View Full Version : Hello

11-07-2018, 15:28
Hi just joined, not much to say about myself, over 50, live in Brum don’t understand all the fuss about the PC thing! I will admit I do get very angry and annoyed with it , I even swear sometimes, especially when it won’t print over Wifi
My best mate is my wife, we like beer, local music, more beer, and sometimes we have a meal and I have a beer and the wife has a gin and tonic.
Have tickets on the table to see Aussie Pink Floyd and Fish at Leamington Spa for Clutching At Straws, You must be all bored by now!

All The Best
08 shunt

11-07-2018, 19:48
Welcome to AoS Steve.

PC - is that 'Personal Computer' or 'Politically Correct'? Either drive me round the bend at times! :doh:

What is the rest of your system?

I like beer as well,

Enjoy the Forum

Pigmy Pony
12-07-2018, 06:22
Hi just joined, not much to say about myself, over 50, live in Brum don’t understand all the fuss about the PC thing! I will admit I do get very angry and annoyed with it , I even swear sometimes, especially when it won’t print over Wifi
My best mate is my wife, we like beer, local music, more beer, and sometimes we have a meal and I have a beer and the wife has a gin and tonic.
Have tickets on the table to see Aussie Pink Floyd and Fish at Leamington Spa for Clutching At Straws, You must be all bored by now!

All The Best
08 shunt

Welcome Steve,

Don't worry about US being bored, it's you that's going to see Fish! Only kidding, and when I saw Aussie Pink Floyd a couple of years ago, thought they were great, sounded more like Pink Floyd than Pink Floyd! And they'll probably sell beer there, if that's your thing :)

Nice to come across someone else who struggles with PC stuff. Maybe we should start our own little corner, call it the 'Pen and Paper Club'.


12-07-2018, 07:23
Hello Steve. Welcome to AOS.

I hope you enjoy yourself here, there's plenty going on.

Tell us what equipment you use in your Hi-Fi system.

Enjoy the forum,

14-07-2018, 06:40
Hi to all

Post 2 Take your pick

Post 3 I would miss the spell cheaker

Post 4 Nad cd521Bee + x2 china fi pasive preamps(need to sell one) + Abrahamsan 4.0 UP power amp + Epos Epic 5
with Van Damme + Cable Talk 3(I do like this stuff , works for me )

All The Best

14-07-2018, 15:01
Welcome. Never heard a pair of Epos speakers but they are on my “want to listen to” list. Looks like a great company with good products.