View Full Version : excellent preamp wanted

04-05-2018, 10:34
hi - has anyone got a mint audio note m3 upwards, shindo, kondo or mactone for a good price that they want to sell?

thank you

04-05-2018, 22:51
hi - has anyone got a mint audio note m3 upwards, shindo, kondo or mactone for a good price that they want to sell?

thank you

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05-05-2018, 08:55
good to have you , i am sure you have already looked at definative site but they do have a mactone pre


05-05-2018, 19:14
Thank you for letting me know Phil. I am hoping to buy privately so that it's cheaper than from dealers.

05-05-2018, 22:21
possibly but not always and you don`t get the back up you would from a dealer should things go wrong . kevin has some lovely stuff

06-05-2018, 08:30
possibly but not always and you don`t get the back up you would from a dealer should things go wrong . kevin has some lovely stuff

Especially when it comes to Mactone. Have heard anecdotal reports of reliability problems. Also I think that one at Definitive has been sitting around literally for years. I tried to get a demo of it around two years ago before buying the EAR 912.

Also - addressed to the op - it seems an odd way to pick a pre. AN AN-M3 is an entirely different beast to a Shindo for example (frankly I’m not the biggest fan of either, but for very different reasons) I think you might be advised to have a listen around first.

Lee Henley
06-05-2018, 10:10
FWIW I tried the AN M-3 with my AN Empress Silver Monoblocks, I didn’t get on with it in all honesty, felt that it bloated the sound too much in my system at the time, I ended up with the Hattor Passive Pre which for the money is a killer

06-05-2018, 13:11
one like this lee ?

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hattor-Audio-Passive-Preamplifier/152985028385?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.M BE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D50545%26meid%3Dc30de2512c174d6 ab859b7113e379088%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D 12%26sd%3D121875760583%26itm%3D152985028385&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851

not sure about price as this company on ebay [globalica ]tends to be expensive

did you import yours ?

Lee Henley
06-05-2018, 19:41
I imported mine from the manufacture in Poland, I have the Tekman Rey resistors in mine

The one on eBay is expensive for secondhand, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t pay much more for a new one

one like this lee ?

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hattor-Audio-Passive-Preamplifier/152985028385?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.M BE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D50545%26meid%3Dc30de2512c174d6 ab859b7113e379088%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D 12%26sd%3D121875760583%26itm%3D152985028385&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851

not sure about price as this company on ebay [globalica ]tends to be expensive

did you import yours ?

08-05-2018, 12:19
Not quite in the same realms as the list above, I have an EAR 802 pre which is available. It has been in my system for many years and has partnered various power amps. I see you have 300B Audion Silver Knight monoblocs from your intro post. I used to own a pair and ran them with the EAR to good effect. It most recently partnered a Border Patrol 300BSE.

Let me know if you want more info.

08-05-2018, 16:06
I imported mine from the manufacture in Poland, I have the Tekman Rey resistors in mine

The one on eBay is expensive for secondhand, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t pay much more for a new one

thanks lee

11-05-2018, 23:23
Thank you Rob for your help but I think I'll wait