View Full Version : Heatwave

27-07-2018, 15:04
Anyone noticed any effects on their Hi-Fi gear in the heat?

27-07-2018, 15:09
Mine shrivelled up years ago[emoji23]

27-07-2018, 15:23
Mine shrivelled up years ago[emoji23]


27-07-2018, 15:27

Mmmm. Not the sensible response i would have hoped for. Suppose i deserved it so i'll add a word to the sentence by way of edit.

27-07-2018, 15:32
Can't say I have noticed anything but I've not had a chance to do much listening recently.

I think warm weather is supposed to improve performance, doesn't warm air conduct sound better or something? And warm speakers should have less stiction I think. but I doubt it improves things to a degree where anyone could tell the difference.

27-07-2018, 15:41
The only thing I have noticed is the preamps and phonostages, which are left on 24/7, are warmer than they would normally be. So too are the power amplifiers after a listening session. In this weather I abandon the Levinsons, which being pure class A, have an enormous heat dissipation - fine in the winter, but not in the summer! When I am at home my system can be in use for up to 10 hours a day.

Can't say I have noticed any audible difference though.

27-07-2018, 15:57
Not Hi-Fi, but I have noticed that the fans on both my PC's are running non-stop when they're on.

27-07-2018, 16:28
I noticed some extra bass boom this morning but then I realised it was thunder!

27-07-2018, 17:09
I noticed some extra bass boom this morning but then I realised it was thunder!

Did it sound delicate?

Pigmy Pony
27-07-2018, 18:05
Might get some 'Midnight Lightning' tonight.

27-07-2018, 18:18
I noticed some extra bass boom this morning but then I realised it was thunder!

Perhaps strangely and not joking I thought I perceived a little bass softening!

AD Audio
27-07-2018, 18:25
More effects on me than the gear! With valve amps and fans going in my workshop I end up with a gentle basting!

27-07-2018, 21:03
Did it sound delicate?

Very good.

28-07-2018, 13:34
Very good.

No wonder it took me a while to get this I simply haven't got enough Floyd in the house (hint Mr Petch)

Jac Hawk
28-07-2018, 14:45
Hot noticed any difference however all my gear is in my basement room which seems to stay nice and cool:):)

28-07-2018, 15:54

31-07-2018, 23:07
Can't say I've noticed any difference to be honest, mind you the Naim's run pretty cool anyway and I don't drive them hard at all

I've just ordered a portable air con unit for the house though as it's supposed to be 'hotting up' again soon... :)

Pete The Cat
06-08-2018, 19:29
Sounding like the letters page of Record Collector ca 1980...one thing to watch for is that album sleeves don't get stuck to each other, for example residue from a sticker becoming tacky again due to the heat, then inadvertently tearing an adjacent album sleeve when you take it off the shelf. I've managed to bond The Clash and Cocteau Twins (the mind boggles) and I'm going to have to separate them with a hair dryer.


08-08-2018, 10:00
I noticed some extra bass boom this morning but then I realised it was thunder!


08-08-2018, 16:05
Very good.

I'll see what i can do young Staff.

plastic penguin
09-08-2018, 08:40
Nah. That's joy of having a A/B class amp. Although it has played havoc with my FM tuner.

09-08-2018, 10:00
The power supply of my phono stage blew a capacitor. It wasn't that well ventilated to be fair - heat related or coincidence?

Mike Reed
09-08-2018, 11:28
Although it has played havoc with my FM tuner.

In which way, as my NAT 01's signal and stereo lights didn't work the morning after two lots of rain (after 7+ weeks of drought). Only works in mono now. I suspected the aerial cable but things now do point to a tuner fault. Bit of a coincidence, though, after 19 years' trouble free ownership.

plastic penguin
09-08-2018, 13:45
In which way, as my NAT 01's signal and stereo lights didn't work the morning after two lots of rain (after 7+ weeks of drought). Only works in mono now. I suspected the aerial cable but things now do point to a tuner fault. Bit of a coincidence, though, after 19 years' trouble free ownership.

The signal. Where we live in the Surrey Hills, signal for the tuner and Sky box isn't great at the best of times, but in extreme weather it's frustratingly bad.