View Full Version : New (old) Amp

20-04-2010, 09:55
When I joined the forum a month ago I received several kind welcoming posts including in particular one from DSJR (pm for you DSJR) suggesting that I upgrade my power amp from a Quad 306 to a 606 Mk2 to power my KEF 104/2s. He said this would really make them sing.

I have now obtained a near mint 606/II :)from, by its serial number, probably the last batch made and am very pleased with the upgrade. The 606 handles music with greater authority & precision or bite, if you will. The bass is stronger and there seems to be generally more attack. Also (or am I imagining this?) the sound stage seems to be wider.

In essence it does everything my 306 did (& no the 306 is NOT at present for sale!) but with greater ease and the feeling of bags of power in reserve. It is rather like upgrading from a small engined mini car to a big six cylinder saloon with great effortlessness and torque;).

It is of course a fact that the 306 has not been overhauled since bought new some 20 years ago and would probably benefit from a bit of TLC, but nevertheless the 606 is a great improvement:cool:.

Steve Toy
20-04-2010, 10:18
Good stuff. What front end do you have?

20-04-2010, 14:41
Nottingham Analogue Interspace Junior/Space arm/Dynavector DV 10x5, controlled by Pro-ject Speedbox; also Audio Technica ATPL-120 for 78s & 45s; complete set of audiophile styli for 78s & Shure M97xE for 45s, through Graham Slee Jazz Club to Quad 66 pre-amp, also Quad 66 CD player.

20-04-2010, 15:13
Glad you like it and thanks for the PM..

606's are better than many give them credit for IMO and Dada Electronics can provide update kits which basically incorporate the tweaks made to the 707/909 models I think.

Just leave the amp on for an hour or so for the case to gently warm through before seriously listening (the mk2 was better in this respect anyway than the mk1 version). The KEF's offer a doddle of a load as I remember, so the amp will be in electronic heaven with these..

20-04-2010, 15:19
Thanks for reporting the upgrade Julian. Nice to know that advice offered here works and is appreciated.

What sort of stuff do you have on 78s? Do you find a need for fine speed control on your deck when playing them? Good to know that Shure can still supply stylii for 78s.


20-04-2010, 15:54
The set of six 78 audiophile styli I have come from Esoteric Sound (Rek-o-Cut) in the United States, Barry, through Sound Hifi in Devon; the Shure does have a 78 stylus which I use occasionally, but mainly use the other stylus for my 45s. I actually bought it for a different deck & hung on to it but it does the job nicely.

I also have a Rek-o-cut selection switch to switch between the two decks.

My 78s comprise classical/operatic pre 7 post war dance music, some 1920s tango etc. etc. - a very catholic lot of stuff! I do use the speed control on certain records in conjunction with a KAB speed strobe. Give a good sound when re-equalised through the Jazz Club.

Next upgrade I think to the G. Slee revelation.