View Full Version : Hello again everyone!

16-04-2018, 12:21
Hi all - Andy here...

After two years' inactivity I'm back online (Don't ask - Kidney stones are a vicious and unpredictable mistress).

So, about me - I'm Andy, I work in IT support and after living all over the place we settled in Kent ten years ago and have no intention of moving again. After finally defeating this last batch of stones I'm in the position to start contributing properly. I love music and that's where the Hi-Fi thing came from as a kid in the 70's (Babysittting for a neighbour who had a Rega turntable, Alba (!) amp and Leak 3050 speakers) - Everything frrom Henryk Gorecki to My Bloody Valentine, it's one of the only things in the world that has never, ever let me down. I'm also heavily into Motorbikes (Honda VFR800 VTEC right now) and have a thing for watches (Particularly 1970s LEDs recently, which I've become something of an expert on through attrition)...
Here are some pics - I've worked out how the hell to do it, these are a few years old and I'll sort some new ones for us...

Much love,
Andy ;o)


The system: Pink Triangle PT Anniversary / SME Series IV / Benz Micro SL Woodbody, Heed Obelisk Si II Phono / Heed Obelisk PAS / Heed Obelisk X2 PSU / Heed CanAmp, Celestion A3, Theta Pearl Transport / Theta Progeny DAC, Nytech CT206 Tuner, Apple iPod Touch 64Gb, Sennheiser Momentum 1.0 Smartphone Headset, Sony WM-D6C Professional, Sennheiser HD600

16-04-2018, 16:52
Hi Andy, being unwell really puts a damepner on one's enthusiasm not only for hifi but anything. Do you have any plans to change or expand on what you have already? Being in Faversham I suspect you might partake of the odd pint of Shepherd & Neame?

Roy S
16-04-2018, 17:52
Kidney stones are a vicious and unpredictable mistress

I feel your pain Andy, had some removed in 2015 and have an inkling they're making a come back :rolleyes:


17-04-2018, 07:56
Hi again Andy. Welcome back.

Bikes, watches and Hi-Fi I see. That will resonate with a few members here. Including me, I like the bikes and Hi-Fi and Grant (Struth) likes his watches.

You have some interesting choices in equipement. What plans do you have for the system if any?


17-04-2018, 09:05
Hi Andy, being unwell really puts a damepner on one's enthusiasm not only for hifi but anything. Do you have any plans to change or expand on what you have already? Being in Faversham I suspect you might partake of the odd pint of Shepherd & Neame?

Absolutely correct - I'm a fan of Late Red and Bishop's Finger. To be honest I'm so happy with the kit there aren't any plans to do anything else, not in the foreseeable future anyway....

17-04-2018, 09:08
I feel your pain Andy, had some removed in 2015 and have an inkling they're making a come back :rolleyes:


Oh God - I'll support if I can, the sad fact is that once you've had them you also have a 50% chance of them reappearing, and that's exactly what happened to me...

17-04-2018, 09:13
Hi again Andy. Welcome back.

Bikes, watches and Hi-Fi I see. That will resonate with a few members here. Including me, I like the bikes and Hi-Fi and Grant (Struth) likes his watches.

You have some interesting choices in equipement. What plans do you have for the system if any?


Hiya Geoff - Absolutely none, I like it so much that improving it wouls cost a hell of a lot more than I'm willing to pay!
The Heeds get people talking - They're not widely known in the UK and they're fabulous, if you bi-amp with them they're strong enough to keep the A3s (Which are a complete sod of a load) happy as well as taking advantage of the gigantic soundstage the Celestions give...

17-04-2018, 09:22
Yes, that should be a nice sounding set-up. It's a long time since I heard any of the A series Celestions. I recall them being decent.

17-04-2018, 09:55

Here's my office system - A little Philip Glass...

Spectral Morn
17-04-2018, 12:04
Welcome back to AoS :cool: