View Full Version : IC. Audio Note ANE’s

04-09-2018, 15:47
Posted this as an Interest Check as just seeing what’s out there. Possibly looking for a pair of Audio Note ANE LX’s with Blue Hemp driver in either Olive/Indian Rosewood/Makassar veneer. Also ANE Stands. Must be in perfect condition. Please Pm me should you have anything suitable. Thanks for looking. 62.

19-09-2018, 21:30
A hopeful Bump!!

20-09-2018, 18:03
Might you do better to re-post this as a wanted ad? In my opinion ICs are usually pre-sales fishing, though others could think different. But if they don't then anyone who has a pair they might sell will be unlikely to read the ad as they will think its essentially a for sale ad and they won't be buying a second pair....

Just my tuppence worth and good luck, love my pair :)

20-09-2018, 18:20
Thanks James. A good idea and I’m grateful for your ‘tuppence worth’. Just thinking of selling my lovely J’s and going back to E’s. Got a feeling I’ll have to buy new, so I’ll just let this ad run it’s course.

21-09-2018, 18:25
Not exactly what you are looking for, but there is a pair of ANE SE SPX on a certain auction site. The seller posts as Jag on the Wam and is 100% genuine. I've bought 4 cartridges from him and he is a top man

For what it's worth..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

21-09-2018, 20:01
Thanks Retief,

I know Jag, he’s just down the road. I’ll check these out, but The SE SPX’s might be beyond my budget.