View Full Version : Sonic Bliss

29-10-2018, 23:34
I'm Sonicbliss, or so I think, a nickname found because of having been on its pursuit for many years, mostly suceeding but not without some hicups along the way.

I have been hit by the upgraditis bug but have since some time settled on two different types of systems, as follows:
1. A Michell based one with a pair of Alectos, an Orca, Orbe plus SME V with an Ortofon, currently a Per Winfeld (no, not the Ti yet). Used to have a MC7500 on it that I've since moved onto the Dragon CT - see below.
2. A Nakamichi 'series 7' as I like to call it with a PA-7II, a CE-7, CR7, OMS7 and Dragon CT record player with an Ortofon MC7500.

Both have merits but can sound different depending on which speakers I use. I keep a few LS3 5as (Rogers 11 and 15 Ohm, Goodmans and Spendors, the latter being a cracker, I think).

Am also a big fan of the old, Mo ikbal period, Monitor Audio studio series and I believe the Studio 6 will be worth its weight in gold in the future, probably more so than the much hailed studio 20. The studio 15 is also quite something - hang on to a pair if you can find it, it's much rarer than the rest of the studios, bar the 100 of which I have the only pair in existence, a prototype that went in the late nineties to the Lisbon representative and that I bought from the original owner. In general I prefer the standmounters to the floorstanders but all have their own positive aspects.

My music taste is quite versatile and having grown up (whatever that means - love the quote I saw in some guy's tee-shirt that read 'Don't grow up, it's a trap') in the sixties still am a pop/rock fan but found out that I derive the most pleasure from rock in my car when motorwaying. Currently I'm discovering about Bach and love to bits the Murray Perhaias recordings - I thought that Glen Gould was the reference until I heard Murray's CDs - don't miss them.

And of course there's also Jazz, both old school and more modern types - check out the Marsalis family recordings, like Ellis, the father that plays piano and can be quite inspiring - I recommend the CD 'Loved ones' for starters where he plays with Brandford on sax.

Enough for now, gotta go listen to Nathalie Cole that I watched live in the Algarve a couple of years before she passed away.

Audio Al
30-10-2018, 05:30
Hi David

Sounds like you have a welth of experience and will fit in nice on the forum

Have fun and keep posting , Photos of you kit would be good , we all like photos

Pigmy Pony
30-10-2018, 06:37
Good morning and welcome David, from another early riser! :)


30-10-2018, 08:29
Hello David. Welcome to AOS.

That's an interesting selection of equipment you have there.

Tell us what future plans you may have if any for your Hi-Fi.

Feel free to join in the chat.

Enjoy the forum,