to a good representation of what's available if it were me.


S'allright, I think I knew where you were coming from... i just think that it's mad to spend a small fortune all at once without having tried and owned a few cheaper goodies first, as after taking for granted the expensive and hopefully "better" stuff for a while, the itchy feet start up (been there and done it).

I think this hobby is far more fun if you start low and good and then carefully work your way up. A Rogers Cadet III or 1970's Sugden A21/A48 could lead to a WD KEL84 or AVI LSI and then either bigger ss or valve with Harbeths/Tannoy DC's or even a decent active monitoring system (ADM9.1's WITH SUB, or ATC/PMC/Adam etc...).

I'm not saying the OP should do a Jerry and serial box-swap every few months (although I'm surprised the Chord integrated lasted as long as it did), but carefully working your way up with good items that are easy to sell on later..

It's difficult for me to type what I mean, but hopefully you have the gist of it :cool:

Ali Tait
28-04-2010, 16:47
Hi Ali

I've justed logged out on the WD site and tried the link - you get a page that comes up with something about logging in to access the images.

The link works fine when I'm logged in.

Thanks Chris,could you put the piture up for me please? I'm away and only have my phone,and I can't do it.

28-04-2010, 19:01
Thanks Chris,could you put the piture up for me please? I'm away and only have my phone,and I can't do it.

I've already done it once Ali.
Someone is pissing about deleting stuff on the site.
I'll repost the links when someone can assure me that it won't happen again.

Ali Tait
29-04-2010, 00:15
Prob just the migration mate,I had a couple of PM's disappear around the same time.Thanks in any case.

29-04-2010, 13:28
Hopefully things have now stabilised with the website.
This is the amplifier Ali was trying to link to with this (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showpost.php?p=118949&postcount=21) post


The amp is a Single Ended 6em7 affair and sounds lovely.
However it only pushes out 1 watt on a good day, going downhill and with a following breeze, so it needs pretty sensitive speakers, somewhere around 95 dBWM and above.

06-02-2017, 22:08
Thought I'd resurrect this Quad II-Forty thread;

I've seen a local pair of Quad II-Forty's for sale and wondering if audio folk that own them are they still happy with them or maybe sold them on etc....?


07-02-2017, 09:25
I think you'll be hard to better your Croft, TD and Tannoys at £3.5k or are you looking at a second system?