View Full Version : Complete system for sale

19-07-2018, 22:04
I've decided to downsize my system to some active monitors and a diy streamer/dac (Pi based) so am selling what I have left.

DIY Bastanis Wildhorn - built and owned by myself for 3 plus years, made from 25mm Birch ply and from the period when they had the treated drivers and this pair has the £600 upgrade Gemini tweeters. Lots of people have heard and enjoyed these, a hifi dealer said he'd have to spend £8k+ to equal or beat them, a TNT reviewer spoke highly of them in his 2015 review of the Scalford show. 100db bottom loaded horns, unfussy about placement and prefer valves, they can show up poor sources and will reveal poor recordings (they don't make them unpleasant but you're aware of all of the kit downstream). They've filled large rooms but also work well in my 14' by 12' living room. They cost me a lot to build and I'll probably regret selling them but I have other fish to fry. Price is £1100 collected from Sheffield, demo with your amp is welcome.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4172/34651360356_cbf0ae51ac_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/UN2hcw)

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3677/19661907031_41c10a2d4a_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/vXspX6)

DIY SE EL84 amp - but from Alan (Firebottle), I replaced the volume pot with a Blue Alps but other than that the 5W per channel has provided wonderful, room filling music with that distinctive bass attack EL84 amps have. £220 collected from Sheffield, will do a deal if you want the speakers as well.


DIY DDDac 1794 with Pi based I2S internal steamer and a SPDIF connection for CD player. It has a good 5v PSU with r-core transformer for the Pi streamer and a Salas LV shunt for the dac and mainboard. Has Lundahl transformers and sounds amazing, comfortably bettered the £800 dddac competitor available from a small manufacturer (and this has £200 of Pi, reclocker and psu in it) at a bakeoff. Cost me over £850 to get it to this point and is in a nice hifi2000 black case, demo (whilst I have the kit) is welcome. I'm wanting £650 collected.

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2841/32620528723_d7c591533a_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/RGyJH2)

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2829/32591732714_676d86e476_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/RE29E7)

The wiring and position of the Salas shunt has been changed to make the wires much shorter and neater since this image.

SALAS Simple Folded Phono stage - Nice DIY phono, JFET based, easily matches £1k plus stages. Built in to two cases it's a dual mono design that has been optimised for the AT OC9ml/ii cartridge I'm selling. It has 62db gain and loading can be changed by dip switches from 40 to 47K. Bits alone cost £400 ish, looking for £250 collected.

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/899/27943074417_36cd4924a7_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Jzeyv8)

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1751/42094368744_254ec8a126_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/278JDhm)

AT OC9ml/ii - my favourite of the 3 oc9's made, still for sale at over £350, this has a maximum of 400 hours, probably a fair bit less, my vinyl was kept clean and stored in anti static sleeves. I used one of the dust busters (I think that's the name) rubber cleaners after every LP so it should be in good condition. Can't currently find the packaging but will sort something out. £100 collected, add £5 for P&P.

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1825/29080886798_37a26cb3ab_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LiM9tY)

I'd take something like ESI Unik 08's as PX.

19-07-2018, 22:13
You need better pictures of the speakers Des. The right way up too.

19-07-2018, 22:27



19-07-2018, 22:33
OK, I give in! :)


19-07-2018, 22:48
I'll do some in better light tomorrow

27-07-2018, 13:51
Phono stage sold.

Cartridge Sold (if I can find the box).

Reasonable offers welcome on the rest. I'll do a decent discount for the whole lot.

28-07-2018, 16:43
PM sent re dddac

29-07-2018, 16:31
PM sent

03-08-2018, 12:56
DDDac sold with deposit paid.