View Full Version : Hello

Hip Priest
15-10-2018, 11:34
Hello - new to this forum but I exist on PFM.

I pop in and out of HiFi every few years - currently I am 'in' - and my wallet is therefore getting a bit of a bashing!

For better or worse - I'm fully digital. Currently playing around with various Raspberry Pi implementations which I like very much - running through either my beloved Onix OA21s, or a Rega Brio-R (while the Onix is getting a service) and into a pair of Monitor Audio Studio 2's. Headphone duties performed admirably by my Bottlehead Crack / HD600.

The Black Adder
15-10-2018, 11:48
Welcome, Neil.

It's great to have you here on AOS. :)

No problem being fully digital. I also use the RPI and the ALLO Katana DAC... very nice indeed.

Hope you enjoy your stay here... the Trouser press is to the left. :)

Jo :)

15-10-2018, 16:57
Hi Neil, welcome to the forum.

I'm always 'in' as far as hi-fi is concerned. If I had a wallet it wouldn't just be bashed, it would look like Ali after the Rumble In The Jungle.

18-10-2018, 07:19
Hi Neil. Welcome to AOS.

I'm sure you'll find plenty to interest you here.

Feel free to join in the chat.

Enjoy the forum,