View Full Version : Hello everyone

14-10-2018, 16:44
Hi everyone,

I am definitely not the average HiFi-type for not having an ultimate High End system. Mostly I listen to Jazz and classical music, also older recordings. A good interpretation is much more important to me than a good recording. I prefer to listen through the technical shortcomings above having a perfect recording with a moderate artist.
But lately I noticed at a friendīs place that even with a technical "bad" recording a good system can increase the enjoyment of listening a great deal.
So, by reading this great forum I hope to widen my horizon a bit and slowly to be able to improve my system somewhat.
Since 16 years I own a Cambridge C+P 500 Amp with the D 500 CD-player, together with B&W 602īs. Especially my speakers I would like to exchange, I listened to some Proacīs and Kudos that I liked a lot (but they were also combined to more sophisticated amps as Cyrus and Naim).

Greetings frm Germany

14-10-2018, 17:01
Don't necessarily give up on your amp or CD player, if I recall correctly your amp received some rave reviews when new for its price range, it might no be a top end amp but that does not mean if matched well to speakers it won't produce good results. Also new gear is not necessarily better produced that gear built 20-30 years ago or more.

15-10-2018, 07:11
Hello Jochen. Welcome to AOS.

I'm sure members can give you opinions on equipment you may be interested in. Just find the right section and ask any questions you may have.

Feel free to join in the chat, everybody is friendly.

Enjoy the forum,

15-10-2018, 07:56
Hi Jochen, welcome to the forum.

15-10-2018, 13:51
Thanks guys.
@AJSki2fly I will then look for some decent standmounters first and see (hear) what difference this could make already.
Best, Jochen

Spectral Morn
15-10-2018, 14:53
Welcome to AoS :cool: