View Full Version : Stranger Alert: new poster has joined this forum and may be in your street.

25-07-2018, 08:09
Hello older and (probably) better members,
I have joined this forum to blatantly plagiarise those good ideas others have had while at the same time nurturing the (possibly forlorn) hope of being able to contribute.

I have enjoyed music, of all genres, throughout my life. I might also be guilty of enjoying looking at the devices to reproduce the music more than the music itself; indeed sometimes I even listen to them. This is ironic since I have long since lost the ability to hear anything above about middle-C, having misspent my yoof working in a very loud industrial area. The devices I currently support are:

Audiolab 8000 series pre- and power amps
Cambridge Audio 640P phono pre-amp
Rega Planar P7 with Dynavector DV-20X2 Lo cartridge
Nakamichi 482 cassette deck
Spendor SP100 speakers
Arcam Alpha 9 CD player

This last device has just disappointed me: I've only had for it about 20 years and it has failed already; any suggestions on a replacement of similar ability that I can afford, being a pensioner of limited financial stamina?

(That's quite enough. Ed.)

Spectral Morn
25-07-2018, 08:45
Welcome to AoS :cool:

Audio Al
25-07-2018, 11:42
Oh No not again , Someone left the back door open and you got in :doh:

Only kidding welcome and enjoy your time here , SOME = very few still indulge in cassette players , I do

Have fun :D

25-07-2018, 12:03
Hi Tony

Completely agree about the cd player only lasting 20 years, absolutely shocking lack of quality.

25-07-2018, 20:03
Welcome to AoS Tony,

Sorry to learn of your hearing loss and that you cannot really hear anything above middle C (261.63Hz). That must seriously curtail your enjoyment of music; but not you rather dry sense of humour.

Some nice gear you have there.

Enjoy the Forum

26-07-2018, 06:31
Hi Tony, well living in Winchester...and if you're close to the cathedral must be the cause of your downfall over the years :lol:


26-07-2018, 07:03
Hello Tony. Welcome to AOS.

Lovely set of speakers you have there. You're not the only one around with compromised hearing.

There's a lot going on here, so just get involved and chat with the members. They're all friendly.

If you want to discuss CD players, you could start a thread in the Digital Expressions section.

Enjoy the forum,

26-07-2018, 08:23
Hi Tony and welcome to the forum.
Nice intro!

This last device has just disappointed me: I've only had for it about 20 years and it has failed already; any suggestions on a replacement of similar ability that I can afford, being a pensioner of limited financial stamina?

Well, I've just picked up an Arcam DV147 player - struts its stuff with DVD, CD and SACD. And it sounds great and looks superb in black - and I got it for a nifty £106 on eBay, which is fairly typical and absurdly low for the quality on offer. If that suits your budget then set a fleaBay watch for one! :)

26-07-2018, 10:23
fantastic , we were at winchester cathedral for ordination of a friend , what a fantastic place and the organ and music out of this world .

Patrick Dixon
26-07-2018, 10:57
Winchester .... nope, not in my street, although I did live in Middlebrook Street for a while.