View Full Version : Wtd: SP-10 MkII plinth

28-11-2018, 19:39
I’ve just acquired an SP-10 MkII, but it doesn’t have a plinth, so does anybody have an adequate one knocking around that they would like to sell me ?

In the short - mid term I’ll be using my OL Silver arm, so a Rega mount arm board would be useful.

Thanks in advance.

28-11-2018, 19:43
What the budget mate?

Phonomac has some multiplex which I'm sure he'd knock a plinth up with. It's as good as anything out there. Except Panzerholtz which he can also do.

28-11-2018, 19:46
£300 / 350'ish

28-11-2018, 19:58
The Multiplex plinth has gone - sold already.

Mike, I'll drop you a pm about a Panzerholz one.

28-11-2018, 20:05
Thanks Angus