View Full Version : Hello again. I hope everyone is well.

01-07-2018, 19:14
Well it’s been a while since I was last here, so I just wanted to say hello.

Unfortunately, work and family complications (mostly now back on a even keel) have kept audio enjoyment to marginal time (and money) only.

I’m trying to make a bit more time for it and just wanted to see how you lot are doing.

Looking forward to getting back into the discussion.

All the best


01-07-2018, 20:33
How's it going, Steve? Long time no hear! Hope you're going to stick around :cool:


01-07-2018, 21:16
I certainly plan to! ��

Current audio dilemma is that my NAD M2 has packed up and is with Sevenoaks for an attempted repair, which not looking good at the moment.

If it turns into a £5k brick after only 7 years of ownership, I will be gutted.

Already looking around for backup options.

04-07-2018, 05:40
Hi Steve

Good to 'see' you here again.

Sorry to hear about your NAD. Bummer. Hope it works out.

04-07-2018, 07:05
Hi Steve, good to see you back.

I'm sure the NAD can be fixed, if Sevenoaks can't do it there will be someone who can.

04-07-2018, 17:54
Welcome back!

The Black Adder
04-07-2018, 18:02
Welcome back, Steve.


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