View Full Version : Hello

17-05-2018, 17:04
I'm from Norway. I love music and most people who knows me would call me an audiophile I guess.
I prefer two channel stereo with the possibility to play a little loud with very good and deep bass.
For the moment I have the Focal Alto Utopia speakers connected to a Musical Innovation Mi pre-amp and amp.
Weird enough I'm still stuck with CDs. I can not relax with streaming and such.
So therefore I use a B.M.C dac 1 and a BDCD1.
I also built 4 diy subs with the Infinity Kappa 120.9 12" subwoofers for the lowest frequencies.
I really listen to all sorts of music. But prefer jazz for relaxing.
This is not my first system. Back in the 90's I also had a big system. For 4 years I also worked in Norway's biggest store. Oslohificenter.
In 2000 I sold everything except from my CDs that I stored in boxes.. In 2015 I bought a surround system. Thinking it must be good enough. Boy....I was wrong.
Advice: Do not listen to a good system if you can not afford it!! My music was buried for 15years only to show me that I can not get comfortable with cheap stereos.
Well ..now I'm comfortable with the sound. But still want more...
Thanks for accepting me
Regards Tommy Fredriksen [emoji6]

18-05-2018, 07:17
Hi Tommy. Welcome to AOS.

There are many who don't use streaming and are happy with records or CD, so you are not alone.

If you want to discuss developing your system, why not start a thread in the Blank Canvas section and outline your ideas.

There's plenty going on here, so just join in any chat that interests you, everybody is friendly.

Enjoy the forum,

18-05-2018, 08:34
welcome tommy.. enjoy the forum:)

18-05-2018, 10:18
Thanks [emoji3]
