View Full Version : FS: Audiosector Patek v2 Amplifier

13-06-2018, 10:55
This is the next item in my overseas relocation sale. This item is hard to let go. Those in the know will appreciate the quality of this compact amp and the reputation of its designer and fabricator, Peter Daniels (Mr Audiosector).


Those who are not familiar with this item can find the reviews on Google.

I bought this direct from Peter Daniels at his home in Mississauga just south of Toronto. It is a later model (June 2011) and features a solid aluminum case rather than the mesh top ones used in the earlier models. Apart from preventing dust ingress, the thick top block of aluminium also aids heat dissipation. It also has a higher spec 240v power supply which is larger than the standard one. In fact, the power supply somewhat dwarfs the power amp.

It has been in the cupboard for more than 5 years, since I bought my Magneplanar 1.7 speakers. It sounded sublime with my Reference 3a de Capo speakers as it did with my 40 year old Rogers LS3/5a monitors. I would not recommend it for use with very low impedance low efficiency loads but it will drive most speakers with superb control. It has been described as valve like, which I would endorse, and I know of those who have replaced very expensive valve amplifiers with this amp.

I am looking for £725 collected.I am happy to demo, ideally with buyers own speakers.


14-06-2018, 07:43
Review of Patek v2 here


16-06-2018, 20:59

18-06-2018, 22:00
Final bump before this goes on evil bay!
