View Full Version : Capacitance of the Mk 1 Nordost TYR tonearm cable?

Wakefield Turntables
21-10-2018, 18:18
Hi, I've been looking for the specs for the original Mk 1 TYR tonearm cable, has anyone get an idea of its Capacitance?

22-10-2018, 12:36
Hi, I've been looking for the specs for the original Mk 1 TYR tonearm cable, has anyone get an idea of its Capacitance?

Why don't you measure it? Most modern digital multimeters have the facility to measure capacitance.

Wakefield Turntables
22-10-2018, 15:04
Nordost mailed back its 25pf

22-10-2018, 16:13
Per foot, metre of per total length?

Wakefield Turntables
22-10-2018, 16:22
Per meter I think, the tonearm cable is 1.25m in length, I really need to check. Any special reason for asking?

22-10-2018, 20:05
Just calculating your total capacitance in my head, cart, cable, plugs, valves, it's all adding up.

Wakefield Turntables
23-10-2018, 07:24
Aha it's beginning to make some sense. It's 25pf per foot. The valves I think output 250-300pf p, the cable probably 150-200pf, not sure what a Shure m55e throws out. Not quite sure when you say "plugs".

23-10-2018, 07:40
The interconnect is going to give you 82pF per metre, plus there will be small amounts of capacitance added with the plugs and sockets used.

The valve doesn't 'output' any capacitance, it is a form of invisible capacitive loading due to the way the valve operates (look up Miller effect).
The M55 doesn't 'throw out' any loading, it is what capacitance it sees on the wiring/input of the pre that affects the HF response.

I've sent you a PM.

Wakefield Turntables
23-10-2018, 09:51
Alan. Excellent PM I will mail you later with some more comments.i A will be researching my cables tonight to try and get some accurate PF figures.

24-10-2018, 00:33
RCA 'phono' plugs and the corresponding sockets ought to add no more than 10pF. All the RCA plugs I have measured, regardless of design, have come out at ~5pF.

Most fixed-coil cartridges like to see ~ 47K + 400pF.