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13-08-2018, 01:10
Greetings and salutations everyone. Hope you all can hear my smile. I'm at a point where I can start thinking about building a Stereo/AV system where I can enjoy streaming music from Tidal/Roon, playing my old CDs and hopefully dust of the old records and have spin. Currently I'm on a search for a DAC and AV processor to complete my system, which leads me to registering on this forum. Theres a DAC that I'd like to purchase. I have a chance to try out the NADAC in a week or so, and I have my brothers Canary Tube dac for comparison. If anyone has had a chance to listen to a Lampizator with SF speakers, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks.

13-08-2018, 06:51
Hello Jay, Welcome to AOS.

You might want to look through the Digital Expressions section or even starting a thread there and asking your questions.

There's a lot going on here, so just join in any chat that interests you.

Enjoy the forum,