View Full Version : new member graham67

03-10-2018, 22:00
I have been active on WAM for many years.
For proper listening I use vinyl using a vintage themed system with a Garrard 401 with Audio Note arm and JBL 4311 studio monitors.
I also have an office system using Quad 34/405-2 and Rogers speakers. So am a bit of a lost cause !

03-10-2018, 22:10
Hi graham. Welcome to the site. I hope u enjoy it

04-10-2018, 07:51
Hello Graham. Welcome to AOS.

JBL speakers are popular here. What amplifier are you driving them with?

There's lots going on here, so feel free to join in.

Enjoy the forum,

04-10-2018, 08:07
Hi Graham, welcome to AoS

05-10-2018, 22:05
Thanks guys ��. Am using a YBA Integre DT (dual transformer integrated). Possibly due to the Troels crossovers (which remove any treble tizz caused by cross driver leakage), I have found that many amps can sound a little flat with these speakers. The YBAs lively nature is perfect for these particular JBLs.

Spectral Morn
06-10-2018, 09:20
Welcome to AoS

07-10-2018, 19:02
I have been active on WAM for many years.
For proper listening I use vinyl using a vintage themed system with a Garrard 401 with Audio Note arm and JBL 4311 studio monitors.
I also have an office system using Quad 34/405-2 and Rogers speakers. So am a bit of a lost cause !

Welcome Graham nice to see you over here!

11-10-2018, 21:39
Welcome to AoS Graham.

Some good gear you use there. What is the Audio Note arm you are using? Have to confess I didn't know Audio Note made an arm.

What are you tastes in music?

Enjoy the Forum

11-10-2018, 22:45
Hi barry,
Thanks for the welcome, it is an Audio Note Arm Three v2. Mechanically it is the same as the Arm One V2 apart from being fitted with a absurdly expensive silver cable. However Jack at BD offered me a good price on his demo Arm Three so i upgraded from the Arm One. I really like the Arm One on the 401 but the Arm Three is a significant improvement in all areas, except for being a bugger to change carts without breaking the tags, the silver wire is so thin, it is more like a filament :eek: