View Full Version : Wanted: A pair of Tannoy Cheviots

21-06-2018, 14:27
Time for a change of direction from KEF's and Spendors....Looking for a pair of Tannoy Cheviots could be good or bad, let me know what you have and price...awaiting PM's....

21-06-2018, 14:40
There's a mint pair on ebay Don. They need surrounds, but it's a straightforward job for somebody a bit handy. They're in Glastonbury.

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pair-of-Vintage-Teak-Floor-Standing-Tannoy-Cheviot-HPD-315A-Intergrated-Speakers/232808302545?hash=item363474c7d1:g:idkAAOSwBXhbJRa l

21-06-2018, 14:52
Hi Geoff, hope ur keeping well...yes saw them..undecider, as you can pick up a "Sorted" pair for about £850 -£900 or spend about £750+ on a pair that needs re-foaming...£100 per speaker from Wembley...that includes VAT of course.
I could do them myself, but i'd probably fudge them up...hey ho..

21-06-2018, 14:55
According to a guy over at Pinkfishmedia Wembley can fudge a refoam job too. They messed up a driver of mine as well.

21-06-2018, 14:57
I should start offering a refoaming service! :D

21-06-2018, 15:05
Ah..Squire, are you willing to re-foam my surrounds? How many gold coins should I thrust upon your sweaty palm?

I should start offering a refoaming service! :D

21-06-2018, 16:18
Ah..Squire, are you willing to re-foam my surrounds? How many gold coins should I thrust upon your sweaty palm?

I was not really serious, but might consider doing some as long as the coils and cones are sound.

21-06-2018, 17:01
I offer a Tannoy refoaming service a damn site better than Wembley or Lockwood, I'm on the Wirral but someone nearer may suit you better as you'll save on shipping costs.


21-06-2018, 23:38
Cheviots turn up quite frequently on ebay I've noticed, and of course the bargains all need re-foaming, but don't let that put you off. The most important thing is that the drivers are good, the foam is fixable.
I got my pair from a fellow AoS member for 850, recently refoamed by Lockwood, but you'll be doing well to find that price on ebay for a refurbished pair in good nick. I'm not saying you won't be able to but these days even the "selling my grandad's speakers" types seem to know vintage Tannoys are worth money. They probably google 'Tannoy Cheviots' and see the Legacys go for 5k new!

21-06-2018, 23:43
Gold Audio in London have a used pair of Cheviots in good nick and they only want 2500 for them (!).


If no-one here offers you a pair, my advice would be to bide your time, do an ebay 'saved search' on 'Tannoy Cheviot' so you get an email every time someone posts a new Chevy ad, and do the same on Gumtree, and you'll find a decent pair for a decent price before too long.

22-06-2018, 07:30
Gold Audio in London have a used pair of Cheviots in good nick and they only want 2500 for them (!).


Yes I've been in there a few times, to put it politely, his prices are optimistic!
To put it frankly, his prices are just bonkers!

Vinyl turner
22-06-2018, 08:08
Yes I've been in there a few times, to put it politely, his prices are optimistic!
To put it frankly, his prices are just bonkers!

I also believe this is the 'set' used in the Barclaycard advert on TV - the one with the the older guy pretending to do the DJ 'scratching' thing on some vintage decks !

I'd like to take a look around the place and see what they have but doubt I'd be buying.

22-06-2018, 08:38
I also believe this is the 'set' used in the Barclaycard advert on TV - the one with the the older guy pretending to do the DJ 'scratching' thing on some vintage decks !

I'd like to take a look around the place and see what they have but doubt I'd be buying.

It's a bit of an Aladdin's cave set up, I'm sure there are interesting bits and bobs, but the prices make one recoil.
I came out into the sunlight on my last visit pretty angry shaking my head and mumbling something obscene.
Although, of course it's ones prerogative as a business owner, to Charge Like a Wounded Rhino!! Not my scene.

That said, they are making a fist of it and have been there a long while, so clearly people do part with the hard earned.

Vinyl turner
22-06-2018, 09:58
It's a bit of an Aladdin's cave set up, I'm sure there are interesting bits and bobs, but the prices make one recoil.
I came out into the sunlight on my last visit pretty angry shaking my head and mumbling something obscene.
Although, of course it's ones prerogative as a business owner, to Charge Like a Wounded Rhino!! Not my scene.

That said, they are making a fist of it and have been there a long while, so clearly people do part with the hard earned.

Kinda goes with the TV advert really:- the aspirational aspect of life, no need to worry (or think too much) just use the 'plastic'.
I guess virtually everyone on here is a genuine hifi enthusiast, for all the right reasons and with a degree of sense. Whereas, the current 'trend' to be into vinyl is just a fad and therein lies a market that is happy to have the trappings and less worried about the cost, although possibly without the time to research, both in equal measure.
Their stuff could be back on the market when the next fashion kicks in.

Anyhow, apologies to Don for crashing his thread ! :wave:

22-06-2018, 10:09
I also believe this is the 'set' used in the Barclaycard advert on TV - the one with the the older guy pretending to do the DJ 'scratching' thing on some vintage decks !

I'd like to take a look around the place and see what they have but doubt I'd be buying.

By coincidence I was there when they did one of the Barclaycard shoots. They asked me to leave (politely) as I was holding up the shoot.

It's a bit of an Aladdin's cave set up, I'm sure there are interesting bits and bobs, but the prices make one recoil.
I came out into the sunlight on my last visit pretty angry shaking my head and mumbling something obscene.
Although, of course it's ones prerogative as a business owner, to Charge Like a Wounded Rhino!! Not my scene.

That said, they are making a fist of it and have been there a long while, so clearly people do part with the hard earned.

Oh, over the years I have bought bits and bobs from them. Ben, the owner, is a mine of information and is flexible on pricing. But yes they seem to have gone overboard in the past few years with their pricing. Especially with high end good names (e.g. Tannoys) where the price sought can be 2 or 3 times what you can get them privately for.

22-06-2018, 19:25
No worries about crashing...

I live just down the road from Audio Gold...I recall their original shop (many moons ago) was situated closer to the Clock Tower at Crouch End, North London. It was brimming with hifi Exotica....It was a close call to the beautiful Blue fronted Vintage Hifi shop in Bell St. London...Now, that place made me feel like a little boy in a sweet shop! I loved that shop...and the guy who ran it was a true gent! You'd go there with some kit, and the guy would swap for other kit ...with a little cash on top...we were spoilt..and just up the road from him closer to the main road was another Vintage Hifi shop...a miserable git ( I think he's still there) who wanted 2x more for the same kit...
Back to Audio Gold... their prices were more reasonable back in the day...since moving to a converted bank Barclays bank..(ironic) their prices are ridiculous.. but who are we to judge as we don't pay their rates and we don't pay their staff. I do believe in pile em High and sell them cheap ...I'd rather have throughput than sit on something for six months waiting for the right idiot big come along and buy it and ludicrous price.. ok add £50 above the going rate but not double or treble......leaves a sour bum note on the palate.. Rightly so, this shop is for people who are not familiar with hifi and people that are familiar with hifi would not go to that shop to buy..just look.
On that note I can close this thread as I have picked up (today) a pair of Super Gold Monitors sgm 12x that don't need refoaming... so thank you for your offer Jeff but I'll decline on this occasion! If anyone has any background knowledge/experience on these.. I'd like to know... this discussion might have to be moved to another forum.....Marcoooooooooooo

22-06-2018, 19:33
I have picked up (today) a pair of Super Gold Monitors sgm 12x

Nice. You should like those Don. They have a driver closely related to the ones in my Cheviot Mk.II speakers. If they sound anywhere near as good they'll be superb.

Oh. And the guy in Bell Street was Denys Trickett. I knew him well.

22-06-2018, 19:38
That's right..That's his name!....bloody hell...6 degrees of separation!
Cheers Geoff!

22-06-2018, 19:40
I knew Les of RTVC just up the road too. I expect he's still about, but Denys died many years ago.

22-06-2018, 19:45
Here's the spec for the SGM 12X. https://www.gearogs.com/gear/60484-tannoy-sgm-12x

The main difference between the 3149 driver in them and the 3128 unit in mine is the cone surround which is a foam roll, yours have the stiffer pleated fabric items.

22-06-2018, 19:50
Nice. You should like those Don. They have a driver closely related to the ones in my Cheviot Mk.II speakers. If they sound anywhere near as good they'll be superb.

Oh. And the guy in Bell Street was Denys Trickett. I knew him well.

Wow - a name from the past! Did various work for me and got a few bits from him as well. Was over here a few times helping me out setting things up. Always generous with his time. I think he must have passed on by now as he was quite elderly when I knew him (early 90s). There was a guy who worked with him (from the carribean?) - I wonder where he ended up.

Nice find Don. What amp you gonna drive your new Tannoys with? If you up for it, lets have a Tannoy and amp back-off one day.

22-06-2018, 21:34
Edward, that could be possibility...

I'm spoilt for choice, but right now just running a simple S100 Omniphonics Research amplifier re-capped etc (Paul Hynes) + Unknown Valve pre (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?58902-Info-needed-on-this-obscure-Valve-Pre-Amp-Sound-Design-Studio) with new NOS Valves (Give my Epoch Elite a run for it's money)..and Rotel 855 Lamp'd by Alan Ballagh (http://theartofsound.net/forum/member.php?871-Dawg)(Top Bloke..wil convert your Rotel 855/955 CD player from Christianity to Oblivion!!) I've got an Art Audio Quintet waiting to be Triode up North...Croft 4s on the boil..and a Tannoy SR 840 on the back burner..(actually was speaking to the designer of the 840 this evening)....and a bucket load of Refurbed Lencos that are not moving at the mo...what weapons can you bring to the table Sire?

22-06-2018, 21:44
If you ever get the opportunity, try one of these. Bloody remarkable sounding amp!


Vinyl turner
22-06-2018, 21:51
No worries about crashing...

On that note I can close this thread as I have picked up (today) a pair of Super Gold Monitors sgm 12x that don't need refoaming... so thank you for your offer Jeff but I'll decline on this occasion! If anyone has any background knowledge/experience on these.. I'd like to know... this discussion might have to be moved to another forum.....

I'll keep an eye out for that post - interested to see what you got :eyebrows:

22-06-2018, 21:56
Edward, that could be possibility...

I'm spoilt for choice, but right now just running a simple S100 Omniphonics Research amplifier re-capped etc (Paul Hynes) + Unknown Valve pre (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?58902-Info-needed-on-this-obscure-Valve-Pre-Amp-Sound-Design-Studio) with new NOS Valves (Give my Epoch Elite a run for it's money)..and Rotel 855 Lamp'd by Alan Ballagh (http://theartofsound.net/forum/member.php?871-Dawg)(Top Bloke..wil convert your Rotel 855/955 CD player from Christianity to Oblivion!!) I've got an Art Audio Quintet waiting to be Triode up North...Croft 4s on the boil..and a Tannoy SR 840 on the back burner..(actually was speaking to the designer of the 840 this evening)....and a bucket load of Refurbed Lencos that are not moving at the mo...what weapons can you bring to the table Sire?Woo. Lots of weapons you have Don. The Tannoy amp looks the biz.

From my side we could shoot the Tannoy Eatons or Kudos with either the Radford STS25 or a Sugden Masterclass or one-off KT88 amp (triode or Pentode modes). Choice of Preamps. Currently the Radford is out on loan and the Sugden with Sugdens being upgraded. Sugden will be back soonish.

We could have a riot. :)

Via Tapatalk

22-06-2018, 22:15
[QUOTE=walpurgis;988843]If you ever get the opportunity, try one of these. Bloody remarkable sounding amp!

Geoff, I'm sure it's a blinder, but my school of thought is power power power...look at the power supply of my SR 840...(they actually demo'ed this amp driving a 110v drill from the speaker binding posts!) Tamed mosfet beast from the eighties!

22-06-2018, 22:21
We could have a riot. :)

Via Tapatalk
This could be the battle of the Muswell! (That's the area between Edward and me..)
Got a couple of projects to clear up next month but August looks good......but I'll PM you to organise...

22-06-2018, 22:30
Sorry Frank, didn't acknowledge your post, but great to know there's a speaker pro in the Wirral...your services would probably be a darn sight cheaper than down south..!

22-06-2018, 22:35
[QUOTE=walpurgis;988843] my school of thought is power power power...look at the power supply of my SR 840

I've been down the 'overkill' huge MOSFET amp route. I actually find 25 watts of pure Class A works just fine with Tannoys. After all, the sensitivity is 93/94 db.

I had this New Audio Concepts 'Legend' P300 power amp for years.


22-06-2018, 22:53
I stand corrected, but since I had direction from my hifi Guru's over the last 15 years, the general consensus is that power is not a bad thing......

22-06-2018, 23:03
Cheers Don, I was beginning to wonder why I even bother to post here lol.

23-06-2018, 08:26
This could be the battle of the Muswell! (That's the area between Edward and me..)
Got a couple of projects to clear up next month but August looks good......but I'll PM you to organise...

Ooh can I come?

Vinyl turner
23-06-2018, 09:52
This could be the battle of the Muswell!.......

Nice if it had been The Battle of Epping Forest ! = ;)

23-06-2018, 13:46
Nice if it had been The Battle of Epping Forest ! = ;)

I'm in on a get together tooo!