View Full Version : Paul Hynes PR3 power supply for Technics SL1210

03-11-2018, 14:48
Several years ago I purchased a power supply module (it says PR3I3 on the pcb) and a CAPBANK6 module from Paul Hynes to create an external power supply for my Technics SL1210 turntable. Unfortunately I never got around to using them as my life took a few turns. This week I took them out from their hiding place thinking perhaps its time to put them to use.

But, I've forgotten how to hook them up - i.e., which wire goes where including those for the capacitor bank - both inside an appropriate enclosure and within the turntable itself. Also, I don't recall what the capacitor bank adds to the mix. I assume it provides backup power but can't remember what Paul said at the time or why he recommended I add it to the power module.

I am not an electrical wizard so really need detailed help with selecting the appropriate wire (e.g., the xxVolt positive wire from the toroid transformer goes to this place on the board). I've also forgotten whether these modules include a regulator (thus, do I remove the stock Technics one?). Would you be able to point me to a place where I can learn what I need to do? I am quite careful with AC power and know the dangers and can solder, etc.; it's just figuring out which wire does what. Thanks.

04-11-2018, 07:11
If you are not 100 % sure than dont do it on your own. Send Paul Hynes email. Hopefully he will guide you.

04-11-2018, 08:49
Check out the to techiepedia section here, hooking up the power supply is pretty easy, I managed it with no experience at all.

I cut all the relevant wires, removed the bits not needed and then got my son in law to solder the cable in.

If your PSU is the same cable as the SR7 I have then it will be one cable with two bare ends. Only really tricky bit is snipping/removing the right bits on the board but once you look at the guide in techiepedia it's pretty straight forward.

Only tricky installation is the Regulators, if you have those then you will need help, I got ianmac to fit mine and even then it was tricky as the regulator boards weren't marked as to which input was which. It meant a 20 minute job turned into 3 hours [emoji23]

If I find the relevant post that shows you how to do the PSU I'll add it here.

04-11-2018, 08:57
This thread here might help


04-11-2018, 09:00
Here is the thread in techiepedia I mentioned.

https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftheartofsound%2Enet%2F forum%2Fshowthread%2Ephp%3Ft%3D8118&share_tid=8118&share_fid=4177&share_type=t

04-11-2018, 13:26
Thanks mikeyb I'll take a look at those two areas.

07-11-2018, 16:45
Hello, I have a Paul Hynes capacitor bank (CAPBANK6) for the PR3 but I'm unsure how to hook it up to the main module. Would it be in line from the DC output from the main module before being wired to the output plug (to the turntable)?