View Full Version : Thorens 203 on uneven surface?

12-08-2018, 23:10
I plan on putting a Thorens 203 with Ortofon blue on a natural stone surface (cleaved slate), so super solid, but a bit uneven, and maybe not 100% flat. Does the Thorens 203 have height adjustable feet? If not how do you adjust it so that it is perfectly level, both x and y? Sticky felt pieces, like floor protectors under the feet of furniture?

13-08-2018, 07:09
There's no need to get obssessive about levelling a turntable, just as near level as can be managed will do. I suspect the feet on your Thorens may not be adjustable, so do as you suggest and pack under them if need be. Why not use black 'craft card'? It does not really need to be adhesive, as once you have the turntable set up, it is unlikely to be disturbed often so the packing will stay where it's been put.

Audio Al
13-08-2018, 07:36
I think you can get 3 footed platforms with some leg adgustment , maybe stand it on one of those

13-08-2018, 14:20
Refreshing to hear NOT to obsess! I found leveling platforms on turntablelabs site, and also some adjustable feet only on eBay
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Turntable-suspended-isolation-Leveling-feet-foot-Load-Set-of-4-Black/222785252767?hash=item33df092d9f%3Ag%3A618AAOSwWnB Zyp4D&_sacat=0&_nkw=turntable+leveling+base&_from=R40&rt=nc&LH_TitleDesc=0

Good to have options.