View Full Version : FS WD WD88VA Single Input Power Amp

02-04-2010, 13:06
Hi guys,

This is a great amp that I'd rather not part with but its just collecting dust so seems a real shame just to have it sitting here. I now use my DIY Poweramp all the time as it really gels will with my system.

This was the integrated version but to be fair the rather basic passive volume control was a weak point in a good amplifier. I removed the volume pot and switching circuit and replaced the original face plate with the maple one that you can now see.

I still have the original face plate, Alps Blue volume pot and switching circuit if the buyer wants them. All they would need to obtain is the switch and phono sockets which would not be expensive if bought from somewhere like Rapid Electronics.

I'm looking for £700 + delivery but its fairly heavy so collection welcome.:)

EDIT - I'll put some pics on shall I! Oh poo, I forgot to mention I have almost a full compliment of valves - I'm short on one Svetlana KT88! It got broken while in storage. no one has admitted it yet but someone bloody done it.


The Vinyl Adventure
02-04-2010, 17:23
Shame, we could have worked out some kinda swapsys for some lenses or camera if I had known...

02-04-2010, 18:06
NNNOOOOOOOO!!! Typical aint it!!

A few years ago I sold my astronomical telescope. I mentioned to a guy who I spend around 9 hours a day 5 days a week in an office with that I had to pack it up at lunch time and arrange a courier because I had sold it. He then said if he had known he would have bought it from me immediately!!

The Vinyl Adventure
02-04-2010, 18:09
Yeah sods law indeed... Ultra wide and a prime maybe? ;)

02-04-2010, 19:30
... Ultra wide and a prime maybe? ;)

Aww, you know how to proposition a girl, don't you! I bet you say that to all of them.;)

The Vinyl Adventure
02-04-2010, 20:20
Well actually...:lol:

04-04-2010, 08:53
Hamish, if it was before I had bought the camera gear it would have been a go'er but now I need to re-coup a little cash as well as let it go to a good home.

The Vinyl Adventure
04-04-2010, 10:20
... I had guessed as much .... Are you exited about the new lenses?? I think your gonna like the 85 micro, the main thing that biggs me about my 60 mm (apart from me being shit at marco photography) is the slow af - I just use it on manual but it would be nice if it could keep up with what I'm trying to do

Here's some inspiration for ya, if you like photos of scary looking bugs...
He's a mate of mine, and is becoming recognised as a leader in the field - writes for magazines etc very clever man! http://www.ephotozine.com/user/alliec-44084

04-04-2010, 11:16
The one of the dew drop with the flower refracted is just astonishing.

The Vinyl Adventure
04-04-2010, 11:27
some of his stuff takes such a high level of skill it boggles my mind... he uses canons x5 mag lens with a 2x lens giving him depth of fields of fractions of mm's, he then takes maybe 10 photos, focusing slightly ferther forward or back.. then layers the photos on the computer to achive deeper depth of field! he is a true master of his art!

04-04-2010, 13:29
Nice pair of joggers there, Paul, hanging on the radiator in the second photo! :eyebrows:



04-04-2010, 16:54
I think it will be a long time before my photography will be anywhere near as good as that, it it gets close at all. Stacking the photos must take a while, Its real hard to manipulate photos with that much detail without them looking artificial. I'm looking forward to the lenses coming, in particular the macro. I just need tripod, I used to have a very basic one but remember it was only 1.5 meters high fully extended and the pan and tilt head was a bit light weight. I'll will certainly need a sturdy one.

Marco, Yep that's a pair of my running shorts, white with pink flowers panelled down the sides. I just can bring myself to wear those terrible skin tight running trousers that the other runners wear in town. I also don't use one of those water bottles you see runners holding. I'm quite sure I can survive in town for 1/2 hour without drinking...... Oh just don't get me started........................

The Vinyl Adventure
04-04-2010, 17:07
We do some pretty decent slik tripods - their pretty much as good as manfrottos but cheaper... Else the benbo range are exceptional for macro work - which we also do giz another buzz at the shop on Tuesday and il let you know our prices if you like