View Full Version : WTD Knosti Disco Antistatic Generation II Record Cleaning Machine

25-09-2018, 12:48

Looking for the above WITHOUT cleaning fluid. Thanks!

25-09-2018, 15:12
Was thinking of getting one these myself, anyone got experience of using it? I don't have enough records to justify buying something more expensive.

Len Co
25-09-2018, 20:33
I have one of these and a Moth machine. As far as cleaning is concerned I think the Knosti is as good if not better than the Moth, the only thing is the Knosti doesn't dry/vacuum the records so you have to wait for them to dry naturally and I find this messy and awkward. I sometimes use the Knosti to wash and the Moth just to vacuum.

26-09-2018, 07:28
I have one of these works perfectly, I don't find the process messy. They come with a drying rack that holds about 12 records. In my study the records dry in about an hour.

26-09-2018, 07:50
Cheers, think I will go for it.