View Full Version : WANTED: Goldring 1042 Stylus (D42)

09-07-2018, 15:08
Long shot I know, but it's worth the ask. A few years ago I bought this cart from a fellow AoS'er.

After an unfortunate incident involving some sticky stuff, a loupe and me being borderline visually impaired, the stylus is KIA. I was almost KIA when I saw the price of a replacement :eek:

Does any happen to have either a D42 stylus or a 1042 cart with stylus they're willing to sell? Obviously I'd rather buy just the stylus, but I'm equally happy to buy the whole setup and maybe move the cart on.

10-07-2018, 13:48
Forgot to say I'm also scoping the horizon for an Ortofon OM 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 (stylus only).

Again, if anybody has one they no longer need to prop up the corner of their bookshelf...

10-07-2018, 17:27
Styli are still available new you know ;)

An OM Super cartridge would be a little more subtle away from say, a Rega deck than a stock OM body, but to do full justice to the 30 and 40 styli, I'd seriously make sure the body was a 'Super' one first, as highs are really a fair bit cleaner. An OM10 in basic body is a brightly lit rough old nail now and the 20 can be too if you ain't careful...

12-07-2018, 06:49
I know they are available - just trying to save ££ :)

Fair point about the OM Super. I inherited an OM 5 cart/stylus with a Sony TT I picked up for £30 at the charity shop, so am looking to experiment, hence not wanting to spring for new stylii.

12-07-2018, 14:55
I've got an complete 1040 cart & stylus sitting forlornly on the shelf if you're interested? It's the earlier version of the cart with a Van Den Hul profile rather than the Gyger-S. It's not had much use as I have some nice MC's, only really being used when I fancied a play with something different. Would take £100 delivered?