View Full Version : Wanted: Fostex FT17H tweeters.

17-04-2010, 10:22
This is a long shot if ever there was one, but does anyone have a pair of these surplus to requirements?

I was going to buy a brand new pair, but a £900 repair bill for the family moneypit* (or car, as some people call it) has left me even more skint than usual.
In the meantime, I have a nice pair of horns crying out for tweeters.



* In relation to cars in general, I would just like to say aaaaaaaaargh!!!!!

17-04-2010, 10:42
Your Jericho's deserve a better tweeter than the FT17H - something like the T90A is more up to the mark http://www.europe-audio.com/Product.asp?Product_ID=4694 - I know Will used his Visaton tweeters with the Jericho's, and they sounded very nice.

17-04-2010, 10:54
Your Jericho's deserve a better tweeter than the FT17H - something like the T90A is more up to the mark http://www.europe-audio.com/Product.asp?Product_ID=4694 - I know Will used his Visaton tweeters with the Jericho's, and they sounded very nice.

Yes, Will's Visatons were very nice indeed.

Will recommended the FT17H - The T90A may be better, but is way over my budget at the moment. Maybe a future upgrade, but for the time being I'm limited to the bargain basement :(.

