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View Full Version : Some new toys at Jerry's Place!

25-05-2008, 08:40
First off, some really nice little mini-monitors from Accuton - the folks who make those pricey but nicey ceramic drivers that High-Enders like Kharma and Marten use. And what do you know - these have ceramic mid/bass drivers and tweeters too. :smoking:


And you might just notice my new Krell KSA50 sneaking into the pic! A real eBay bargain, the Krell. Won it for £435 - collected it last Tuesday. Recent full service - pretty near Minty for a 27 year old amp. Fantastic sound, too - the bass the Krell coaxes out of the Accuton minis is awesome. I thought my REL subwoofer was still on - it wasn't!

And here's a pic of the Krell's innards, for those that like naked photos ...


And last but not least, my latest speakers - collected these yesterday ....
