View Full Version : Wanted: Rothwell Attenuators -10db

02-09-2018, 13:06
Hi, does any have a pair of -10db Rothwell attenuators for sale?

02-09-2018, 13:07
Unless you absolutely have to use them I wouldn’t as they have always impacted negatively on the sound whenever I have heard them.

02-09-2018, 14:37
Hi Daniel - yes I do - virtually unused and with packaging. Actually I didn't notice any impact on SQ to speak of - at least in my set-up when used with mono power amps.

02-09-2018, 14:49
Hi Daniel - yes I do - virtually unused and with packaging. Actually I didn't notice any impact on SQ to speak of - at least in my set-up when used with mono power amps.

Roger, yes I would be interested. I’ll send you a PM for the details.