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26-11-2018, 21:42
I must say that I am not audiophile but love music and good sound.
In fact I am searching Wharfedale Laser 200 original tweeters,...
If someone can help me I would be very happy :)
My hometown is Zagreb - Croatia.

King regards,


27-11-2018, 00:11
I've got a few of them put away, I bought spares for my laser 400s which I then sold and then planned a supertweeter project but haven't got round to it yet. I might be persuaded to sell one or two.. Are yours working ok?

Sent from my BLN-L21 using Tapatalk

27-11-2018, 08:15
Hi Sandro. Welcome to AOS.

Give us a bit more of an intro and tell us what music you like and what Hi-Fi you use at the moment.

You don't have to be an audiophile to join in here, there's chat about all sorts of topics.

Enjoy the forum,

27-11-2018, 19:45
I have destroyed original isodynamic tweeters unfortunately. Everything else is in really good condition !

27-11-2018, 20:21
Okay :) I grew up with LPs from Jackson, Beatles, Santana,... My favourite band is Iron Maiden.
At the moment I try to listen more classical music.
My Hi-Fi is : Amplifier Rotel 931, CD - player Nad C 521BEE
Radio tuner Onkyo F-4211, Turntable Sansui FR-D4
Cassete deck Yamaha- KX 393
Speakers Wharfedale Laser 200

I also listen music on my computer with active speakers M-Audio BX5a deluxe,...

Spectral Morn
28-11-2018, 11:14
Welcome to AoS :cool:

30-11-2018, 08:58
I forgot my old Sansui G-401 receiver :)

30-11-2018, 09:01
Hi Sandro. Welcome from me.

05-12-2018, 23:43
Welcome to AoS Sandro.

Enjoy the Forum