View Full Version : Podium Speakers - What Have I Done ??

24-08-2018, 22:00
I've just purchased a pair of Podium Speakers

I've not even heard them but was just too tempted

I know the chap quite well that was selling them so I absolutely know they will be in good condition and working well so that did cut down the risk a bit

I'm going for a listen to them in the morning so wish me luck....:)

24-08-2018, 22:20
Those are reputed to sound pretty good Bev. I think you may find them a bit livelier than the Maggies.

24-08-2018, 22:28
Those are reputed to sound pretty good Bev. I think you may find them a bit livelier than the Maggies.

I really hope they are good Geoff

I just could not resist them :doh:

I believe that they do not suffer with some of the problems that both Quad electrostic's and, to some extent Maggies, suffer from ie. breakdown and unreliability after years of use....

I know Steve, of HiFi Hanger, pretty well and always found him to be a very honest dealer and really nice to deal with so lets hope all will be well with the Podiums when I hear them tomorrow....

I will report back tomorrow night if I do indeed collect them ok ...;)

24-08-2018, 22:30
Yeah. Steve is a good guy. Bought my Tannoys from him.

24-08-2018, 22:39
Yeah. Steve is a good guy. Bought my Tannoys from him.

He really is super to deal with

Steve, and his wife Sarah, came down to visit us some years ago and gave a very good price for some surplus hifi gear myself and Colin had available at the time

He seems very fair when he purchases or sells gear

He is only about 30 minutes away from me so not a problem to go and listen to the Podiums

I am just getting together some cd's I know well so I can check out the Podiums

I must be mad.....:doh:

24-08-2018, 22:45
surplus hifi gear

There is no such thing as "surplus hifi gear". Ask Audio Al. ;)

24-08-2018, 22:52
There is no such thing as "surplus hifi gear". Ask Audio Al. ;)

:doh: and some more :doh:

However it really was 'surplus to requirements'... I can't exactly remember what it was but I think there was a pair of speakers which neither of us needed/wanted and an A&R A60 amp that Colin had owned from new which he had outgrown and a Conrad-Johnson pre that I had no use for anymore

I think there were some other items but I just can't remember what they were, however Steve gave a very fair price for all of it so we were happy :)

Spectral Morn
24-08-2018, 22:57
Heard them at a show, I did not like them.

24-08-2018, 23:06
So i'm taking the following cd's to 'check-out' the Podiums:

Derrin Nauendorf - Live At The Boardwalk
Nils Lofgren - Acoustic Live
Mark Knopfler - Altamira
Leonard Cohen - You Want It Darker
Antonio Forcione - Live

I know, and love, these cd's pretty well so hopefully they will be good enough to check out the Podiums tomorrow

24-08-2018, 23:08
Heard them at a show, I did not like them.

That's not a problem to me Neil as we are all different

However can you explain further ?

24-08-2018, 23:13
So i'm taking the following cd's to 'check-out' the Podiums

Don't forget to take my favourite along.


24-08-2018, 23:26
Don't forget to take my favourite along.


Damn it Geoff I don't have that one :eek:

25-08-2018, 06:18
Well done! Great bargain price too...

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25-08-2018, 06:55
Damn it Geoff I don't have that one :eek:

Diana Krall guests on a couple of tracks. I think.

25-08-2018, 07:52
Diana Krall guests on a couple of tracks. I think.

Just for that I'm going to put her on.

25-08-2018, 08:58
Be very interesting how they compare with your Maggies Bev.

25-08-2018, 09:24
I've got Model One.
Podiums are a radical departure from most people's idea of hifi. At first they will just sound weird to you. Give them time. They are extremely rewarding once you get used to them.

They really can deliver so much musical detail and nuance. My musician friend said when listening to Sgt Pepper said he gained insight into Paul McCartney's diction and phrasing that he hadn't heard before.

I think when I listened to Take A Pebble by ELP on them, it was the most impressive reproduction I've heard. Huge soundstage, just huge.
Sweet spot? They don't have one. You can sit almost anywhere and enjoy them.
Room placement is almost immaterial with these- you can put them anywhere and it doesn't affect the presentation too much, although of course taking care will give the best results.

If you like classical or jazz, you are in for a treat if your ears can adapt. They do favour acoustic instruments. They are also lightning fast. I'd say they would be wonderful for a classical enthusiast.
Drawbacks? Well, they can sound quite muffled a first. Bass is there but don't expect any bloom or slam.

I could be tempted to add a supertweeter to them, I do think they lack a bit of energy over the 10k mark.

Loved by some, hated by others, they are Marmite hifi for sure. I just happen to think that they are rather special.

Spectral Morn
25-08-2018, 10:17
I've got Model One.
Podiums are a radical departure from most people's idea of hifi. At first they will just sound weird to you. Give them time. They are extremely rewarding once you get used to them.

They really can deliver so much musical detail and nuance. My musician friend said when listening to Sgt Pepper said he gained insight into Paul McCartney's diction and phrasing that he hadn't heard before.

I think when I listened to Take A Pebble by ELP on them, it was the most impressive reproduction I've heard. Huge soundstage, just huge.
Sweet spot? They don't have one. You can sit almost anywhere and enjoy them.
Room placement is almost immaterial with these- you can put them anywhere and it doesn't affect the presentation too much, although of course taking care will give the best results.

If you like classical or jazz, you are in for a treat if your ears can adapt. They do favour acoustic instruments. They are also lightning fast. I'd say they would be wonderful for a classical enthusiast.
Drawbacks? Well, they can sound quite muffled a first. Bass is there but don't expect any bloom or slam.

I could be tempted to add a supertweeter to them, I do think they lack a bit of energy over the 10k mark.

Loved by some, hated by others, they are Marmite hifi for sure. I just happen to think that they are rather special.

Bev the negatives above, I just did not like the presentation at all, thought there was a bit of a horn typed colouration, cuppy sounding, even though they are not horns. Not my cup of anything. My advice if you don't like them after an hour or so of listening don't try and force, or kid yourself into doing so. They sounded like NXT speakers to my ears and I don't like those either.

Audio Al
25-08-2018, 10:31
There is no such thing as "surplus hifi gear". Ask Audio Al. ;)

Correct !!!

25-08-2018, 11:17
Bev the negatives above, I just did not like the presentation at all, thought there was a bit of a horn typed colouration, cuppy sounding, even though they are not horns. Not my cup of anything. My advice if you don't like them after an hour or so of listening don't try and force, or kid yourself into doing so. They sounded like NXT speakers to my ears and I don't like those either.

This advice is spot on. Give it an hour (or maybe two if you can) before you make any decisions. They are an acquired taste for sure.

25-08-2018, 11:26
I just remembered something interesting.

I am a professional musician; at home to practice I use computer-based software synthesisers and pianos. I use Pianoteq virtual instrument software for piano https://www.pianoteq.com/.

When using the Podiums to listen to as I play, it's the closest thing I have heard to the real thing, compared to playback through studio monitors or other domestic speakers.

I have to say though, if you lean towards ballsy rock, such as Metallica or AC/DC or heavier/more modern, I would look elsewhere...

25-08-2018, 16:13
I just remembered something interesting.

I am a professional musician; at home to practice I use computer-based software synthesisers and pianos. I use Pianoteq virtual instrument software for piano https://www.pianoteq.com/.

When using the Podiums to listen to as I play, it's the closest thing I have heard to the real thing, compared to playback through studio monitors or other domestic speakers.

I have to say though, if you lean towards ballsy rock, such as Metallica or AC/DC or heavier/more modern, I would look elsewhere...

The designer and builder Shelly Katz is a professional concert pianist so the speakers are voiced to optimise that.

25-08-2018, 18:55
Vdg, its probably the size of the sound that works, those panel are about a piano lid size.

Personally they're the second worst speaker I've heard. FR is lumpen, extension pitiful and they can't do detail. But each to their own, were not meant to like what everyone else likes.

25-08-2018, 19:03
I imagine they wouldn't be a million miles away from my Arcaydis hybrid panel speakers, they had passive Rel sub drivers for bass and 2 NXT panels per side. I.thought they sounded great, so did the guy who bought them. I guess there must have been something I didn't like as I moved them on after a few months, I recall they sounded best on classical and acoustic, and I had to get used to the high treble rolling off, but my memories are overall positive so definitely give them a chance Bev.

Sent from my BLN-L21 using Tapatalk

25-08-2018, 19:34
I've heard them several times at shows and liked them a lot for classical music.
I came pretty close to buying a pair but none came along used at the right time for me.

Bev should be very worried. :eyebrows:
(We usually have very different tastes in audio.)

26-08-2018, 09:19
Vdg, its probably the size of the sound that works, those panel are about a piano lid size.

Personally they're the second worst speaker I've heard. FR is lumpen, extension pitiful and they can't do detail. But each to their own, were not meant to like what everyone else likes.

I'd go along with that though I have heard quite a few worse. My concern would be - are they still made and is there a UK distributor for backup/service if anything goes wrong ?
Also, they are relatively unknown, so not as easy to move on at a later date as the Maggies would be.

26-08-2018, 09:31
Podium Speakers, I remember those. Saw them at a show the first time they came out and spoke a while with Dr Katz. Interesting idea but I wasn't overly keen on them, but I am never keen on anything that's playing the kind of music I have no interest in. They will most likely do a few things very well and some other stuff not so good.

26-08-2018, 09:34
They will most likely do a few things very well and some other stuff not so good.

Very true.
Pretty useless at slammy music - rock music or electronica or big orchestral can be a sorry affair unless you like them emasculated.
Best at the simpler less complex and dynamically constrained mixes where imo they can really do a fine job and seem quite startlingly real.

26-08-2018, 18:21
My concern would be - are they still made and is there a UK distributor for backup/service if anything goes wrong ?

Podium Sound went bust a few years ago. It was a classic case of over extending on model development and Dealers refusing to stock a model that was in competition with their existing brands who's owners threatened to withdraw from the Dealerships.

My main concern was that many components such as the drivers and the tuning fingers on the main panel were glued. With Shelly Katz having the only expertise in repair, this is a real worry. There is a review where panels sent abroad arrived with drivers detached and Karz had to fly out to do a repair.

My own experience over 3 years was that they sounded best with a Class D amp.

26-08-2018, 21:12
Thanks for all the lovely replies and so sorry for my delay in getting back to this thread..... however....

Went for a listen to the Podium's yesterday morning, taking some test cd's with me, and my very first impressions of them were favourable

I would have to agree with comments already made that they are certainly 'different' sounding. To be honest they sounded like nothing else I've ever heard and it did take me a while to adjust to them

I have to say they are superbly made and finished speakers and these are in absolutely pristine condition as well, they look brand new

I was left alone with them so I could keep swapping cd's and to listen to particular tracks I knew well

To be honest trying to get a 'handle' on any particular sound in isolation (rather than doing A/B listening) I find quite difficult and also, of course, the room and environment is completely different than my own at home

To cut a long story short I thought I've got to try these at home so I purchased them

Unfortunately once I got home I then went out for the rest of the day so didn’t get to get them out of their huge box and install them until about 3am this morning and obviously that’s a bit late, especially for my lovely neighbour, to start a listening session

I’ve ‘plonked’ them down in front of the Maggies which I know is not ideal however they don’t seem to mind

The Podiums do indeed sound like nothing else. They are so different it is actually quite tricky to explain what they do sound like, and I’m not very good at this, but I’ll do my best….:

They have ‘feeling’… sorry that’s a bit vague… but I seem able to get a an idea of what the performer was ‘getting at’….. that’s probably a terrible description but I’ll leave it at that
I am hearing things I’ve not heard before… I’m not saying they are ‘that’ detailed, because I don’t think they are especially, but they do have a certain coherent sound and everything holds together very well
They are not what I would describe as an impressive sounding speaker, They have a sound that is far more complex than just sounding impressive. Actually ‘complex’ is probably a pretty good description of the Podiums
Musical is perhaps another way I would describe their sound
They do not sound like speakers at all.. I know that’s another rather vague description but that’s how I feel

As some have commented they are probably not for heavy metal fans but as that’s not me I don’t have a problem with that

I do apologies if none of my ramblings make much sense but it’s the best I can do at the moment

I’m now settled for the night so will be having a longish listening session with my new monoliths so will come back when I have more to say :)

ps.. Jerry maybe we actually do like the same thing this time :lol:

Audio Al
26-08-2018, 21:20
Well done Bev I do hope you tune into them , they look great

26-08-2018, 21:22
Well done Bev I do hope you tune into them , they look great

Thanks Al

"Tuning into them" is probably a good description of these rather complex sounding speakers ;)

26-08-2018, 22:27
They did look hand made, not in the expensive attention way either. Not a doctor of engineering I seem to recall.

27-08-2018, 00:03
Bev, you made a brave choice, and you really hit on something that i didn't when describing them.

It is a mistake to compare them to "regular" speakers. They are really outside of the scope of comparison with the traditional idea of a transducer as we mostly think of it.

Yep, if you compare them with a big powerful set of Dynaudios or something like that, they are not going to do well by those conventional standards. But something tells me that makes as much sense as comparing a flute to a trumpet and finding the flute wanting and inferior because of, say, the lack of complex harmonic waveforms it produces, despite both being things that produce sound when air is blown into them.

I wondered if you might like to try listening to this and see if it grabs you in any way or leaves an impression. It may or may not be your kind of thing, but I found this utterly haunting and powerful through my Model Ones.


27-08-2018, 03:16
Bev, you made a brave choice, and you really hit on something that i didn't when describing them.

It is a mistake to compare them to "regular" speakers. They are really outside of the scope of comparison with the traditional idea of a transducer as we mostly think of it.

Yep, if you compare them with a big powerful set of Dynaudios or something like that, they are not going to do well by those conventional standards. But something tells me that makes as much sense as comparing a flute to a trumpet and finding the flute wanting and inferior because of, say, the lack of complex harmonic waveforms it produces, despite both being things that produce sound when air is blown into them.

I wondered if you might like to try listening to this and see if it grabs you in any way or leaves an impression. It may or may not be your kind of thing, but I found this utterly haunting and powerful through my Model Ones.


Yes Rohan the Podiums are so different that trying to compare them is very difficult

Thanks for the link, can you tell me if this is the correct version ?


27-08-2018, 06:15
ps.. Jerry maybe we actually do like the same thing this time :lol:


Nice one, Bev - good that you are enjoying them.
As you say, not the most highly resolving but still somehow give a very open window and a direct connection to a lot of music.

You've got me wishing that I had got hold of a pair before I hit the end-stop in my speaker journey with the MBLs! :doh: :)

27-08-2018, 06:26
Yes Rohan the Podiums are so different that trying to compare them is very difficult

Thanks for the link, can you tell me if this is the correct version ?


Yes, that's the one, Bev. Kind of!
I don't think it's exactly the same performance/recording, as the timings are a little different and there is no audience noise in the commercial (CD) recording.
Different conductor, too! It's the same Quebec group, though. And the attribution on the YouTube video is to the ATMA recording company.
The commercial recording is available on some of the streaming services, too (Qobuz and Spotify have it).

So, umm, I don't think it's actually not the same recording at all. :scratch:

31-08-2018, 18:42
Yes, that's the one, Bev. Kind of!

So, umm, I don't think it's actually not the same recording at all. :scratch:

Well I ordered it anyway and it's kind of renewed my interest in classical music which I've not listened to for ages.. I've generally said I'm not a true classical lover but I love Mozart.. go figure :doh:

I've now moved the Maggies out of the way and the Podiums are in their place but I don't think it makes much difference to how the Podiums sound as they seem very unfussy about placement... which is nice

Having tuned into the Podiums more now they are sounding so good, so different but very good indeed. They are probably the most 'un speaker' sounding speaker I've ever heard (yes I know that's terrible English !!) :D

31-08-2018, 22:50
They are probably the most 'un speaker' sounding speaker I've ever heard (yes I know that's terrible English !!) :D

There was only one place to go for me after the Podiums and that was open baffles.

01-09-2018, 09:49
Sorry Bev, I got a bit lost with this checking which version is which re the Mozart due to jetting off to Zakynthos!

Bumpy, I'm interested in ore on your thoughts on the Podiums- and what you are getting from your open baffles that made it worth switching.

01-09-2018, 09:58
Sorry Bev, I got a bit lost with this checking which version is which re the Mozart due to jetting off to Zakynthos!

Bumpy, I'm interested in ore on your thoughts on the Podiums- and what you are getting from your open baffles that made it worth switching.

I would suggest that what is most important with OB is what you don't get: the sound of the box!

That is why many panel aficionados like myself also like OB designs.


03-09-2018, 08:13
Bumpy, I'm interested in your thoughts on the Podiums - and what you are getting from your open baffles that made it worth switching.

I bought the Podiums after hearing them at a dealers. I walked past them to the back of the shop to pick up a bit of kit I had bought on line and was stopped in my tracks by the wonderful sound. I loved the open presentation and relaxed sound, probably the opposite of the Hedlund Horns I was running at the time which gave a pinpoint dynamic presentation. Just very different flavours.

Eventually after a few years I got to hear some open baffles - again just a lucky encounter. Suddenly I found the combined attributes of speakers that I had looked for all my life. My past possessions also included B&W 5s and 2As, Yamaha NS 1000s, Snell Js and Lowther Fideleos. The cabinet resonances (boxiness) disappeared , but the dynamics of the conventional drivers (albeit vintage Alnicos) remained, but with a new carefree openness.

My caution over open baffles would be that they are easy to DIY and as such there are some pretty crappy examples out there using cheap drivers. Every penny you spend will be rewarded.

03-09-2018, 19:15
Open baffles is one of the speaker designs I've never heard..

It just occured to me that I've now owned most of the panel version types of speakers; Electrostatics (Quad), Magnetics (Maggies) and now the Exciter Motor Honeycomb Resonating Panel (or NXT Type, Podiums)

It remains to be seen if I prefer the Podiums over the Maggies but I'm really enjoying the Podiums at the moment

03-09-2018, 19:26
To carry on with my renewed interest in classical music I'm listening to some Vivaldi - Four Seasons... it's lovely.. not Mozart but still nice.. ;)

03-09-2018, 19:28
Panel speakers are 'open baffle'. It's a broad term and can apply to speakers that have bass drivers in enclosures with mid and top on open panels, or using larger bass drivers on an open baffle with acompanying upper drivers. Some employ bass equalisation.

03-09-2018, 19:41
Panel speakers are 'open baffle'. It's a broad term and can apply to speakers that have bass drivers in enclosures with mid and top on open panels, or using larger bass drivers on an open baffle with acompanying upper drivers. Some employ bass equalisation.

... or even a simple panel with an appropriate single full range driver!


03-09-2018, 19:44
Panel speakers are 'open baffle'. It's a broad term and can apply to speakers that have bass drivers in enclosures with mid and top on open panels, or using larger bass drivers on an open baffle with acompanying upper drivers. Some employ bass equalisation.

That makes sense Geoff, thanks ;)

I think I've always prefered panel/open baffle type speakers but I've only just realised I can get a panel speaker to work in my room as I knew, from previous experience, that electrostatics need about 3-4 foot behind them to work properly. I am unable to give electrostatics the space they need however the Maggies seem happy with about 2 foot behind them and the Podiums seem happy wherever I put them as they are the most unfussy speaker I've ever owned

03-09-2018, 22:32
However if I had a spare 3k I would probably rush out and buy a pair of Maggie 1.7i 's ....

03-09-2018, 22:40
However if I had a spare 3k I would probably rush out and buy a pair of Maggie 1.7i 's ....

If your listening room is not too large these are probably a better bet than the 1.7s

http://store.hificorner.co.uk/magnepan-magneplanar-7-panel-loudspeakers-approved-used.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwt7PcBRBbEiwAfwfVGNQ3WykDgl N-8a3PXBlBbP69A0g6RE5u2wzajjQiuRlOMrgrbSGW8RoCDOIQAv D_BwE#fo_c=1460&fo_k=1fd94db5ef6da2e4154ac4e84d0fef84&fo_s=gplauk


03-09-2018, 22:43
If your listening room is not too large these are probably a better bet than the 1.7s

http://store.hificorner.co.uk/magnepan-magneplanar-7-panel-loudspeakers-approved-used.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwt7PcBRBbEiwAfwfVGNQ3WykDgl N-8a3PXBlBbP69A0g6RE5u2wzajjQiuRlOMrgrbSGW8RoCDOIQAv D_BwE#fo_c=1460&fo_k=1fd94db5ef6da2e4154ac4e84d0fef84&fo_s=gplauk


Thanks so much Geoff...

Have your heard the .7's ? how did they compare to the 1.7's ?

My room is not large at all so maybe they might be ok

03-09-2018, 22:53
Thanks so much Geoff...

Have your heard the .7's ? how did they compare to the 1.7's ?

My room is not large at all so maybe they might be ok

Yes, I have heard the 0.7s. They are what you would expect really, a very slightly scaled down version of the 1.7s. I thought they were much better than my first pair of Maggies ( the MG12) which were about the same size. I would still been listening to my MG12s if I had not been pressured to sell them to a work colleague when I left Malawi.

One big advantage of the pair listed: no Colin required! :)

03-09-2018, 23:03
One big advantage of the pair listed: no Colin required! :)

:rfl::rfl: so true...

I may have just come into a little dosh so I've contacted the seller of the .7's... thanks again Geoff...

04-09-2018, 12:03
For anyone going down the open baffle route I will just expand on my reservation.

The problem most people try to overcome is lack of seismic bass. They do this generally in one of two ways

1. Building a box around the bass driver. But now you have an open baffle with subwoofer in a box. Not good

2. They apply some sophisticated version of a graphic equaliser to the bass driver. Not good for SQ.

10-09-2018, 07:24
Back up for sale? Or is this another pair?

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F 202431812200

10-09-2018, 07:28
Back up for sale? Or is this another pair?

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F 202431812200

Yes, definitely.
That's Bev ...


Description says the owner had 2 pairs. ;)
Not Bev then, despite the uncanny resemblance.

10-09-2018, 07:29
Yes, definitely.
That's Bev ...


Description says the owner had 2 pairs previously. ;)
Not Bev then, despite the uncanny resemblance.[emoji23]

10-09-2018, 08:35
Yes, definitely.
That's Bev ...


Description says the owner had 2 pairs. ;)
Not Bev then, despite the uncanny resemblance.

That's a bit of a hypnotic stare, isn't it?

"Look into my eyes, not around my eyes, but into my eyes".

"You're under".

"These speakers are your friends and you want to buy them.....

10-09-2018, 21:01
You lot crack me up :rfl:

Actually they are the same Podiums that I had...loved them but I'm planning something else.... :D:D

10-09-2018, 21:48
You lot crack me up :rfl:

Actually they are the same Podiums that I had...loved them but I'm planning something else.... :D:DDid you send them back then Bev?

Sent from my BLN-L21 using Tapatalk

10-09-2018, 22:51
And also Bev, we would like a picture of you just to prove that wasn’t you in the above photos! :)

10-09-2018, 22:55
And also Bev, we would like a picture of you just to prove that wasn’t you in the above photos! :)

Bet you won't get one.

11-09-2018, 09:03
I am sure not Geoff, but it was only intended in fun, no disrespect meant!

14-09-2018, 02:07

However I can assure you that's not me.....:lol:

I'm still planning something though....:D

04-10-2018, 14:30
Did you change your mind about the Podium speakers Bev? Anything wrong with them!?

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PAIR-PODIUM-SOUND-1-5-SPEAKERS-High-End-Flat-Bending-Panel-NXT-type-10k-RRP/192674196098?hash=item2cdc46ea82:g:RjgAAOSweKJbr69 g

04-10-2018, 15:31
Did you change your mind about the Podium speakers Bev? Anything wrong with them!?

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PAIR-PODIUM-SOUND-1-5-SPEAKERS-High-End-Flat-Bending-Panel-NXT-type-10k-RRP/192674196098?hash=item2cdc46ea82:g:RjgAAOSweKJbr69 g

Those Hifi Hangar Podiums are still for sale?
Damn - I couldn't resist this time. Trigger pulled. :doh:

04-10-2018, 15:34
Those Hifi Hangar Podiums are still for sale?
Damn - I couldn't resist this time. Trigger pulled. :doh:

Well done Jerry! These are cheap indeed.

There is also currently a 0.5 set at £650 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Podium-0-5-Loudspeakers-Planar-Electrostatic-type/273465046260?_trkparms=aid%3D777003%26algo%3DDISCL .MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D52945%26meid%3D680a7d0a69614 cca800b7a92823464ef%26pid%3D100012%26rk%3D1%26rkt% 3D12%26sd%3D192674196098%26itm%3D273465046260&_trksid=p2047675.c100012.m1985

04-10-2018, 17:21
Did you change your mind about the Podium speakers Bev? Anything wrong with them!?

Absolutely nothing wrong with them they sounded lovely but I'm going to stick to Maggies and am arranging a demo for the .7 & 1.7i's

There is something that gels with me and Maggies

04-10-2018, 17:33
Those Hifi Hangar Podiums are still for sale?
Damn - I couldn't resist this time. Trigger pulled. :doh:

Well done Jerry I think you will love them

I believe some Podium speakers had an option of rear felt dampers to push into the rear 'ports' to tune them (I know port is not the right word for the rear 'holes' but I can't think of the right word at the moment !! ; ))

The felt dampers look like this:

http://i.imgur.com/eqbCf26.jpg (https://imgur.com/eqbCf26)

I was going to make a set of felt dampers myself and if you'd like I can pass my method of 'manufacture' on to you

04-10-2018, 17:37
http://i.imgur.com/eqbCf26.jpg (https://imgur.com/eqbCf26)

I was going to make a set of felt dampers myself and if you'd like I can pass my method of 'manufacture' on to you

Thanks, Bev, that would be excellent.

I had read of the dampers in one of the online reviews but I'm pretty sure my pair will not come with them.

I must confess to being really excited about getting the Podiums! :yay: :)

My wife's reaction when I told her about my impulsive purchase ....
"You're buying another pair of speakers?" with her serious face on. :lol:
--- I then successfully encouraged her to buy a fancy spinning wheel she'd had her eye on on eBay, so that's all OK now. :D

04-10-2018, 17:44
Thanks, Bev, that would be excellent.

I had read of the dampers in one of the online reviews but I'm pretty sure my pair will not come with them.

I must confess to being really excited about getting the Podiums! :yay: :)

My wife's reaction when I told her about my impulsive purchase ....
"You're buying another pair of speakers?" with her serious face on. :lol:

You should tell her it’s Berni’s fault... Hope you will survive! 🤣

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04-10-2018, 17:46
You should tell her it’s Berni’s fault... Hope you will survive! ��

Yep, I'm OK - I bought my way out of trouble - see last line edit on my previous post.

04-10-2018, 17:48
Yep, I'm OK - I bought my way out of trouble - see last line edit on my previous post.

MAD! Mutually Assured Debt!!!! :doh:

04-10-2018, 17:50
Yep, I'm OK - I bought my way out of trouble - see last line edit on my previous post.

Good resolution! I am sure she will also enjoy the speakers ... She wins!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-10-2018, 18:48
Thanks, Bev, that would be excellent.

I had read of the dampers in one of the online reviews but I'm pretty sure my pair will not come with them.
I must confess to being really excited about getting the Podiums! :yay: :)

If you purchased the HiFi Hanger ones then there are definitely no dampers... now this might get a bit complicated but bear with me..

1st you will need something like this, they are called Unmounted Felt Bobs:
http://i.imgur.com/cACzycx.jpg (https://imgur.com/cACzycx)

Link: https://hardy-hanson.co.uk/polishing-felts-felt-bobs/

Then some Sealing Wax, like this, in Red:
http://i.imgur.com/0BLEThO.jpg (https://imgur.com/0BLEThO)

Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Herbin-Flexible-Sealing-Wax-sticks/dp/B004HG2M7C

Then a brass Wax Seal, something like this:
http://i.imgur.com/Z6r7bEC.jpg (https://imgur.com/Z6r7bEC)

Link: http://www.customwaxnseals.net/single-initial-design-wax-seal-stamp-from-22mm/ There are cheaper alternatives but I can't find them at the mo.. ; ) many companies do Custom 'Single Initial' seals which is what you want

The same supplier of the brass seal above has, what I think is the correct font for the 'P' used on the Podium dampers,... it's called Ancestory it's the second font down on this link:

The 'P' in Ancestory font is like this: http://i.imgur.com/BJcPQ5R.png (https://imgur.com/BJcPQ5R) which is the closest I found to that used on the Podiums

Then you just need a way of attaching/gluing the wax seal to the felt bob and you're done..

Hope that makes some sort of sense to you Jerry :doh: :D

Having said all that they work perfectly without the dampers :)

04-10-2018, 19:01

Cor, blimey - thanks Bev - you have got it all sussed out. :respect:

So sticking some socks in the holes isn't what you had planned then? ;)

I shall investigate the unmounted felt bobs for sure, once I have the speakers and can measure the holes. And also the sealing wax.
As for getting the font for the P correct, I have to confess to being not that fussed!

04-10-2018, 19:04
.... what affect are the dampers supposed to have on the sound, do you know?

04-10-2018, 19:08

Cor, blimey - thanks Bev - you have got it all sussed out. :respect:

So sticking some socks in the holes isn't what you had planned then? ;)

I shall investigate the unmounted felt bobs for sure, once I have the speakers and can measure the holes. And also the sealing wax.
As for getting the font for the P correct, I have to confess to being not that fussed!

I sound so nerdy don't I ? :eek:

I didn't think about socks, that would have saved me a lot of time :doh:

I don't reckon you really need the wax as I'm sure some felt bobs will do the trick

04-10-2018, 19:11
.... what affect are the dampers supposed to have on the sound, do you know?

I did read somewhere that the designer, Dr. Shelly Katz, noticed some top end sharpness etc but I can't say I noticed anything 'nasty' about them at all, they just sounded really nice

What amp are you going to use with them Jerry? as I reckon a low powered valve amp would be great with them as they are easy to drive

04-10-2018, 19:16
These (https://www.audioemotion.co.uk/trigon-tre-50m-mono-power-amplifier-single-monoblock-782-p.asp) are the power amps that are currently finding favour chez-moi. Had them 9 months now, come to think of it. Must be time for a change!

135wpc of very nice sounding solid state. But I do have a Herron VTSP2 tube pre-amp, so there will be some valve loveliness involved.
Not sure I can be bothered with power valves any more. :wheniwasaboy:


04-10-2018, 19:27
These (https://www.audioemotion.co.uk/trigon-tre-50m-mono-power-amplifier-single-monoblock-782-p.asp) are the power amps that are currently finding favour chez-moi. Had them 9 months now, come to think of it. Must be time for a change!

135wpc of very nice sounding solid state. But I do have a Herron VTSP2 tube pre-amp, so there will be some valve loveliness involved.
Not sure I can be bothered with power valves any more. :wheniwasaboy:

Very nice Jerry but you will only need a few of those watts to run the Podiums

Also the Podiums were the least fussy speaker I've ever used as far as placement is concerned; At one point I had the speakers pointing in different directions and they still sounded good

04-10-2018, 19:35
Thanks Bev, I'll see how I get on with them.

Now I come to think of it I do have a little 12wpc el84 integrated tucked away that I could try.

05-10-2018, 19:03
Have you received the Podiums yet Jerry ?

I like the idea of have an EL84 integrated "tucked away" :eek:

I reckon the EL84 will be perfect for the Podiums and if I still had my Oto that's what I would have used with them

05-10-2018, 19:12
No, I haven't received them yet - I didn't buy them until about 4.30pm yesterday!
Don't know if they were sent today, maybe Monday - so I'll probably get them Tuesday/Wednesday next week.

05-10-2018, 19:31
No, I haven't received them yet - I didn't buy them until about 4.30pm yesterday!
Don't know if they were sent today, maybe Monday - so I'll probably get them Tuesday/Wednesday next week.

Steve at Hifi Hanger is a great guy to deal with so you have no worries

Steve is just up the road from me and I've met him a few times and he's an encyclopedia hifi wise and a thoroughly nice chap as well as his wife Sarah too

05-10-2018, 19:44
Steve at Hifi Hanger is a great guy to deal with so you have no worries

Steve is just up the road from me and I've met him a few times and he's an encyclopedia hifi wise and a thoroughly nice chap as well as his wife Sarah too

I am sure. No excuse though for wearing sunglasses on your head indoors! :doh:

05-10-2018, 19:51
I am sure. No excuse though for wearing sunglasses on your head indoors! :doh:

:rfl: :rfl:


A lovely guy still even with the sunglasses :D

05-10-2018, 19:52
So we want a comparison with Quad ELSs, I guess? (Seem to recall Jerry had some in his.....youth, hi-fi wise!)

Agree re 'box effect'. My Ocellias, though HAVING a 'box', let go the energy very well.

05-10-2018, 20:33
So we want a comparison with Quad ELSs, I guess? (Seem to recall Jerry had some in his.....youth, hi-fi wise!)

Agree re 'box effect'. My Ocellias, though HAVING a 'box', let go the energy very well.

I owned a pair of 57's in the past so can compare the Podiums to them, well at least as far as I can remember that is

They are 'different'.. I would probably describe the Podiums as slightly warmer sounding compared to the the 57's and they are certainly less fussy about placement than 57's

They both have the typical 'no box' sound which I'm tuned into now. I'm a panel speaker convert to be honest

I've probably mentioned it before but I didn't believe people when they said they could hear the box of a 'normal' speaker but having set up a pair of speakers for a buyer recently I could definitely hear what they are on about and once I tuned into it, which took just a couple of minutes, I actually couldn't bear the sound of the box as that's all I could hear

05-10-2018, 20:56
From the amazing Marja + Henk!

Explains the workings and history. Got my interest, liking off-beam things.

05-10-2018, 21:07
From the amazing Marja + Henk!

Explains the workings and history. Got my interest, liking off-beam things.

The Podiums are certainly different Chris

I loved the Podiums but my Maggies, and probably a new set of Maggies soon, is where I am going to end up as they just gel with me for some reason

05-10-2018, 21:10
As a slight side note...

The Podiums are not an impressive sounding speaker but they are so natural sounding that doesn't matter and indeed I normally view speakers that sound impressive at first to be rather tiring in the long run... and the Podiums do not sound tiring at all, quite the opposite .. :)

06-10-2018, 09:55
Got me wondering if I should have sold my Arcaydis NXT panel hybrids last year now. They weren't impressive but did have a certain relaxed natural-ness about them.

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06-10-2018, 10:50
Looks like Marj + Henk still have theirs.

their line-ups feature...
"Speakers: Avantgarde Acoustic Duo Omega; Arcadian Audio Pnoe; Podium Sound One; WLM Sub 12; Sounddeco Alpha F3; dual Zu Submisson MKI; Soltanus Virtuoso ESL."
But they do have a rather vast place-two listening rooms....(caverns?)

07-10-2018, 09:22
I've probably mentioned it before but I didn't believe people when they said they could hear the box of a 'normal' speaker but having set up a pair of speakers for a buyer recently I could definitely hear what they are on about and once I tuned into it, which took just a couple of minutes, I actually couldn't bear the sound of the box as that's all I could hear

Yes, I agree that boxed speakers do have a characteristic set of colourations, but personally I can happily switch from boxes to panels and back again, and have done so many times.

Your box speaker preference in the past, Bev, has been for very "boxy" speakers. Klipsch, Tannoy, LV - all more boxy sounding than most imo.
You seem to have jumped from very boxy to no box at all!
There is a middle ground, often addressed by an especially solid cabinet construction design, but it doesn't seem to have appealed to you for some reason.
Quite perplexing! :scratch: :)

07-10-2018, 13:58
"There is a middle ground, often addressed by an especially solid cabinet construction design,"

or....thin-walled speakers as well. Heavy speakers have been shown to resonate DESPITE the weight.
Letting the energy 'OUT' works, I guess in a sense, quasi-OB?

My Callopes seem to vanish-apologies for what has become a cliche.

07-10-2018, 14:11
Your box speaker preference in the past, Bev, has been for very "boxy" speakers. Klipsch, Tannoy, LV - all more boxy sounding than most imo.
You seem to have jumped from very boxy to no box at all!

The speakers I set up recently were the Rega RS3's. I don't know if they are "more boxy sounding than most" ;)

07-10-2018, 15:31
Rega - yeah, quite boxy. But nowhere near as much as e.g. Klipsch Heresy.
You do have a strong preference for boxy sounding boxes, Bev!

And now, Maggies, no box at all!
I guess as a woman you are allowed to change your mind?
--- oops, am I allowed to say that in these PC-ridden days? :scratch:

-- my boxless Podiums arrive Thursday, btw.

07-10-2018, 15:44
"There is a middle ground, often addressed by an especially solid cabinet construction design,"

or....thin-walled speakers as well. Heavy speakers have been shown to resonate DESPITE the weight.
Letting the energy 'OUT' works, I guess in a sense, quasi-OB?

My Callopes seem to vanish-apologies for what has become a cliche.

Aye, true that.

Spendor and Harbeth take the thin-walled approach as well and achieve very low colouration levels - they do have dynamic problems though imo.

I was gob-smacked by the low level detail (and neutrality) of your Calliopes, Chris - just amazing, still the best I have heard in that regard, I think.

Rockport speakers (and Wilson) take the truly massive brick out-house approach to speaker cabs, and that can work very well. But you still don't get the truly boxless character of a panel, especially in the bass.

07-10-2018, 16:55
If you've 'landed on' a speaker you really love and want to settle with, but the coloration due to the box is a problem, as a one#off you can really eliminate most of it with careful use of internal wooden battpn struts and supports - which are not necessarily rigid, this improving lossiness.

I think that my own last attempt is pretty good, and I quote Arthur Koubessarian; "There is absolutely not box coloration".

The lossy approach compromises bass O/P and transience.

07-10-2018, 18:00
I think it's more a case that I just love the sound of Maggies rather than them being boxes or not to be honest :)

08-10-2018, 11:16
Panel speakers such as Magneplanar and ELS do not have 'cabinet' colouration but they do have their own set of colourations due to the panel material.

11-10-2018, 18:03
Have you received the Podiums yet Jerry ?

Yes, arrived today, Bev.


11-10-2018, 18:27
Nice Jerry :)

If they smell of my perfume please accept my apologies :doh:

What's your first thoughts on them ?

11-10-2018, 18:37
Nice Jerry :)

If they smell of my perfume please accept my apologies :doh:

What's your first thoughts on them ?

Panel Number 5? :rolleyes:

11-10-2018, 18:39
Panel Number 5? :rolleyes:


11-10-2018, 18:47
Yes, arrived today, Bev.


Does the cat know that these are not giant scratching posts? :scratch:

11-10-2018, 18:51
Panel Number 5? :rolleyes:


Actually no... Cacharel Lou Lou :D

11-10-2018, 18:53
If they smell of my perfume please accept my apologies :doh:

Ah, so that's why my wife was looking at me so suspiciously. :(

11-10-2018, 18:54
Ah, so that's why my wife was looking at me so suspiciously. :(

Indeed Jerry :eek:

11-10-2018, 18:59
Only handle a woman's goods if she uses same perfume as the wife

11-10-2018, 19:01
Only handle a woman's goods if she uses same perfume as the wife


11-10-2018, 19:48
Only handle a woman's goods if she uses same perfume as the wife

I am far from sure that Bev will let me handle her "goods". :o

Quick initial review .....

Quite lightweight in tonality - bass is about equivalent to a not very big standmount box speaker.
Subwoofer needed, really - and I have a small one plumbed in now. It needs that little extra tonal weight in my system/room.

But very, very lucid and articulate.
And the soundstaging .... astonishingly good - 3D with excellent depth and image focus.
I find so far that they are best facing straight ahead.

I was trying out various 'test tracks' as one does .... then I just settled down with one of my favourite albums, and got carried away and submerged in the sheer musicality of it. Which is what matters, imho.

It took a couple of hours, or more, of listening to start to adjust to the presentation, which is quite individual..

So, yes, a very good start. I look forward to the coming days of re-exploring music Podium-style!

11-10-2018, 19:54
I am far from sure that Bev will let me handle her "goods". :o


It took a couple of hours, or more, of listening to start to adjust to the presentation, which is quite individual..

Yes the Podiums are indeed "individual".... they sound like no other speaker I've heard

Enjoy Jerry....;)

12-10-2018, 07:49
Jerry, do tell, we're all on tenterhooks (whatever they are)...

Sent from my BLA-L09 using Tapatalk

12-10-2018, 07:56
It took a couple of hours, or more, of listening to start to adjust to the presentation, which is quite individual..

When I owned mine they were alongside my Hedlund Horns with Lowther DX4 drivers. Just imagine my 'period of adjustment' :)

12-10-2018, 08:08
Jerry, do tell, we're all on tenterhooks (whatever they are)...

Sent from my BLA-L09 using Tapatalk

i wont bore you, but my gran had a tenter:D

12-10-2018, 19:28
Oh dear, I must be more catastrophic than I realised, I had to know more after your teasy reply, and find the origin quite interesting:


Woe is me[emoji21]

Sent from my BLA-L09 using Tapatalk

12-10-2018, 20:49
How's it going with the Podiums Jerry...?

I loved their very different sound

In the end I decided to stick with Maggies but if Maggies weren't available I would have stayed with the Podiums and been very happy with them

13-10-2018, 05:20
Hi Bev

I now have two Podium threads going - that's too much for my small brain to keep track of, so I've reverted to my own system blog in the Gallery section!

My latest comments on the Podiums are here -- https://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?1236-New-speakers-and-amps&p=1020673#post1020673 :)