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07-05-2018, 08:19
I was reading threads here about SL1200 bearings, and have decided to join the forum since there are so many enthusiastic contributors!

So bit about myself.... I have a SL1200 with out-board power supply, SME IV and I recently found a second hand IanMac bearing. Amplifier wise, I have a Lavardin IT and that has replaced various tube amps (single ended and push pull). I have large 3 way horns that are a Bruce Edgar designed DIY affair. I've had the horns for the last 8 years and really like them.

I listen to a lot of American music, jazz, blues & country etc, world music and classical. So I don't really have a strong music bias.

07-05-2018, 08:46
hi Greg, welcome to AoS:)

07-05-2018, 09:06
Hello Greg. Welcome to AOS.

You'll find no shortage of SL-1200/SL-1210 info here. I assume you've looked at the Techiepedia? http://theartofsound.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?46-The-Techiepedia

I'd like to try a Lavardin amp myself. Show us a picture of your horn speakers, they are interesting.

Just join in and chat with everybody, we're all friendly.

Enjoy the forum,

07-05-2018, 16:57
thanks Geoff,

I missed the Techiepedia so that will be next!

RE: Lavardin, it is a great amp that is worth listening to if 50 watts is no problem. How do you post pictures?


07-05-2018, 17:38
Welcome to AoS Greg.

Interesting system you have there. I also would like to try out a Lavardin amplifier.

To post pictures you need to have them stored on an image hosting site, that allows third party posting (which now excludes the avaricious Photobucket). Go into your image hosting site, select the photo you want to post, click on "properties" and copy the url. Then paste the url into your post here, preceding the url with "" and terminating it with "".

Commend you on your broad tastes in music. :)

Enjoy the Forum

(You might find this link useful, although the information regarding the use of Photobucket is now out of date. http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?2-How-to-host-and-embed-images-in-your-posts)

08-05-2018, 06:31
thanks Barry,

here are some photos of my horn system from a few years ago:
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Tu1SlWkbC4RKvgxTlxyetSqUYRVkD1ZQs56m_IVMpATXZYDde0 FP3_KU7h-YKQK4Z0jHfJQCKgNPOfezSOOHjWkdIxbfqj5OzOtltQdZdwoLg LwIXQHltlPJVXCihnm4ydgrjc5Yn0pm25iqY6FFs8DU6yDzLM1 Js83Z0tuM1LqEfJlr7v3ckMUBlRONhh2_Gr1Bb_ChPWgY8VsDD i8H7A7XDJnWALsyzXHIayQbBIm-SUe85tz1M8d2KUFM046wBnC1-BJ-2WFbr2Z2H7OhvfervlTXieMIjXQIkAVhql1IPErIiGv8IQFdNt 8UqhoNS5cuXBA47VGRNjVFg3LM7uIGoiL5f6SeNuQJ_XEtEgFX aO99H1fMlNlUcdS-WvGfE45rU1UO5CAhuiXtVjjQEGZsuo_M7O2R-VNFl7VYrSGnxWk1yFJWmHTYpci30PPjSP1IzsrpDEv0sa-dtkQt0PqYBBHu_djrFldkCD1qWL6qWxdLUvFfniFOIV9zQOoAh 1E-cJhl3EQdQHvakFKShiGeZqngs1wZ9_jWf3Yu5ZrIVVHRlKlMb5 hGrN7Akku5MU2kREFgcpXeU5-GZ1lyyI9RbW9AKjqC8FwoOw=w943-h708-no
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/PsOrIYTW3Fb2GrtA50VimMgdBhF8oyPbqQ5dt-s9ZctfxG6FEc_BIDAlyYWFpm8S7iAhpc5UwmSwc2Q-AC9rJD5JqW39bYdAFCrdQg54ZG1AOZrXG63ozVYvII1ym_x-__6z9xbLFQbSEA4w2a2LjkcJxjKPTBnj7mlPZqOp2s_LVxmLuW k_K_2-G1WjdEy3iEX8wzVJO60DH-5NikNf_suEQE8C5HRzUr7tKme4SQtfzxCzGgDqxsG7cNZKbwOM n8eYMe7TOyJ8Lnjf4BDbwo-vA0_G2Z54nkd6O4ry6Ca2XWKs3L8o6LcXoWZKjDcMzhl_pOtnh aj18s_fCs4HdIaA42IKT7I5rJHaUZPbExR6f3Lvz7IKpABA4xh LTvn5V64U0dWfc8hvqiIBhAMrPSYfRv3ksv2Sluae7dee8goqb 6u9uSsFLRmMlXaIbbzL6b-dXz1zDa0hFcF12QtDV-d0m3H4o3lT1lMhzcaO2_nTEq7RT4pZi_LRugeHBY3QFR8aCxDl aqzNw5ONAn0htUjHvIgZ4GpAHUWqxhDVFiOJgVxDYY8eLFVuRf H0diu5KP-U8yL0TmdvM48hQlgDXwU9a9FxHJggbFHGxA=w943-h708-no
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These photos are a little out of date but you get the idea.
Edgar Monolith bass horns, 15 inch JBL 2220 bass drivers, 40 - 400Hz.
Edgar Midrange horns, currently JBL 2480 2 inch throat compression drivers 400 - 6000Hz
Tweeter, currently JBL 2404.
First order crossover for the Edgar horns and 3rd for the tweeter.

Heaps of fun!

08-05-2018, 07:36
Very interesting. I don't know Edgar designs. Silver wiring to the tweeter?

I like the dust on the turntable :). Every good turntable should be dusty, mine is.

What's the tonearm? It looks familiar, but I can't put a name to it.

08-05-2018, 08:18
yes that was silver wire. Its mainly Duelund 16awg wire now as I upgraded the crossover.

Bruce Edgar is an American horn designer that has published his designs for DIY. He has also published some great articles on horn design theory too.

I am pleased you like a little dust with your vinyl too. I no longer have that turntable but it was a PTP Lenco in a slate plinth with a Grace G-704 tonearm. Back then I had to build a cage around the TT to protect it from little wee people that liked to climb on furniture :bike:

08-05-2018, 08:22
And that's definitely not a Lavardin amp. Well, I've not seen one with EL34's in anyway. :)

08-05-2018, 08:38
thats a Dynaco ST70. It was great amp and I had it for years.

About 6 months ago a friend insisted I take home his Lavardin amp and have a listen. That resulted in selling off a lot of gear to finance a second hand one, so be warned. ;)

08-05-2018, 08:58
I should have recognised the ST70.

08-05-2018, 09:10
your another tube lover too.

08-05-2018, 09:13
I like them and decent solid state. Had many of each, but don't limit myself to one or the other. I have too many amps at the moment. Well, too much Hi-Fi altogether really. :D

09-05-2018, 00:46
I agree with you 100% when comparing tube gear and solid state. And I tend to collect amps, speakers, turntables, ...in fact anything interesting as well.