View Full Version : Wanted: remote volume active pre-amp.

08-06-2018, 10:14
I've a Schiit Saga passive pre at the moment, and it's great!
But for some reason I have a hankering to have an active pre as well. :mental:

So, What Have You?

Solid state, valves, hybrid - all may be of interest.
Must have remote control of volume.

Preferred colour - black (to go with my Trigon monoblocks)
Preferred price - up to a max of around £1250 (less is OK).

PMing me might be best.
Offers from dealers welcome.

08-06-2018, 14:43
Jerry - drop John/Jhud a pm and see if he still has his Herron pre amp for sale. Absolutely up your street, a real Jerry pre

08-06-2018, 14:55
Jerry - drop John/Jhud a pm and see if he still has his Herron pre amp for sale. Absolutely up your street, a real Jerry pre

Thanks Jake, but I can't find him on AOS as jhud - maybe he sues another ID here?
I've sent him a msg on the Wam, but he hasn't been on there for a month or so according to his profile.

... ah, he's on here as JonH.
I've found the ad from last October - must have gone by now?

08-06-2018, 15:03
Xiang is last session, maybe, but this (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/XiangSheng-728A-Hi-Fi-12AT7-12AU7-Tube-Pre-Amplifier-Audio-Pre-Amp-Valve-Preamp/272445419535?hash=item3f6f03300f:g:A7oAAOSwXtNacnt k) looks good. No R/C though.

08-06-2018, 15:07
Xiang is last session, maybe, but this (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/XiangSheng-728A-Hi-Fi-12AT7-12AU7-Tube-Pre-Amplifier-Audio-Pre-Amp-Valve-Preamp/272445419535?hash=item3f6f03300f:g:A7oAAOSwXtNacnt k) looks good. No R/C though.

Hmm yes, nice I'll bet.
But remote is essential. It won't last long without - I've tried before, no go.

08-06-2018, 15:23
Hmm yes, nice I'll bet.
But remote is essential. It won't last long without - I've tried before, no go.

I agree especially in my case, but you're a bit closer.;)

Jake's reco looks better, really, if it is still hanging around.

08-06-2018, 17:20
silly question this but wouldn`t it be better to get the active version of the saga if you like it ?


its one pre on my list

08-06-2018, 17:32
I have a MicroZotl that I may part with Its a headphone amp 1watt integrated or pre amp with 3 inputs and remote for volume control. Outboard Linear PSU I was using it as an integrated into my Avantgarde Horns and it was truly excellent. Not tried it as a pre though. Have a mix of valves for it best ones with the Avantgardes were the Valvo 801s Pinched waists also enjoyed the Siemens 801s. The amp driving a pair of Horns won best sound at show in a high end US Audio Show.

Based on a David Berning design I believe

08-06-2018, 20:44
silly question this but wouldn`t it be better to get the active version of the saga if you like it ?


its one pre on my list

That's what I have, Phil.

It's a valve buffer, not a pukka active valve pre.
Tbh it sounds best in pure passive mode to my ears. The valve just makes it a bit vaguer sounding. I rolled it a bit, ending up with a Brimar as the best. Still not as good as the passive option, though!

08-06-2018, 20:53
I have a MicroZotl that I may part with Its a headphone amp 1watt integrated or pre amp with 3 inputs and remote for volume control. Outboard Linear PSU I was using it as an integrated into my Avantgarde Horns and it was truly excellent. Not tried it as a pre though. Have a mix of valves for it best ones with the Avantgardes were the Valvo 801s Pinched waists also enjoyed the Siemens 801s. The amp driving a pair of Horns won best sound at show in a high end US Audio Show.

Based on a David Berning design I believe

Thanks David, but Ive decided to go with Jon's
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com%2F--O1Hmo9dLNk%2FTjDHly93ELI%2FAAAAAAAAAC8%2F4Y3YZfX3G zk%2Fs400%2Fheron-2.jpg&f=1

Yes, I know it's got 2 Rs not 1 ;)