View Full Version : Cartridge for Michell Gyrodec

29-10-2018, 21:51
I've just ordered a new Gyrodec SE with RB202 Arm as a starting point.

What I haven't got is a cartridge yet to go with it.

Any recommendations up to around £350? Looking for a presentation on the warmer side of neutral. MM or MC is fine. My Lindemann Limetree Phono stage can accept both.

Don't think it is worth spending more until I can afford to upgrade the arm.

29-10-2018, 22:32
You will struggle to get a decent MC cartridge for £350, but have quite a bit of choice with MM.

29-10-2018, 22:40
You will struggle to get a decent MC cartridge for £350, but have quite a bit of choice with MM.

Any MM suggestions?

29-10-2018, 22:55
MC Carts:

Hanna EL can be had for your budget. Gets rave reviews everywhere and would suit your taste of a warmish, neutral sound.

Will work on any arm too. Will also improve as your setup does. Capable of very good performance.

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F 323227122964

Alternatively, the AT33PTGII is the best cartridge for your price range. Again, may have to go used, but goddam, this cartridge makes a mockery of its price and offers superb performance. I'd pick the AT33PTGII but it is neutral and not warm neutral. It's not clinical or thin, in fact it's a bit of a departure from the house AT sound. No upgrade you make will be held back by this cartridge. Yes, there are better out there but look to spend £1000+ finding one.

That's my recommendation anyway.

There one is on eBay too:


https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F 323522166717

This one is well regarded too. Slightly more money but definitely worth considering. Reportedly warm side of neutral too.

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F 232877767605

MM Carts:

A bit over budget this one but again, punches well above its weight. The Goldring 2500 is a real Hi-end MM Cartridge. Might be lucky in the used market, definitely keep a look out. Neutral, detailed and punchy. A really enjoyable Cartridge.

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F 192669016086

The standard for MM cartridges:

The Ortofon 2M black. There is no warmth here, just pure detail and timbre. Great tonal palette and just about as good as any MC under £1500. Treble can be etched if not matched carefully in your system. Valve preamps are my choice to do this with the 2m black.

A bastard to set up, not ideal for a Rega arm as you need VTA adjustability and Azimuth adjustment to get that Shibata stylus bang on. Be warned, if you get it right and it suits your system, your cartridge journey is over.

Class leader for MM.

Here's one:

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.de%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F332 854111297

30-10-2018, 06:15
The cheapest I have seen the AT33PTG/II is £383, it is a great cartridge, but it is not warm. I thoughtb5hey were more expensive than that. In my opinion, the 2M Black is not what you want - they are also expensive. Something like an AT150mlx would be better, but still not “warm”, although it is definitely warmer than a 2M Black.
I would suggest the Nagaoka MP300 or MP500 if you can get one second hand.

I think that tne AT150mlx has been replaced by the VM750SH.

30-10-2018, 08:47
a nice warm cartridge which i have used with the same combo as you and now use on a 1210/audiomods combo


shop around for a price below your budget - try ian harrison hifi 001283 702875 for a price around £320

30-10-2018, 09:07
I think you have to be careful when looking for a 'warm' sounding cartridge. Depending on the rest of the gear, it can get very thick and slow sounding, which if that's what you want and it suits you style of music then cool.

What I found is when something with a bit of pace is played, you start to miss the insight a neutral cartridge offers. Of course, if you go too clinical, the sound becomes unbearable for other reasons like strident treble and thin tone.

Cartridges are very personal in terms of taste so try and read as much as you can and if there are some guys or girls local to you, go and have a listen to their system. See what cartridges they use etc.

Dave W
30-10-2018, 09:52
I would try the AT120 or Nagoka 110 first to see which you like best. I have had both on my Gyro with a RB303, and I thought both are very good. Which, if either are warm - well that is very subjective as to my ears the Nagoka (ish)

30-10-2018, 10:16
I think you have to be careful when looking for a 'warm' sounding cartridge. Depending on the rest of the gear, it can get very thick and slow sounding, which if that's what you want and it suits you style of music then cool.

What I found is when something with a bit of pace is played, you start to miss the insight a neutral cartridge offers. Of course, if you go too clinical, the sound becomes unbearable for other reasons like strident treble and thin tone.

Cartridges are very personal in terms of taste so try and read as much as you can and if there are some guys or girls local to you, go and have a listen to their system. See what cartridges they use etc.

Great advise Oli - Insight and neutrality the trait of a good cartridge in my book, more true to the groove then and in my experience.

At the same time and as they say, 'one mans meat'... and all that, so get to know what suits your taste as Oli has directed.

30-10-2018, 10:28
Great advise Oli - Insight and neutrality the trait of a good cartridge in my book, more true to the groove then and in my experience.

At the same time and as they say, 'one mans meat'... and all that, so get to know what suits your taste as Oli has directed.Thanks Robbie.

30-10-2018, 10:32
MC Carts:

Hanna EL can be had for your budget. Gets rave reviews everywhere and would suit your taste of a warmish, neutral sound.

Will work on any arm too. Will also improve as your setup does. Capable of very good performance.

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F 323227122964

Alternatively, the AT33PTGII is the best cartridge for your price range. Again, may have to go used, but goddam, this cartridge makes a mockery of its price and offers superb performance. I'd pick the AT33PTGII but it is neutral and not warm neutral. It's not clinical or thin, in fact it's a bit of a departure from the house AT sound. No upgrade you make will be held back by this cartridge. Yes, there are better out there but look to spend £1000+ finding one.

That's my recommendation anyway.

There one is on eBay too:


https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F 323522166717

This one is well regarded too. Slightly more money but definitely worth considering. Reportedly warm side of neutral too.

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F 232877767605

MM Carts:

A bit over budget this one but again, punches well above its weight. The Goldring 2500 is a real Hi-end MM Cartridge. Might be lucky in the used market, definitely keep a look out. Neutral, detailed and punchy. A really enjoyable Cartridge.

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F 192669016086

The standard for MM cartridges:

The Ortofon 2M black. There is no warmth here, just pure detail and timbre. Great tonal palette and just about as good as any MC under £1500. Treble can be etched if not matched carefully in your system. Valve preamps are my choice to do this with the 2m black.

A bastard to set up, not ideal for a Rega arm as you need VTA adjustability and Azimuth adjustment to get that Shibata stylus bang on. Be warned, if you get it right and it suits your system, your cartridge journey is over.

Class leader for MM.

Here's one:

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.de%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F332 854111297

Again, Can only but agree with Oli here, some excellent carts listed that receive great reviews across the net from users, articles, forums etc.

And yes the Black is a stonker, probs the king in the ring amongst that lot BUT it's greatness comes at a price in that it can fatigue the life out of you with regards to nailing set up which has to be spot on in terms of how the stylus tip sits and traces within the groove. BUT, once you've nailed it, all pain is forgotten and it's very happy days indeed. If you're not the patient type and dont want the fuss and faff then walk away.

30-10-2018, 11:11
I preferred the AT150mlx to the 2M Black. I had both and sold the black.
As you say, one mans meat is another mans poison.

30-10-2018, 12:57
With that price range you’ve got lots of choice, I have been using an Audio Technica ATF7 moving coil (£225)in conjunction with a Cambridge CP2 phono stage on my P3 for almost a year now and can’t fault it, it has a very well balanced and detailed sound with good drive and dynamics and excellent bass and it’s a great tracker with no IGD. If you want to go with MM then the Nagaoka MP110 is excellent, a little less at HF than the ATF7, if that is bothersome then the MP150

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

30-10-2018, 13:15
I preferred the AT150mlx to the 2M Black. I had both and sold the black.
As you say, one mans meat is another mans poison.

I'd go along with that. I'm not a fan of the 2M series, finding them bright and thin. For less than the Black you can have a Hana or an Audio Technica MC, there is also the new Audio Technica VM95 range, which are excellent and very reasonably priced. Their VM95 SH has a Shibata stylus at £179 and I'd take that anyday over a 2M Black.

30-10-2018, 14:00
I'd go along with that. I'm not a fan of the 2M series, finding them bright and thin. For less than the Black you can have a Hana or an Audio Technica MC, there is also the new Audio Technica VM95 range, which are excellent and very reasonably priced. Their VM95 SH has a Shibata stylus at £179 and I'd take that anyday over a 2M Black.

I’ve got an AT95EX on my ATLP5 and it’s a cracker for under £50.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

30-10-2018, 15:23
You should be able to find an Audio Note IQ2 second-hand, or a new Audio Note IQ1, for your budget. :)

30-10-2018, 17:35
I’ve heard Gyrodecs with the RB arm & Ortofon carts. Sounded good to me. The 2M Bronze or Black, or the Quintet Blue if you want a MC.
Whilst not overly warm I would say they are definitely not on the bright side. The Quintet tends to ride low, so correct set up will be important & if you’re doing it yourself, a bit of patience may be required to get it spot on.
The Hana’s seem to be getting good reviews but I’ve not yet heard one.

30-10-2018, 19:56
I’m with Oli and Robbie on this one.

Personally I have struggled to beat the AT33ptg II and I’ve spent up to £1k always returned to the AT!

30-10-2018, 20:19
I’m with Oli and Robbie on this one.

Personally I have struggled to beat the AT33ptg II and I’ve spent up to £1k always returned to the AT!For the budget its perfect.

Robert Onion
03-11-2018, 11:49
AT33 PTGII is a superb cartridge and finely balanced tonally - the one to beat sub £500. You would have to go to a DV20XL2 to get an all round upgrade

Pay also due consideration to the phono stage matching as this can make or break the quality of sound.

03-11-2018, 21:17
Thanks for the all the opinions. All fantastic.

For a number of reasons I have had to rethink my budget and found a new Goldring 1042 cartridge for a bargain price and have gone with that for now.

Sounds pretty good up to now.

Will start saving for a decent MC cart!

05-11-2018, 18:26
The 1042 was mighty fine last time I heard it, my guess a higher arm is better before going MC

15-11-2018, 17:45
A quick update on this thread.

I have tried for the last week or so to get the Goldring to sound right but I have struggled. The biggest issue I have had is that the image is not centred and vocals are slightly right of centre. It is subtle but has driven me slightly mad I think trying to get it right. The long and short of it is that I have sent it back to Amazon (Prime thankfully so the return is straightforward).

Managed to scrape the extra funds together for an Audio Technica AT 33PTG Mk2 and so hopefully this will be okay. Arrives tomorrow and so will have some time to set it up over the weekend.

16-11-2018, 13:43
The Audio Technica Cartridge arrived this morning. Spent a couple of hours setting it up and I have to say I am totally blown away.

Even with the first couple of records the difference between the new cart and the Goldring is not subtle.

Thanks for the original recommendation Bigman80 and all those who concurred.

16-11-2018, 16:30
Never been a fan of the Goldrings. Back in the day when they were first introduced there were plenty of better cartridges but well outclassed nowadays.

17-11-2018, 01:43
How about the audio note variations of the Goldring?