View Full Version : wtd phono stage budget £100

03-09-2018, 07:54

Very close to trying a turntable.

So, looking for a phono stage.
Probably to go with a project debu carbon with ortofon 2m red.

Budget upto around £100.


03-09-2018, 08:26
Contact Rick at Musicraft. He's selling new rega ones less than half price.

03-09-2018, 09:24

The Boozhound J-Fet mm phono stage on here looks good for £100
I must point out I've not heard this on but they have a good rep and MJ2 is a top bloke
Hope that helps

03-09-2018, 09:31
I've got a cambridge audio CP2 I'm about to put up for sale. I sold it previously but it turned out to have a fault on one channel which I hadn't noticed. Much component changing later it turned out to be a single LED at fault. All active components in the MM stage changed like for like, except the coupling caps, replacing the cheapo ones for nice wima film caps. Can send photos if interested, unit is in excellent condition and boxed. Was thinking £75 inc postage.

Spectral Morn
03-09-2018, 09:38
This might be good https://www.audio-philia.co.uk/pre-owned-ex-demo/edwards-audio-apprentice-mm-phono-stage-ex-demo

03-09-2018, 10:16
Take a look at the 'Little Bear' phono stages from China. There are valve and solid state versions at various modest prices. They generally seem well liked. If you ordered one, just make sure it comes with a UK spec power supply and be prepared to wait a while for it to arrive.

Here's an MM example: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Little-bear-T7-tube-6J1-valve-Phono-RIAA-MM-Turntable-Preamp-preamplifier-U/302694427873?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.M BE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D53677%26meid%3Dee2b7f84a5fd4bd 68ea2d539e27b6f98%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D 12%26sd%3D173491767466%26itm%3D302694427873&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851

The Little Bear stuff looks pretty well made. I've had loads of electronics sent from China and it's all been good and at bargain prices.

Pigmy Pony
03-09-2018, 10:44
At that price it's definitely worth a punt. And I reckon Chinese stuff will be improving all the time.

I bought a valve phono stage (came from Hong Kong) about 7 years ago. It's a Yaqin MS-22B. I bought it to get my old LP12 up and running, and 7 years later it's still going - only thing I've done is replace the stock tubes.

03-09-2018, 14:22
If you can stretch to £149 a Tisbury phono stage is excellent with settings for both MC and MM cartridges.


05-09-2018, 11:13
Hi.i have a project se Phono box.acrylic face plate.ribbed casing and adjustable. 65 quid posted.What