View Full Version : Supersonic Stereo

29-11-2018, 09:24
What if you somehow managed to make a stereo travel at twice the speed of sound, would it sound backwards to someone who was just casually sitting somewhere as it flies by?
—Tim Currie

Weird but entertaining read http://what-if.xkcd.com/37/

29-11-2018, 10:22
No idea but I once saw an RAF fighter jet supersonic at low altitude (naughty pilot) over the lake district, the plane shot past silently followed by a normal sounding jet noise a second or so later, it was bloody impressive.

29-11-2018, 11:04
No idea but I once saw an RAF fighter jet supersonic at low altitude (naughty pilot) over the lake district, the plane shot past silently followed by a normal sounding jet noise a second or so later, it was bloody impressive.

If there wasn't a bang, he was probably a little below supersonic. The sound delay was caused by your distance from the plane.

I've seen both high subsonic and supersonic low passes and the difference is very distinct.

29-11-2018, 18:41
Been thinking about this but got confused with Doppler effect, sonic boom, sound volume from great distances, let alone the practical issues and then I found this https://what-if.xkcd.com/37/